St. John’s Lutheran Church

Celebrating 125 Years


2015 EPISTLEPage 1

St. John’s Lutheran Church

Celebrating 125 Years


2015 EPISTLEPage 1

Pastors MessagePage 1VolunteersPage 5

St. John’s NewsPage 2CalendarPage 6

Birthdays/AnniversariesPage 4

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings. My name is Jon Becker and I will be your Interim Pastor until your new pastor is called. I am now retired from active ministry after serving churches in North Dakota, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. I am married and have 4 children. I enjoy reading, visiting family, boating and shooting sports. I am excited to be a part of your church until your new pastor’s arrival.

This church family is now going through a very challenging time of transition. It is always difficult when a dearly loved pastor leaves for another call. It is tough to say good-bye and God bless. It is even more difficult when the interim pastor, who is also dearly loved, decides to leave and accept another call to a campus congregation, …a ministry he deeply loves. With many members holding hurt and angry feelings, it is very important to deal with these feelings in a positive way, …to work them out, to let them go, and to ask God for the strength to move on, grant forgiveness, and start looking and planning for the future of St. John’s Lutheran Church with a new pastor.

If, you would ever like to talk about any issues or questions with me, please call the church office and we can work out a time to get together.

In closing, I would like to share with you an article that appeared in another church newsletter a few years ago.

FUNNY - how twenty dollars looks so big when you place it into the offering plate, ...and how it looks so small when you take it to the mall.

FUNNY - how big an hour or so serving God and God’s church looks, ...and how short an hour seems when golfing, fishing, or watching TV.

FUNNY - how hard it is to read a chapter in the Bible, ....and how easy it is to read two or three hundred pages in a favorite book.

FUNNY - how we look upon reading one small page of our daily devotional as a real chore, ...and how fun it is to check and read emails and FaceBook many times each day.

FUNNY - how we can’t think of anything to say when we pray, ...but don’t have any trouble texting meaningless updates to family and friends.

FUNNY - how it seems we need two or more weeks to fit an event at the church into our schedule, ...and are always able to adjust our schedule for a last minute social invitation from a friend.

FUNNY ISN’T IT? - No,’s not funny! In fact it’s sad, for it merely reflects the way many of us are living these days with our priorities mixed up, our priorities messed up.

I pray that we ask God for the strength to rearrange our priorities this summer, and ask for the strength to live our faith with boldness and joy.

May you have a great summer, a time of refreshment and family time together.

In Christ,

Pastor Jon

Actual Bulletin Bloopers

  • This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.
  • Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
  • The eighth graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” in the church basement on Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.


Just a note to let everyone know, that a candidate for Pastor at St. Johns will be visiting our church on July 12th. She will be participating during the worship service and telling a little about herself. She will also be sticking around after worship to visit and socialize with the congregation. We hope to get a good turn out and make her feel welcome. If you have any questions please feel free to contact a member of the call committee. Hope to see you all there!


Mark your calendar for July 9th when St. John’s will be hosting a barbequed chicken dinner! Suggested donation for meal is $8 per person or free will offering. Activities also include a silent auction and independent vendors. Proceeds from this event will go to St. John’s Youth fund to help pay to send 27 of our youth to Luther Point Bible Camp this summer.

Library Review

“A Time to Embrace”

By Karen Kingsbury

John and Abby Reynolds thought they had the perfect life until an unexpected tragedy strikes them. Now they falter in their faith, work for forgiveness, and hope for a miracle. They are determined to move on with their lives and try to remember what is most important to them.

Lynda Johnson,


Women of St. John’s

Submitted by Nina Larson

All women of St. John’s are welcome and encouraged to attend all scheduled events.

We will be taking our summer break until September. There will be no Bingo, Quilting or Circle during July and August.



As part of our 125th Anniversary Celebration we would like to include some of your thoughts and memories.

