I Know My Savior Lives Primary Program 2010

Intro by Primary President / This year we have focused on our “Savior, Jesus Christ”, His life, His ministry, and His Gospel. The children want to teach you what they’ve learned. They have played a huge role in writing this program as they have helped to write their own parts. We pray that their testimonies and strong Spirits will touch you as they have us.
“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” (Job 19:25)
Topic / We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ.
1 / The 1st Article of Faith says, “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”
God is the Father of my spirit. Explain how knowing this can help you in your life.
2 / Who is Jesus Christ?
3 / Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love all of us. I know they love me because ______.
4 / Share an experience in your life that has helped you to know how much Heavenly Father and Jesus love you.
5 / I know Heavenly Father and Jesus love me because ______.
/ I Know that My Savior Loves Me
Everyone sings both verses
Topic / Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He is a God of miracles.
6 / Jesus Christ is a God of miracles. Describe one example of a miracle Jesus performed in the scriptures.
7 (Write name of child here) / Jesus Christ can heal the sick. Share a story of someone who was sick but was healed, whether from the scriptures, a modern-day prophet/apostle, your life, or the life of someone you know.
8 / Jesus Christ has power over death. What does this mean?
9 / In 2 Nephi 27:23 we read, “For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles;…and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith.”
Miracles come to those who have faith. Tell about a miracle that came to someone who had faith.
/ Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
Verse 1—
Verse 2—
Topic / Principles and ordinances of the gospel lead me to Jesus Christ.
10 / In the 4th Article of Faith we learn that “the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
I have faith in Jesus Christ. Describe what faith means.
11 / My faith in Jesus Christ is strengthened when ______.
12 / I can repent. What is repentance?
13 / When I was baptized I made a covenant with God to ______. Describe how you felt at your baptism.
14 / When I am confirmed I receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Why is this gift so important to you?
Topic / The Holy Ghost testifies of the truth of all things.
15 / Who is the Holy Ghost?
16 / How does the Holy Ghost speak to us?
17 / The Holy Ghost can guide us. Share a story about when the Holy Ghost helped to guide you.
18 / The Holy Ghost can protect us. Share a story about when the Holy Ghost protected you.
19 / In Moroni chapter 10 verse 5 we learn that “By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”
Talk about something the Holy Ghost has helped you to know is true and describe how you know it’s true.
/ The Holy Ghost
Verse 1—
Verse 2—
Topic / I can follow Jesus Christ’s example.
20 / In Luke chapter 18 verse 22, “Jesus said, ‘Come, follow me.’”
Jesus Christ’s example teaches me how to live. What are some things you can (or should) do to live like Jesus?
21 / I can follow Jesus Christ’s example by ______.
22 / Jesus Christ always obeyed Heavenly Father. What is one way Jesus was obedient that you have also done to obey?
23 / I can obey Heavenly Father by ______.
24 / Jesus Christ went about doing good. Describe an example in the scriptures of Jesus doing good. What can you learn from that story?
Topic / When we serve others, we serve God.
25 / Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others. What kind of service did Jesus do that we can do also?
26 / Mosiah chapter 2 verse 17 teaches that “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”
Share an experience in your life of when you served others or when someone else served you. How did you feel afterwards?
27 / When I serve my family, I serve God. I serve my family by ______.
28 / When I serve my neighbors, I serve God. I serve my neighbors by ______.
/ Come, Follow Me (with sign language)
Verse 1—All Primary kids
Verse 3—Primary w/ congregation
Primary then sings last phrase of verse 6
Topic / God speaks through prophets.
29 / Luke chapter 1 verse 70 says, “He spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began.”
God speaks through prophets. What is a prophet? Why are prophets important?
30 / Prophets are called by God. Tell about one of your favorite prophets in the scriptures.
31 / Prophets testify of Jesus Christ. Describe how you feel when you hear or read the testimony of a prophet or apostle.
32 / There is safety in following the prophet. I follow the prophet by ______. That keeps me safe because ______.
33 / I follow the prophet by ______.
/ Follow the Prophet
Verse 1 (Adam)—everyone
Verse 3 (Noah)—Sr. Primary
Verse 7 (Jonah)—Jr. Primary
Pres. Monson verse—everyone
Topic / Jesus Christ restored the fullness of the gospel through Joseph Smith.
34 / Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. Tell this story in your own words.
35 / Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the power of God. Describe what the Book of Mormon is and how you feel when you read it.
36 / I like to read the Book of Mormon because ______.
37 / Jesus Christ restored the gospel through Joseph Smith. The 6th Article of Faith says, “We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church.” Describe what that means.
/ The Church of Jesus Christ
Topic / The mission of the Church is to invite all to come unto Christ.
38 / Moroni chapter 10 verse 32 says, “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him.”
The mission of the Church is to invite all to come unto Christ. What are some ways you can do this?
39 / How does sharing the gospel help people come unto Christ?
40 / How does following the prophet help us come unto Christ?
41 / How does repenting of our mistakes help us come unto Christ?
42 / How can temple work help you and your family come unto Christ?
Topic / I obey Jesus Christ because I love Him.
43 / We can also come unto Christ by showing our love for Him. I show my love for Jesus Christ when I ______.
44 / In John chapter 14, verse 15 Jesus says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
I show love for Jesus Christ when I keep the commandments. Tell about a time in your life when it seemed hard to obey the commandments, but you did it anyways because you love God.
45 / My love for Jesus Christ grows when I pray. Prayer helps me grow closer to Jesus because ______.
46 / My love for Jesus Christ grows when I study the scriptures. Explain how reading the scriptures helps you come unto Christ.
/ He Sent His Son, everyone
Topic / Jesus Christ is My Savior and Redeemer.
47 / Jesus Christ came to earth because ______.
48 / Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. Explain what that means.
49 / I love Jesus because ______.
50 / In John 3:16 we read: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all mankind may be saved. Share your testimony of the Atonement of Christ and what it means to you.
Topic / I know that my Redeemer lives.
51 / D&C 76:22 says, “And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!”
Jesus Christ lives! How did Jesus overcome death? Why is that important? What does it mean for us?
52 / Jesus Christ will return to the earth someday. What will it be like when Jesus comes again?
53 / I want to live with Jesus Christ again, so I need to ______.
54 / I can live with Jesus Christ again. Explain some of the things that you need to do in order to return to live in the presence of God.
Closing remarks from the Bishop / Please share your testimony of the Savior.
/ My Redeemer Lives
Verse 1—All Primary children
Verse 2—Just teachers/leaders???
Verse 3—Primary w/ congregation