16th November, 2012

Dear Parents,

Christmas Donations (Secondary Section)

Time flies and Christmas is around the corner. May the blessing of the Lord bring all of you good health and happiness! Our association has organized the Christmas Donations at Christmas times over the past years. The funds raised were distributed to various charitable organizations to help the poor, or sent to the Church to help carry out its work. All contributions should belong entirely to a voluntary act of kindness and generosity, and our association continues to organize this event to realize this benevolent and compassionate act.

We would like to inform you that the school has offered to help organize this meaningful event on behalf of our association. We plan to collect the donations on 19 Nov (Mon). We hope you can encourage your child to make free contributions. It is understood that each contribution is a small part of the total contributions. If an appreciable amount of funds is raised, the beneficiaries will be deeply touched and affected. Should you want to show your support for this worthwhile cause, please send your donation by cheque made payable to “True Light Middle School of Hong Kong”, and write the student’s name and class on the back of the cheque. For donations which are at $100 or above, the donors can enjoy tax exemption. Please have the donor’s name written clearly for us to issue the receipt.

Attached please find the allocation of last year’s Christmas Donations (see overleaf) for your reference.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Cheung Kwok Kei

Chairperson of Parent-teacher Association

Ms. Lam Ching Wah, Principal Kwan Suet Ming

Vice-Chairperson of Parent-teacher Association


Reply Slip (To be returned to Class Teacher by 19th November, 2012)

To: Mr. Cheung Kwok Kei

The Chairperson of Parent-teacher Association

True Light Middle School of HK

Christmas Donations (Secondary Section)

I acknowledge receipt of the school letter concerning the above-captioned.

□ I and my daughter are willing to donate $______voluntarily to give support.

□ I and my daughter understand that all donations are entirely voluntary,
but for some reasons, I do not intend to give support.

Class: / S ( )
Name of Student:
Signature of Parent:

(Please üas appropriate)