Study Guide

AP Government

Chapters 1-6, 8

The following topics are included on your Semester 1 Exam

Institutions processes through which public policies are made are collectively known as?

What institutions are part of the government.

What is the “what” of politics

Linkage Institutions

Policy making process; policy agenda

Public policy involving legislative enactment of taxes and expenditures

Public policy/Public Opinion

Pluralist theory; Hyperpluralist theory; elite class theory

Locke’s philosophy on government: how built, state of nature

Articles of Confederation

Indigenous American Republicanism

Key plans of the constitutional convention; proponents of the plans

Purpose of 3/5th compromise

Powers of the States

Ratification of Constitution (percentages required)

Amendment process (Article 5)

Case that established Judicial Review

Separation of Powers

Checks and Balances

Federation/Confederation/Unitary system of government (examples of each)

Supremacy Clause

Amendments 1-10; 14th Amendment

Implied and Enumerated powers

Full faith and credit provision/privileges and immunity clause/national supremacy

Cases: US v Lopez; Barron v Baltimore; Gitlow v NY; Lemon v Kurtzman; Dennis v US; Roth v US; Miller v California; New York Times v Sullivan; Mapp v Ohio; Gideon v Wainwright; Griswold v Connecticut; Roe v Wade; Dred Scott v Sandford; Plessey v Ferguson; Brown v Board of Education; Swann vs Charlotte-Meclenberg County Schools;

Hunt v Cromartie; Regents of the University of California v Bakke; Grutter v Bollinger;

1984 Equal Access Act

Dual federalism vs cooperative federalism

Grants –in-aid

Fiscal federalism

How does federalism decentralize power?

Examples of Federal powers

Examples of State powers

Incorporation doctrine

Libel vs slander

Exclusionary Rule

De facto vs De jure segregation

Three levels of scrutiny used by the Supreme Court

Civil Rights of 1964

Poll taxes


Simpson-Mazzoli Act


Political socialization

Random sampling

Nature of the times voters

Party in government

Party in the electorate

Ticket splitting

Rational choice theory

Blanket primary

Party National Committee

Winner take all system

Realignments occur when…..

Patronage jobs

Party dealignment