Product Sheet

Marketing Mentoring

Marketing Mentoring provides additional experience, an alternative perspective and fresh eyes to your marketing problems.

Marketing Mentoring services can help companies rethink what they do in marketing, why they do it and how to deliver better outcomes for their marketing investments.

With 29 years of experience in industries as diverse as FMCG Food through to Technology Marketing, Literally Brilliant has developed great skills in being able to bring diverse and innovative marketing thinking from one industry into another.

The service can be tailored for developing less experiences managers, providing additional perspectives around challenging problems or for refreshing long serving highly successful senior managers in marketing.

Marketing Mentoring provides additional experience, an alternative perspective and fresh eyes to your marketing problems.

There are generally three reasons for engaging Literally Brilliant to provide Marketing Mentoring services:

Providing Additional Experience

When the task is growing faster than the experience of the key marketing officer in your organisation, you are faced with two alternatives; employ a more senior marketing person or invest in the talent you have. The first option is always a risk in that the cost of appointment is high and the impact on morale (particularly on the person being passed over) can be devastating. If it doesn’t work, the morale problem remains and there is difficulty in removing the failed senior manager. The better alternative is to try to support the existing manager with mentoring support to give them access to advice and experience that will accelerate their own development. In the end, they may not make the grade; but you will have brought them along with you to the point that they can take on an alternative solution on board as they know their own limitations as a result.

Providing an Additional Perspective

There is a simple rule in decision making: the more information you have and the more perspectives you consider the better the quality of the decision. This is tempered by implementation realities but multiple perspectives will help to eliminate the bias of a single perspective.

Providing Fresh Eyes

We have all had the experience of proof reading the document over and over again, then handing it to someone else and the immediately see an obvious error. Familiarity breeds contempt. When we have been in a senior marketing role for a number of years, we become so familiar that our mind starts to think predictably; seeing the same things, over and over again. Then sometimes we ignore what doesn’t fit the traditional model. When you have settled into a role and it has become familiar, perhaps that is the time to appoint a mentor – to keep you fresh and at the top of your game.

Get the benefit

Some clients are using the Marketing Mentoring service, to help them rethink what they do in marketing, why they do it and how to deliver better outcomes for their marketing investments.

Our principal consultant can deliver them the benefit of access to 29 years of experience in marketing, including experience in:

·  FMCG Food/Consumer Products

·  Marketing Research

·  Technology & Intangibles

·  Services (including Research, Consultancy, Professional Services Education Marketing)

·  Channel & Sales Strategy Development

·  Sponsorship Activation & Evaluation

·  Communications & Media

This diverse industry background combined with international experience and ongoing diverse consultancy engagements means that Literally Brilliant has developed great skills in being able to bring diverse and innovative marketing thinking from one industry into another.