One of the ways we want to do this is to honor all of our members over the age of 80. If you are in this category you will be receiving a letter in which we ask for a brief story of your life including some of the following items:

  • Where did you grow up; go to school, etc?
  • Occupation
  • Interests, hobbies, life experiences, travel, etc.
  • Family (children, grandchildren, great grandchildren)
  • How long have you been a member of St. John’s? Activities involved in at St. John’s?
  • Any humorous stories

We would like these stories returned to the church office by July 31 so we can type them up and compile the stories into a booklet.

A second way we would like to include your thoughts is for you to complete the following sentence:

I remember when…

These memories may be serious or humorous. You may include your name or not as you choose.

Example – I remember when Pastor Dave’s cat named Hannah came into the church during worship service and walked around the chancel area and then went back outside.

Forms will be available on tables in the Fellowship Hall.A Memory Box will be available in the Narthex for you to drop your memories (forms) into.


The Deacons will be hosting a craft/vendor event along with the Chicken feed July 9. If you or anyone you know would be interested in participating, please contact Jenny Stoiber at (715)441-6009 or by email at . Table space is $20.00. Fees will be donated to the youth going to bible camp.


Join us on Sunday, July 26 after worship at the Eau Galle Recreational Area for a time of fellowship and fun. All who want to join are welcome. Families bring their own food, drinks, lawnchairs, etc. There's an entrance fee, so bring money to park. Meet down at the beach area. Any questions talk to the Deacon's committee.


For those of you who still have a VCR machine there are 3 videos available about St. John’s history.

  • 2 hour+ tape showing events during the Centennial year including the services led by former pastors and special services during the Centennial celebration weekend.
  • 2 very brief tapes about the fire.

These can be checked out from the office.


Anyone needing a ride to church on Sundays should contact Social Concerns Chairperson, Michelle Larson at (715)307-1884.


The Sunday School Superintendents will be meeting after worship on July 12 and July 26 to discuss the Sunday School curriculum.


The pastor was just about ready to start the service and the opening hymn was already playing when a stranger enters the church, marches straight down the main aisle and seats himself in the very first pew. "Wow," thinks the pastor, "I wish all my parishioners were this enthusiastic!" and he goes on with the service. At the end of the service, the pastor adjourns to the narthex to greet the parishioners as they exit. Since the stranger came so late and sat at the very front, he was one of the last to greet the pastor this morning. "Welcome, it is good to have you with us this morning," says the pastor. "Are you new to this area and looking for a church home?" "No, not really," says the stranger. "Well, then what brings you to our church?" replies the pastor. "This is a professional visit," replies the stranger. "You see, I am a bus driver, and I am here this morning to see just how you guys do it to get people to sit in the back."

Layette News

Garage Sale Season is here!

When you are out thrift shopping please take a few extra minutes to look for baby items for our layette mission project. The garments need to be gently used. Below is a list of items:

  • Sleepers or gowns without feet
  • Dark colored hand towel (most needed!)
  • Socks
  • Bath size bars of soap still in wrapper (gentle soap, i.e. ivory, dove)
  • Lightweight cotton t-shirts
  • Receiving blankets
  • Jacket, Sweater or sweat shirts with a hood
  • Diaper pins or large safety pins
  • Cloth diapers (or flannel sheets)

If you prefer to buy new, we could use any of the items above. Sizes should be 6 to 24 months.

If you are a knitter or crocheter, you might enjoy helping by making baby sweaters in any of the sizes listed.

You may leave items at the church or contact Serena Roen at 778-5788.

We pray that you can help in this important project to keep God’s babies snug and warm.

Serena Roen, Layette Coordinator

Layette Project

If you have any extra flannel bed sheets that you are willing to part with, we would greatly appreciate it if you would donate them to the Layette Project. The cost of flannel for making diapers is beyond our budget for making as many as we need. If you could put them in paper or plastic bags and mark them for the layette project that would be wonderful.

Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund in memory of Jody Immerfall given by Nancy Cleveland.

Thank you for the donation to the Youth Fund in memory of Warren Benson given by Jacalyn Splett.

