Faculty Forum minutes March 9, 2016

President – Dieter Steklis started the meeting from Tech Park at

PRESENT: Brown, Brandy; Citera, Barbara; Czerkawski, Betul; DeLalla, John; DiRoberto, Kyle; Erickson, Kathy; Johnson, Chris; Lutes, Todd; Mapp, Eric; McGee, Inger; Orozco, Rick; Parra, Ada; Seder, Laurie; Steklis, Dieter; Straight, Ryan; Tesch, Aaron; Torres, David; Trevino, Sandee; Xu, Li

ABSENT: Kralovec, Etta; Wittman, Romi.

GUESTS: Bechtold, Sara; DeLalla, John; Lagaurda, Christian

Agenda Item / Discussion Notes / Action / Person/s
Approval of Minutes / Approved online vote / Todd Lutes
Dean’s Report: / Report submitted.
A big thank you to Ike. Congratulations to Etta and Ellen for the NSF grant for NOYCE grant for teacher education.
Gave an update on the Dean’s Council. Reported on President Hart’s concerns and what she is moving forward with.
Jim believes we have an opportunity as an HIS branch campus to demonstrate some of the things we are doing well in terms of cultural competence.
Suggested to have Ashley Watkins and ASUAS take the lead on surveying our students re: their beliefs about how well UAS treat our students.
/ Jim Shockey
Associate Dean’s Report: / Thank you to Ada, Gamma Beta Phi had 22 new inductees. The highest number of inductees, so far.
Thanks to Inger for organizing the trip to the Gila River Indian Reservation Head Start. To talk about offering our Early Childhood program. The meeting was a great success. / Barbara Citera
Standing Committee Reports & Action Items:
Curriculum / Technology- Report submitted. Encourages everyone to join the meeting on March 22 to discuss what we would like to see in our learning spaces. Also working on resources for adjunct hires. A survey will be coming out.
Personnel- The annual reviews have gone forward to the Dean. The committee will have some recommendations going forward regarding different aspects of the annual review process.
Curriculum- Report submitted. Motion: to approve new curriculum items / Motion: approved unanimously / Chris Johnson
Betul Czerkawski
Kyle DiRoberto
Undergraduate & Graduate Reports / Undergraduate- Report submitted. No questions.
Graduate- Report submitted. No questions. / Todd Lutes
Rick Orozco
UAS Website Launch / Website committee gave a presentation on the new UAS website. From a survey sent out earlier to all Faculty, Staff and students. The committee analyzed the survey results and defined what and who the website is for. How the site will be developed and maintained and who is responsible.
Any corrections you see on the new website submit your changes to Brad Farris. / Ed Roskowski
New Business: / Aaron and Kyle will be this year’s faculty marshal’s. Linda and Chris J. will be the name card readers for graduation.
Outstanding student committee was formed consisting of Kathy, Chris S. and Laurie for this year’s awards.
The UGC committee position should be head of UAS Curriculum committee. Todd will put together a bylaw constitutional amendment to change the Curriculum committee chair to two year position to match the UGC.
Linda reported on her meeting with Elaine Marchello of OIA. She approved the BAS Core program outcomes and assessment.
Adjournment: / 11:45am

University of Arizona @ Sierra Vista Prepared by Deb Hoeft, Reviewed by Dieter Steklis