Speech Social Media

Pull up a chair, get on your computer and hop on an online website. Get ready for the journey of the online game…, Social Media.

Good morning Mrs Neems, Mrs Nicols, Mrs Thornton and 6 Blue……

From you snuggling into your bed, to you on a train to Newcastle, you always hear a beep, clink or a ching from your phone can you guess it? It’s from Social Media. Social Media can be interactive, worldwide online websites that allow people, companies and other organisations to share, create and exchange information. Social Media is a good idea for getting together with old friends or family, but these websites can also be DANGEROUS, they can get you bullied or into trouble and may lead to some big fights. But we all have our own reasons for using social media. Some of us like to browse other people's status updates and photos, while others use it as a way to vent their emotions. So, is Social Media good or bad?

In 1971, the first email was delivered. More than 40 years later, Social Media has improved.

Social Media websites and apps such as Facebook and Twitter are now used by 1 in 4 people worldwide.Social Media apps including Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, Skype and several dating sites are used everyday by people across the world.

Social Media can connect you with some old friends or relatives that you haven’t seen for a long time.This strategy can feed your happiness levels, make stronger bonds and arrange catch ups. This is a good way to be able to share photos and videos with other people and get support from someone if you are struggling or having a hard time and need advice.

Some Social Media sites are also made for sharing your true passion and make friends that like the same things.These Social Media sites can brighten up your day while also teaching you 1 or 2 things you never knew. You can also play online games, as well as connect to celebrities and family members.

Social Media can also help with your career or business, or help search for one and can also give you information on your friends and family. Social Media can make us laugh and cry with happiness and even shop to buy important needs, as well as wasting time, all at the same time.

You can share pictures and videos easily and make your life seem AMAZINGLY good. Social Media also can keep us informed and ‘’up to date’’ to help us stay in touch with the ones we love somewhere else in the world. Finally, Social Media can show the world who you really are.

So, on the bad side, how does Social Media affect our mental health and wellbeing?:The main reasons we use this ‘’Social Media’’ for is for self-distraction and boredom relief. Some studies even show that, using Facebook and other Social Media sites may even make us miserable.

These Social Media website activities may seem harmless, but some researchers suggest Social Media may affect our mental health and well-being.

Facebook and other sites change our behaviour into checking them every day, in fact this behaviour is so common that researchers have created a scale to measure Facebook addiction known as the Berge Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS).

Scientists have learnt that socially insecure and anxious people are more likely to use the Social Media apps more. From these studies, it appears that many users who are addicted to Facebook use the site as a way of gaining attention and boosting their self-esteem, while scientists have suggested that Social Media sites feed your anxiety levels and increase the feeling of inadequacy.

But, if you meet the wrong person on Social Media you could end up seriously injured or emotionally hurt and could lead to depression and other worse things.

Even recent statistics show that 63% of American Facebook users log on to the site daily, while 40% of users log on multiple times a day.

Social Media apps force you to give out your personal information that include: your location, your phone number, your name, your age and your Email which you may not want to give away to others and especially strangers who you don’t even know.

There have even been people who have met up with strangers they have made online, and the person had lied about their identity, and have hurt or even killed a person who has trusted the things they have read.

But are these excuses over exaggerated? Or should we be limiting our use of Social Media? What do you think?