Thank you for the donation to the Memorial Fund in memory of Judy Bille given by Gerald & Shirley Bodman.


The Red Cross will be having a blood drive on Monday, July 6 from noon - 6pm at St. John’s. For appointments or more information, please call 1-800-RED-CROSS (733-2767) or go online to and enter your zip code. For donor eligibility questions call 1-866-236-3276.


I carry a cross in my pocket –

A simple reminder to me

Of the fact that I am a Christian,

No matter where I may be.

This little cross is not magic

Nor is it a good luck charm;

It isn’t meant to protect me

From every physical harm.

It’s not for identification

For all the world to see;

It’s simply an understanding

Between my Savior and me.

When I put my hand in my pocket

To bring out a coin or key,

The cross is there to remind me

Of the price He paid for me.

It reminds me, too, to be thankful

For my blessings day by day,

And to strive to serve Him better

In all that I do and say.

It’s also a daily reminder

Of the peace and comfort I share

With all who know my Master

And give themselves to His care.

So I carry the cross in my pocket,

Reminding no one but me

That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life-

If only I’ll let him be.

-Author Unknown


Q: Why couldn't anyone play cards on the ark?

A: Because the animals were on the deck.

Q: Where was Solomon's temple located?

A: On the side of his head.

Q: Which old testament character was know for having a foul mouth at a young age?

A: Job - He cursed the day he was born. (Job 3:1)

Q: What man is known for having killed 1/4 of the world's population in one day?

A: Cain when he killed Abel.

Q: How long did Cain hate his brother

A: As long as he was able (Abel)

Q: Where does it talk about Honda cars in the Bible?

A: In Acts 1:14_"These all continued with one accord"

Q: What were the Phoenicians famous for?

A: Blinds

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2 – Jamie Burr

5 – Lora Palmer

6 –Jennifer Bille

Daniel Cipriano

Julie Finch

MacKenzie Olson

7 - Irene Anderson

9 – Adam Cleveland

Alexzandria Larrieu

10 - Matthew Dardine

11 –Russell Gunvalson

15 - Nicole Howe

Laurie Keehr

16 – Max Schmitt

17 -Reece Keehr

19 – Ryan Fritz

Noah Wells

20 - David Debold

Gaige Larson

21 –Ann Larson

Conner Trealoff

Clayton Utecht

Hannah Utecht

22 - Laurie Lasure

23 -Wiley Crow

24 - Rylie Fritz

25 - Kristin Larson

26 – Molly Green

26 - Madeline Matthys

27 - Hilary Boyer

Larry Kreibich

Carol Roland

28 – Tracey Boardman

Amber Schoeder

29 –Nicole Roen

30 – Kim Brooke

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6 – Jeff & Candace Schmitt

7 - David & Cindy Miller

8 – Tim & Amy Howe

12 – Jon Tanberg & Kristin Larson

16 - Scott & Serena Roen

19 - Virgil & Beverly Lueth

20 – Matt & Laura Pommier

24 – Ken & Laurie Lasure

Need A Prayer? Dial 778-5542 and our Prayer Chain will go into action!

The Spring Valley

Community Food Pantry

The Spring Valley Food pantry is available to help anyone in need of food in our area. If you know of a neighbor who could benefit from this assistance, you may obtain help on their behalf, keeping this information confidential.

Freezers and a refrigerator are available if you have items to donate requiring this. THANK YOU to all who have helped by contributing to this cause!

The Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 10 – 11:30 am and from 4:30 – 6 pm.

The phone number for the Spring Valley Community Food Pantry is 778-5988. For immediate need, please call the Pierce County Food Pantry in Ellsworth at 715-273-2070. They are open Monday thru Friday from 9:30 am to noon and Wednesday from 4-6 pm.


Attendance: 20152014

June 77765

June 1492110

June 215889

Giving:GeneralOpen Simply

Plate Giving

June 7$1,940$40 $370

June 14$2,598$56 $65

June 21$883$16 $70

Needed/week: $2,953.22 (2015)

Total needed to date this month: $73,830.50

Total received to date this month: $63,439.90

Total budget: (2015) $153,567.27

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If this schedule does not work for you, please try to switch with someone else. If you are willing to help with the openings or cannot find someone to switch with you, please notify the church office at 778-5935. Thank you!

