Committee: Council of the European Union

Topic: Border Control in the Age of Terrorism

Country: Croatia

Diplomats Name: Emily Davis

In northeastern Spain, there is a region called Catalonia. The 7.5 million people have their own distinct language. The Catalonia independence movement originated is a political movement that wants Catalonia to be independent from Spain. Currently the crisis is at a stalemate. It has been decided that the Council of the European Union needs to decide whether or not they should intervene.

Catalonia’s independence does not directly affect Croatia. It does, however affect the EU as a whole. If Spain agrees to their secession, not much will change for Croatia. They would stay in the European union and they would remain on the euro. The only thing that would change is Catalonia wouldn’t be paying taxes to Spain. If Catalonia becomes independent without Spain's consent, Catalonia, many things would change. For one Catalonia wouldn’t be apart of the European union. They would have to potentially change their currency, create new trade agreements, and pay tariffs. The remaining effects Catalonia’s independence would cause is untraceable. There are so many indecision that only time can tell.

Croatia, similarly to the majority of the European Union, believes that Catalonia should not be independent. When the Catalan parliament decided to declare independence from Spain, a letter was sent by Spanish authorities to the member states of the EU asking for them to issue a statement about the issue. In response, the government of Croatia stated that Catalonia declaring their independence was in opposition to the Spanish Constitution. Other than the statement explaining that they disagree with the independence of Catalonia, nothing else has been said or done on the issue.

Croatia's proposal is to remain with Spain’s right to sovereignty. Catalonia is part of their country, so they should be the ones to make the decision of whether or not they will support or let Catalonia become independent. Everything that might happen is all dependent on Spain’s actions, so they should be the ones to decide. It is believed that the use of dialogue with full respect of the rules of the law would be the best action. That way they can respect the voices of the people living in Catalonia. Ultimately, it is Spain who needs to deal with this, and the European Union should not interfere with the proceedings.