Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)

Schools may apply for courses with continuing education or avocational educational objectives to be included in the school’s scope of institutional accreditation only as allowed under Section I (B)(3), Rules of Process and Procedure, Standards of Accreditation and Section II (C)(1)(a), Substantive Standards, Standards of Accreditation (please review before submitting this application).

School # / Name of School / Main or Branch / City / State / Degree Granting
Contact Person / Phone / Email
Course Title / Instructional Clock Hours* / Proposed Start Date

* Courses may not exceed 300 instructional clock hours in length (Section II (C)(1)(a), Substantive Standards, Standards of Accreditation).

I certify that the information herein and attached hereto is correct and that these continuing education and avocational course(s) has not been described in the catalog, advertised or offered to students.

Name / Signature / Title / Date


1.  Electronic Submissions may not be transmitted to the Commission via e-mail.

2.  All electronic documents must be submitted in accordance with ACCSC’s Instructions for Electronic Submission. Submit the electronic documents to ACCSC using a CD, DVD, or flash drive medium that has been prepared using Adobe Acrobat software. A “Portable Document Format (.pdf) file” means that the electronic document has been assembled into one file, not a series of separate files.

3.  All electronic documents must include electronic bookmarks placed within the document in a manner that facilitate an easy and institutive navigation and review of the file.

4.  ACCSC has issued a module titled, Blueprints for Success Series: Organizing an Effective Electronic Submission. ACCSC encourages the school to review this module prior to submitting this application.More information is available under the Resources section at


1.  Processing Fee:

• Each School: $500

2.  If the state regulatory agency (or other applicable regulatory agency) requires approval for the course(s) to be offered, provide documentation from the agency. If the school requires Commission approval prior to state approval, please provide documentation demonstrating the school is currently recognized by the state.

3.  Explain the relationship of the proposed continuing education or avocational course(s) as related to the approved career-oriented vocational program currently offered at the school.

4.  Draft catalog presentation of the proposed continuing education or avocational course(s) as will appear in the applicable sections of the catalog and a demonstration that the proposed language meets the requirements set forth in items #31 and #32 of the ACCSC Catalog Checklist (Section IV (C)(1), Substantive Standards, Standards of Accreditation and ACCSC Catalog Checklist).

5. Draft enrollment agreement for the proposed continuing education or avocational course(s) and a demonstration that the proposed language meets the requirements set forth in item #29 of the ACCSC Enrollment Agreement Checklist (Section IV (C)(2), Substantive Standards, Standards of Accreditation and ACCSC Enrollment Agreement Checklist).

SUBMIT TO: Executive Director

Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges

2101 Wilson Boulevard / Suite 302

Arlington, Virginia 22201

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