
Test Preparation

Test taking skills have been preached and embedded in your mind. Recognizing this, it is difficult to avoid the clichéd guidance that has become such a large part of the learning process, such as eat a healthy breakfast or get a good night’s rest (even though these are helpful tips!).

Get a Head Start!

To begin with, the most regurgitated piece of advice is to avoid procrastination! Allowing yourself to get behind throughout the semester makes that test or big final that much more difficult. Cramming in those last couple days, and in some cases even hours, only increases stress which is not beneficial to your success. Procrastination is often inevitable for students and it gets the best of us. However, when you are thinking of putting off your work, you may want to look ahead to the all-nighters and coffee fueled trances that are bound to occur during those upcoming test weeks.

Okay, so you slacked off and procrastinated a little. It’s alright, let’s just move on. There are several aspects that go into successful studying habits. These tips are not one size fits all and you have to find what works for you.

Finding What Works

You may find it useful to identify the type of exam and study for it that way. However there are universal strategies that can work for basically any kind of test.

·  Gather all the material that is related to the exam: notes, study guides, handouts, or previous test questions.

·  Discern the material you will need to have memorized from that which you will need to have a comprehensive grasp.

·  Create a strategy which you will use to go about your studying. This will help you stay focused and avoid the dreaded procrastination.

o  Personal study guides/flashcards/mnemonic devices (anagrams or word association)

·  Find an environment that is conducive to productivity whether it be your room, the library, or some other random area where you feel comfortable and are able to focus.

·  The clichéd practice makes perfect works. It really does. Whether it’s an essay exam or multiple choice, create your own practice exams or even find a partner and quiz each other.

·  Here comes another cheesy tip. Get some sleep because it won’t help if you pass out and drool all over the test.

o  However, there will be a time when an all-nighter may be necessary and this is when caffeine becomes your new best friend. Embrace it or find something else that will help keep you energized and focused. Maybe a quick jog around your dorm at 2am?

As previously stated, all of these are suggestions and may not suit everyone. The best way to find your own strategy is to test out different techniques. Most importantly, you can only study so much. Don’t overdo it as this can result in burning out which won’t help you at all. Exam stress gets to the best of us, but if you can say you did your best then you can walk away feeling confident and successful.

Center for Transformative Learning

Peer Consultation

Stephenson Hall CPO 2136 x3404