Resources for Academic Success

Academic Advising

Academic advising is mandatory, once a semester, for all engineering students to register for classes. Advisors are available throughout the year to provide assistance and answer your questions. For a complete list of departmental contacts see:

Undergraduate Advising & Academic Support: 1131 Glenn Martin Hall, (301) 405-9973,

Advisors provide an array of services to assist undergraduate engineering students in their academic and personal development. While our primary service is individual advising for current undergraduate undecided engineering students, we assist all engineering students with concerns including: university policy interpretation, course selection, adjustment issues, academic concerns, and career decision-making. We also provide advising for lower-level engineering courses & CORE, orientation for freshman & transfer students, engineering degree requirements, transfer equivalencies, academic probation (CARE), and graduation


Tutorial Database:

This is UM’s comprehensive tutorial database, designed to assist you with academic success strategies.


Keystone courses include, ENES100, ENES102, ENES220, ENES221, ENES 232, ENEE204. Tutoring is available!

HelpME! Center: 3109 Glenn Martin Hall,

If you’re looking for help with your courses but can’t attend office hours, Teaching Fellows (TFs) are available to assist you Sundays and Wednesdays, 5-7PM. TFs can assist you with many courses, including upper level courses! Assistance availability depends on TF availability. Check CANVAS for the schedule!

The Writing Center: 0125 Taliaferro Hall, (301) 405-3785,

For free assistance with any undergraduate writing assignment, head to the Writing Center where trained consultants offer suggestions to help you improve your writing.

MathNet Test Bank:

Archive of past mathematics exams.

Department of Mathematics: 1115 Mathematics Bldg, (301) 405-5053, Tutoring is available for a variety of lower level math classes.

Math Success: Oakland Hall, (301) 314-7344

Looking or help outside of traditional office hours? Math Success is open 6-9PM Sunday through Thursday! Here you can get assistance with learning course material, join collaborative study groups, or use the space as a math study group location.

Slawsky Physics Clinic: 1208/1214 Physics Bldg The Clinic rooms are open from 10am to 3pm, Mon. thru Fri., during the Fall and Spring semesters. The Physics Department, with help from volunteer senior professional physicists, established this unique activity designed to improve the student's skill in solving physics problems.

University Honors Program:

Tutoring in a wide range of subjects is available for all students. At the beginning of each semester, the Honors program seeks Honors students who are willing to offer free tutoring on campus in one or more of the lower level classes.

Study Skills/Time Management

Learning Assistance Service: 2201 Shoemaker Hall, (301)314-7693,

The academic support unit of the UM Counseling Center, Learning Assistance Service (LAS) exists to help students achieve their academic goals by providing a range of services including workshops. All LAS services are free to UM students. You may meet individually with one of their counselors who will help you explore your academic strengths and needs and help you develop a plan to meet your goals. Contact LAS to schedule an individual appointment.

LAS also provides help with study skills, time management, test preparation, grammar review, and some specialized help in learning. Here is a list of one credit courses taught by LAS (classes might not be offered every semester):

• EDCP108B: College and Career Advancement: Reading and Study Skills

• EDCP108C: College and Career Advancement: Choosing a Major

• EDCP108G: College and Career Advancement: The Transfer Student in the University

• EDCP108I: College and Career Advancement: Academic Transitions to Internships

• EDCP108J: College and Career Advancement: Job Search Strategies

• EDCP108M: College and Career Advancement: Math Study Skills & Building Confidence

• EDCP108N: College and Career Advancement: Diversity Issues and Academic Strategies for Success

• EDCP108R: College and Career Advancement: Returning Students

Career & Academic Enrichment Choices

Engineering Co-op & Career Services: 1131 Glenn Martin Hall, (301) 405-3863,

Cooperative education is an optional academic program that combines classroom theory with career related work experience. This office assists students with summer and part-time job searches, mock interviews, resume critiques and salary negotiation.

Engineering International Programs: 1131 Glenn Martin Hall, (301)405-5342,

This office provides students with the opportunity to gain international engineering experience by studying and conducting research abroad.

Engineering Minors:

Minors afford students the opportunity to pursue a limited but structured concentration in a coherent field of study outside their major.

University Career Center: 3100 Hornbake Library, (301)314-7225,

The Career Center helps students identify career interests, explore academic majors, and access career information (such as education required, job outlook, and average salary). They also have written information and a computer database listing off-campus, on-campus, and summer jobs.

Special Populations

Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering: 1131 Glenn Martin Hall, (301)405-3878,

The center is dedicated to increasing the recruitment, retention, and graduation rate of African American, Hispanic American, and Native American students majoring in engineering and the sciences. The Center services include: mentoring, special programs, outreach, and support of student organizations.

Women in Engineering: 1131 Glenn Martin Hall, (301)405-3931,

This office is dedicated to increasing the recruitment, retention, and graduation rate of women engineering students. Services include: mentoring programs, research fellowships, conference funding, workshops, and seminars.

Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE): 1101 Hornbake Library, (301)405-5616, OMSE offers a variety of services and programs to enhance the learning experience and promote the academic success of undergraduate students. These services include free tutoring for specified subject areas as well as study groups and mathematics review sessions.

Personal Wellness

Counseling Center: Shoemaker Hall, (301)314-7651,

The Center provides assistance with issues including coping with the transition to the university, improving motivation, addressing dependency issues, managing stress, and balancing family and school responsibilities.

University Health Center: (301)314-8180,

The Center provides health care and wellness programs to promote health and support the academic success of UM students.

Campus Recreation Services: 1115 Eppley Recreation Center, (301)405-PLAY,

CRS offers a wide variety of programs and services which contribute to the health and well being of UM students, faculty, and staff. These include aquatics, fitness programs, intramural sports, outdoor recreation, and sport clubs.

Updated: 9/17/2014