WG2: Judicial-Legal: Berlin Meeting

COST IS1402: Ageism from a multinational, interdisciplinary perspective

Minutes from WG 2 Judicial/Legal Ageism: The Berlin Meeting

The 2nd meeting of the Work Group 2 (WG2) of the COST action IS1402 on Judicial/Legal aspects of Ageism took place on September 10-11 at the Dietrich Bonheffer Haus Hotel, in Berlin, Germany. The list of attendees and working agenda are as follows:


Chair: Prof. Israel (Issi) Doron / / University of Haifa / Israel / MC Member
Chair: Ms. Nena Georgantzi / / National University of Ireland Galway/ AGE Platform Europe / Ireland / WG chair:
Ms. Marijke De Pauw / / Vrije Universiteit Brussel, / Belgium / MC Substitute
Martina Axmin / / Lund University / Sweden / WG member
Dr. Rosie Harding / / Birmingham Law School / UK / WG member
Dr. Felipe Temming, / / Koln / Germany / WG member
Ms. Bridget Sleap / / HelpAge international / UK / MC Substitute
(But not on the list of the COST website)
Dr. Benny Spanier / / University of Haifa / Israel / MC Substitute
(But not on the list of the COST website)
Prof. Barbara Mikołajczyk / / University of Silesia, Katowice / Poland / MC Substitute
(But not on the list of the COST website)
Eugenio Mantovani / / Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), / Belgium / WG member


Day 1 = Thursday, September 10

Day 1: 15:30 – 17:00:

Introduction: Issi

Issi – Short update on the OAS + OEWG developments

All participants: Self presentation + updating current research and activities;

Barbara – Ageism versus Dignity = thoughts and discussion;

Marijke – Interpreting the EcoHR and rights of older persons;

Felipe – Age discrimination in Germany and Europe;

19:00 = Dinner together (for our group)

Day 2: Friday, September 11

9:00 – 10:30:

Short intro on "Self Identity" and Surnames…

Martina - Presenting by the "Swedish Team" + its different research projects + discussions and potential cooperation

Bridget – Short updates on the UN developments;

Nena – Short updates on the EU developments;

10:30-11:15 Coffee Break

11:15 – 12:45: Practical planning for the future & actual decisions

1.  Discussion on our book;

2.  Discussion on our conference;

3.  Discussion on a "Special Issue" in a scientific journal;

4.  Discussion on a session for the Law and Society meeting in USA;

5.  Discussion on a session for the IAGG & GSA meeting in San Francisco;

6.  Discussion on our internet-based course (MOOC) ;

7.  Discussion on our web-site;

8.  Discussion on joint research-proposals

9.  Discussion on our bibliography:

Afternoon meeting: Full COST meeting: Issi shortly presented a summary of WG2 discussions + Nena presented new development on the EU level.

Part 1: Introduction & Personal Background

The Chair of the WG2, Issi, welcomed participants and explained that way the meeting will be held. Time was first given to allow members of WG2 to introduce themselves and their work in the field of ageing.

Part 2: Presentations and Updated by Group Members

During the Thursday afternoon session and Friday morning session, the following presentations were made:

Barbara presented her article regarding the interconnection between the concept of "dignity" and the human rights of older persons;

Marijke presented her article regarding Interpreting the European Convention on Human Rights in light of emerging human rights issues concerning older persons;

Felipe presented his insights re his research in the field of age discrimination and court rulings in this field by the ECoHR and ECJ;

Martina made a broad presentation regarding the rich activities of the "Swedish" team in Lund University and the Norma Project (presentation enclosed);

Bridget described the recent developments at the UN level regarding the move towards a new HR convention for older persons – in general, and the new report of the Independent Expert in specific (the new IE report is enclosed);

Nena presented the recent developments at the EU level regarding the rights of older persons.