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5 – Ron, Tessa & Patrick Cipriano

12 – Jake & Sam Benson

19 – Jason Matthys & Jeanne Niccum

26 – Kevin & Val Anderson


5 – Mary Hampton & Pat Gavic

12 – Scott & Kathy Klug

19 – Katie & Megan Manor

26 – Doug & Michelle Larson Family

Communion Assistants

5 – Marsha Brunkhorst & Tiffany Gregg

19 – Terri Trealoff & Mel Wentlandt


5 – Tanner Sands

12 – Hawken Benson

19 – Brenna Schreiber

26 – Elizabeth Anderson


5 – Max Schmitt & Quinn Anderson

12 – Connor Lynum & Kayla Lynum

19 – Charlie Maier & Madison Maier

26 – Ryan Burr & Pierce Burr

Coffee Servers

5 – Amy Cady & Pearl Ducklow

12 – Richard & Lynda Johnson

19 – Kate Crogan & Stacy Schultz

26 – Jason & Jenny Stoiber

Nursery Workers

The nursery is not staffed during the summer.

Communion Set-Up/Clean up

Pearl Ducklow & Mel Wentlandt

Bread Baking

Ginny Overland



2–Rob & Lori Peterson

9–Mike & Heidi Jacobson

16 – Kim Brooke & Ben Anderson

23–Marsha Brunkhorst & Shelby Crow

30–Bob Hanson & Jim Green


2 – Stacy Schultz & Kasey Roatch

9 – Mathiesen Family

16 – John & Leanna Larson

23 – Benson Family

30 – Cathee Quist, Serena Roen & Mattea Roen

Communion Assistants

2 – Kelly Schreiber & Stacey Wildner

16 – Katie Manor & Kathy Miller


2 – Rick Gould

9 – Jon Tanberg

16 – Beulah Thompson

23 – Grace Anderson

30 – Pierce Burr


2 – Ella Esanbock & Emma Esanbock

9 – Erin Stans & Nolan Stans

16 – Jenna Wildner & Jessica Wildner

23 – Renata Sandve & Brenna Schreiber

30 – Tanner Sands & Blayne Gregg

Coffee Servers

2 – Joyce Brooke & Gwynn Lacy

9 – Jeanne Niccum & Helen Sandve

16 – Jeremy & Stacey Wildner

23 – Greg & Terri Trealoff

30 – Pete & Barb Esanbock

Nursery Workers

The nursery is not staffed during the summer.

Bread Baking

Nancy Kinsman

Communion Set-Up/Clean up

Nancy Cleveland & Kristin Larson

July 2015 / Saturday / 4 / 11 / 18 / 25
Friday / 3
Happy 4th of July / 10 / 17 / 24 / 31
Thursday / 2 / 9
Chicken Feed, 5-7pm / 16 / 23 / 30
Wednesday / 1 / 8 / 15 / 22 / 29
Tuesday / 7 / 14
Worship committee meeting, 4:30pm
Council meeting, 7pm / 21
Communion service @ SVHRC / 28
Monday / 6
Red Cross Blood Drive, noon-5pm / 13 / 20 / 27
Sunday / 5
Sixth Sunday of Pentecost
Fellowship Hour – 9 am
Worship Service with Holy Communion, 10 am. / 12
Seventh Sunday of Pentecost
Fellowship Hour – 9 am
Worship Service, 10 am
Sunday School Superintendents meeting after worship / 19
Eighth Sunday of Pentecost
Fellowship Hour – 9 am
Worship Service with Holy Communion, 10 am / 26
Ninth Sunday of Pentecost
Fellowship Hour – 9 am
Worship Service, 10 am.
Sunday School Superintendents meeting after worship
Social event at Eau Galle Recreational area after worship