S.A.A.C Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 12, 2018

NSA Library 1:00 PM

Attendees:Dori Carpenter, Jen McMullen, Mary Edwards, Kendra Hossfeld, Jennifer Larson, Hope Rodericks, Joy McWilliams, Emily Carter, Cindy Squires, Karen Godwin, Dawn Moore, Melissa Doyle, Kyle Roberts, Lance Petrillo

  1. Parent Forum

Spanish program concerns for students coming to North Star from other schools. Suggestions for ways to bridge the gap: Rosetta Stone at home, making individual Spanish plans for students, tutoring options, Pimsleur programs from the public library, overdrive app from the public library.

  1. Topic: Analyzing test scores

NWEA- measures of academic progress, achievement tests, delivered by computer.

Why is data important: Class placement, tutoring, gifted and talented, IEPS, predictions. What is RIT score: value based on the number of questions and difficulty of questions. Grouping: 1-at risk students, 2-below, 3-at grade level, 4-above grade level, 5-gifted and talented. New student profiles which include suggested areas of instruction based on the scores. Graph shows growth over time, helps to create goals within the profile. Effort to make it easier to access data for teachers and pass along to parents.

  1. DAC Update

Meeting March 14: discussing teacher evaluation. Vacant spots for Charter School Parents on the DAC Committee.

  1. SAAC Survey Details

Students will take the survey during the week of March 12. Teachers will hand out parent survey reminder stickers on April 12 at the end of the day.

  1. 3rd Quarter Newsletter

Discuss press releases, Principal Blog, Spanish Cultural Day, highlight SAAC monthly topics, DAC links, 3rd Quarter Character Education topic: Sunbeatables Melanoma Awareness

  1. Working Groups

Spring Auction updates/needs

  1. Marketing

Add topic slides to SAAC site, Spring Auction- document excel spreadsheet, Greater Giving. PR Social media-ongoing: February topic Foreign Language Award, March topic Cultural Day. Watch FB for spikes and trends for various topics. Creating a video for website, 2to 3 minutes including Spanish Cultural Day.

  1. Teacher Update

Looking forward to Teacher Appreciation Week.

  1. Principal Update

Field Day topic: First Responders