Action points:

- All presenters will circulate their presentations (see emails to the group)

- The following documents will be sent to all members:

The Chicago Declaration: http://www.jmls.edu/braun/pdf/chicago-declaration-v11.pdf

The Independent Expert on HR of older persons 2015 report on care and autonomy: http://ap.ohchr.org/documents/dpage_e.aspx?si=A/HRC/27/46

The European "Aging Report": http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/european_economy/2014/pdf/ee8_en.pdf‬

AGE factsheet on flexicurity (2007): http://www.age-platform.eu/images/stories/EN/pdf_AGE_factsheet_on_flexicurity_final-2.pdf

Part 3: Future Actions of WG2

During the third part, specific actions and projects were discussed as to how to start and produce concrete outcomes out of our actions.

List of Operational Decisions

Immediate/short term

Book Chapter for the full COST book:

o  Issi has submitted a chapter proposal. This proposal will be sent to all participants. Those who would like to join this chapter – update issi; Those who would like to submit a new/different chapter – should do so immediately.

Book on "Law, Aging and Ageism in Europe"

o  Timetable for the book:

§  End of September = decision regarding participating in the book + proposing the subject of the chapter;

§  End of September 2016 = submission of 1st good draft of chapter;

§  End of 2016 = finalizing internal review process and revisions + submitting draft of full book to publisher.

o  All those willing to participate in book to send a proposal of subject of the chapter by end of September 2015

Session proposal for the coming New Orleans Conference of the American Law and Society

o  Issi will distribute the "call for abstracts" of this conference; Group members who are planning to attend + would like to present as part of a COST session = please send an update;


WG2 Conference on Law, Aging and Ageism:

o  The Swedish and the Belgian Teams will think and decide about their willingness and ability to host a small/mid-size conference dedicated to the topic of "Law, Aging, and Ageism" – that will present our group's actions and activities. The conference should be around the first half of 2017;

Online course on "law, aging and ageism": The WG will continue to explore the possibilities in this course of action.

o  Rosie & Martina will check the willingness and possibilities of their academic institutions to "host" this online course and the technical and financial implications.

o  A draft of the structure of the course will be sent again + people are encouraged to submit their proposals for specific "classes".

General + Long-term

-  Bibliographical list:

o  The draft of the existing list will be sent again; Members are encouraged to update and send more info and references;

-  Web-site:

o  Materials from the WG, including minutes of meetings will be posted on the COST web-site;

-  Research proposals and Special Issues in academic journals:

o  Group members are encouraged to share and submit joint/collaborative research proposals in our field + share knowledge about new calls for special issues;

o  For updates on ongoing calls for proposals on ageing you may visit: http://www.age-platform.eu/age-publications-and-other-resources/call-for-proposals or subscribe to AGE monthly newsletter, through this link: http://www.age-platform.eu/news-press/coverage

-  Provide an online training (via coursera or another platform) on European perspectives on Law, Ageing and Ageism - either as part of or separate from a general online course on ageism foreseen in the Action’s workplan.

o  Such a course could target legal professionals, wider public and/or NGOs/active seniors who want to improve their capacities to use the existing framework and litigate in European and international bodies.

o  The idea of such course is supposed to fill in the existing gap in including ‘elder law’ in legal studies curricula; the lack of understanding of legal professionals of ageing and older people; the lack of awareness of older people and their representative organisations of the rights and how to advocate through legal mechanisms

-  Alternatively or as a complement to the above suggestion, to organise in collaboration with the Academy of European Law (ERA) a training on age discrimination and ageism in the EU (targeting judges, lawyers and legal scholars)

-  Work towards the elaboration of an index on the rights of older people

-  Do a comparative study on international standards, soft law, and domestic protection of older people in national courts

-  Publish on or undertake a project on ‘re-writing’ judgements based on older people’s human rights perspective

Action points:

- Members need to decide regarding their participation in the book chapter to the COST book;

- Members need to decide regarding their participation the WG2 book;

- Members need to decide regarding their participation in the Law & Society Conference in New Orleans

Next meeting

The next meeting will take place in Prague between 28 and 29 April 2016. This meeting will be an opportunity to prepare WG2 contribution to the COST mid-term conference to be held in September 19-20 2016 in the Netherlands as well as follow up on the above action points. A draft agenda of the meeting of will be circulated to members soon.

Action points

Chairs to circulate information and agenda about April meeting in Prague and conference in the Netherlands as soon as possible