1The Cemetery is open daily from 8.00am until 10.00pm or dusk, whichever is the earlier.

2.If you wish to make any enquiries or have any problems concerning the Cemetery, please contact the Clerk at the Parish Office, Hillside, Castle Donington.

3If anyone through infirmity is unable to care for a grave properly, please inform the Clerk who will make arrangements to help to keep it tidy.

4Please ensure children in the Cemetery do not run about or make a noise which may disturb other visitors.

5Please keep any dog in the Cemetery on a lead and make sure that it does not foul any of the footpaths or graves.

6Watering cans and water are available at the rear of the Cemetery House attached to the toilet block and at various other sites within the Cemetery.

7Please place all litter and dead flowers in the wheelie bins provided.

8 No graves or cremated remains areas may be pre-purchased and no plaques in Garden of Remembrance area may be reserved.

9Grounds maintenance work in the Cemetery is undertaken by outside contractors. The Parish Council will ensure that all grounds maintenance contractors appointed have in place appropriate methods of work and sufficient public liability insurance. Therefore, any damage caused to graves/surrounds/headstones whilst contractors are undertaking routine grounds maintenance will be the direct responsibility of the appointed contractors and not the Parish Council.

10The Parish Council will liaise and facilitate any necessary discussions between the offended parties and the contractors, assisting a satisfactory conclusion to any issue raised, as the Parish Council will ultimately have recourse with the contractor through the contract held in respect of the standard and competence of their workmanship.


1All arrangements for interments should be made with the Parish Council office staff. Please give at least two days’ notice. All paperwork is to be hand delivered to the Council Offices, Hillside, prior to any interment.

2Graves will be hand dug as double or single graves only. THE UNDERTAKER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE GRAVE DIGGER. No brick lined graves/vaults will be allowed.

3All fees must be paid to Castle Donington Parish Council prior to the interment or when gravestones etc are erected or altered.

4Written permission for all gravestones, monuments, memorials, inscriptions and re-instatements must be obtained by writing to the Clerk enclosing a detailed sketch, with any artwork, of the proposed memorial together with details of any inscription, colours to be used and quoting sizes. NAMM regulations are to be adhered to when installing and re-installing all memorials.

5Undertakers and stonemasons are not to carry out any work at the Cemetery without the prior notification to the Clerk to the Council.

6All the arrangements in the above Regulations are usually a matter for Undertakers and Monumental Masons and they are reminded that they must notify the Clerk to the Council prior to arrival at the Cemetery before carrying out any work. The Parish Council staff will not allow work to be carried out unless the signed authority of the Parish Council, to carry out the work, is produced.

7It is recommended that at least six months should elapse after interment before gravestones or monuments are erected.

8The Parish Council reserves the right to remove, lower or alter any gravestone or monument which, in the opinion of the Parish Council, is unstable or unsafe and prior to such work will cause a notice to be posted in the Cemetery for one month advising its intention so to do. The Parish Council reserves the right to remove anything placed on a grave which is felt to contravene Health & Safety regulations in respect of work to be carried out by the Parish Council staff.

9The Parish Council reserves the right to take any action necessary to ensure that the graves remain tidy. The Parish Council may request sunken or partly sunken gravestones, monuments etc. to be re-instated to the Parish Council's satisfaction and failing such re-instatement will take action as set out in Regulation 8.

10The Parish Council reserves the right to move any gravestone or monument to allow any necessary works to new or existing graves. In this instance, the Parish Council will reinstate to the original, approved condition.

11The Table of Fees shows the types and sizes of gravestones, monuments and memorials which may be erected or placed in the Cemetery.

12The only permitted type of monument/memorial is a traditional headstone or a headstone on a supporting base with or without a flower vase. All these must be in-line with current NAMM Regulations. All separate flower vases are to be on a supporting base against the headstone.

13Subject to Regulation 12, the Parish Council may consider any formal request to allow for additional adornments or ornaments to be placed on a grave. Each request will be taken on its own merit and will be time limited necessitating approval by Full Council.

14Monuments – See below for full details of sizes.

All monuments should be installed as per current NAMM Regulations.

All monuments should be at the head end of the grave.

All monuments should include on the rear, the name and address of the mason and the grave number

15No new flat stones or any kerb edges are allowed in the new part – bottom end – of the Cemetery.

16No dispensation will be given to Regulations 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 and any gravestone, monument or headstone wrongly erected will be removed unless re-instated in accordance with regulations within one month of the matter being brought to the mason's attention by recorded delivery post. The object of Regulations 12-15 is to ensure that the Cemetery can be maintained tidily, easily and economically.

17No shrubs, trees or any cultivation shall be allowed on any graves.

18 Only standard memorials, having been granted permission by the Parish Council, are to be allowed. No flower vases are to be allowed other than those described in Regulation 12. No adornments or ornaments are to be allowed unless subject to Regulation 13.

19The only ornaments allowed on the cremated remains area are a 18cm (7") square cube of white marble with or without integral flower vase.

20The only memorials in the cremated remains half plots arestandard headstones, appropriately sized and desk vases. No kerb sets, or body-slabs are to be allowed.

21The right to exclusive use of a grave extends to 50 years but the Council may extend such right to 100 years on the application of an interested party at the appropriate time.

Monument Sizes:

Earthen graveHeadstone including base shall not exceed 3’ in height. The base shall not be less than 2’9” in length and 1’6” in width.

Monuments with bases shall be fixed on a slab of stone or reinforced concrete not less than 4” thick and 3’6” long and of a width at least equal to that of the bottom of the base. (In accordance with NAMM regulations. A full copy of the regulations I held by the Parish Council for reference).

Half grave plot forHeadstone: 21” wide x 20” high x 3” depth placed on

Cremated remainsslab base 30” wide x 18” depth

orDesk vase: 12” wide x 4” high x 18” depth placed on

slab base (ground sunk) 13” wide x 19” depth

Cremated remains plotCube: 7” square

Garden of RemembranceMemorial plaque: 6” wide x 4” high x 1” thick

Please ensure that all the above regulations are observed as they will be strictly enforced by the Council.


Revised January 2018

P:\Documents\Cemetery\Guidance\2018\Rules & Regulations January 2018 ver 2.doc