
Oceans 11 Quiz #2: Ocean Topography, Water & Salinity

Name: ______Date: ______Block: _____


Choose the correct term that goes with its definition. Value: 10

Place the correct letter in the space provided. Not all letters will be used.

1.  ___
2.  ___
3.  ___
4.  ___
5.  ___
6.  ___
7.  ___
8.  ___
9.  ___
10.  ___ / When water changes from a liquid to a solid.
When water changes from a solid to a liquid.
Water that is collected beneath the Earth’s surface.
When water changes directly from solid to a gas.
When water changes directly from a gas to a solid.
The shapes, patterns and physical configuration of the ocean surface.
Water falling from clouds; rain and snow are examples.
A Y shaped device used for finding ground water.
The amount of dissolved salts in water.
All of the water found in lakes, streams and rivers. / A.  salinity
B.  sublimation
C.  evaporation
D.  witching rod
E.  precipitation
F.  melting
G.  freezing
H.  ground water
I.  transpiration
J.  surface water
K.  condensation
L.  ocean basin
M.  ocean topography
N.  frost formation


Choose the best answer for each question and write the corresponding letter in the space provided. Value: 5

  1. What is the average salinity of the ocean?

A. 41 ppt B. 300 ppt C. 35 ppt _____

  1. Which body of water has the highest salinity?

A. Red Sea B. Dead Sea C. North Sea _____

  1. What gives the ocean its salty taste?

A. Magnesium (Mg) B. Calcium (Ca) C. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) _____

  1. Why do the continents heat up faster than the ocean?

A.  water has a higher heat capacity B. water has a lower heat capacity C. continents are smaller than ocean _____

  1. What percentage of the Earth’s water is salt water?

A. 97 % B. 71% C. 30% _____


Label the following diagrams using the word bank below. Each word is used once. Value: 15

Not all words will be used.

Precipitation / Transpiration / Evaporation / Shoal / Atoll
Seamount / Guyot / Continental Shelf / Trench / Submarine Canyon
Ground Water / Continental Slope / Infiltration / Fresh Water Storage / Surface Run-Off
Mid-Ocean Ridge / Island/Volcano / Rift Valley / Heat / Abyssal Plain

A. ______

B. ______

C. ______

D. ______

E. ______

F. ______

G. ______

H. ______

A. ______

B. ______

C. ______

D. ______

E. ______

F. ______

G. ______

PART D. Short Answer Value: 10

  1. a. In the past, how did oceanographers measure the depth of the ocean? (1 pt.)


b. Currently, how do oceanographers measure the depth of the ocean? (1 pt.)


  1. Why is Earth often called the blue planet? (1 pt.)


  1. Why is it safer to drink groundwater than surface water? (1 pt.)


  1. Why is salt used on the roads in the winter? Fully explain. (2 pts.)


  1. a. What is the Scotian Gully? Where is it located? (1 pt.)


b.  Why is it a marine protected area (MPA)? (1 pt.)


  1. Would it be easier to learn to swim in the ocean or a lake? Fully explain. (2 pts.)
