Chapter 23

Student: ______

1. Which of the following spores are the result of asexual reproduction?

A. sporangiospores

B. zygospores

C. ascospores

D. basidiospores

2. Which of the following structures are NOT involved in sexual reproduction?

A. mushrooms

B. ascocarps

C. condia

D. gametangia

3. Fungal diseases include all but which of the following?

A. thrush

B. athlete's foot

C. strep throat (pharyngitis)

D. histoplasmosis

4. In defining fungi, which of the following is NOT a correct contrasting statement?

A. Animals are heterotrophic by ingestion while fungi are heterotrophic by absorption.

B. Plants have cell walls of cellulose; fungi have cell walls of chitin.

C. The energy reserve of fungi is starch while the energy reserve of animals is glycogen.

D. Fungi lack flagella at all stages of their life while most protists have a stage that possesses flagella.

E. Fungal spores develop into haploid hyphae without embryo development; plants have embryo development.

5. We know that the Greeks were close observers of fungus because the Greek term _____ is the same term we use today for these specific structures.

A. thallus

B. saprophyte

C. mycelium

D. septum

E. rhizoid

6. The term "hyphae" is based on the Greek root word meaning

A. fungus.

B. branching.

C. thread.

D. root-like.

E. web.

7. The difference between septate hyphae and nonseptate hyphae is

A. a difference in haploid and diploid cells.

B. a distinction between saprotrophic fungi and parasitic or disease-causing fungi.

C. determined by whether the hyphae have cross walls or lack cross walls.

D. a distinction between plasmodial masses with many nuclei and nonliving zygospores.

E. a classification trait that separates basidiomycotes from ascomycotes.

8. The term "septum" is based on the Latin root word meaning

A. strong.

B. half.

C. nasal.

D. wall or fence.

E. plate-like.

9. Dikaryotic cells of fungi

A. are just another form of haploid cells.

B. are just another name for diploid cells.

C. contain two haploid nuclei but fail to fuse them for an extended time period.

D. are nonseptate plasmodial masses with many nuclei and no cell partitioning.

E. are potential symbionts that can join with algae to form lichens.

10. The term "dikaryotic" is based on the Greek root words meaning

A. two nuclei.

B. half nuclei or haploid.

C. anti-bacterial.

D. two-walled.

E. begin to germinate.

11. An individual filament of a fungus, with an elongated mass of cytoplasm, is called

A. a mycelium.

B. a conidium.

C. an ascospore.

D. a basidiospore.

E. a hypha.

12. At one time, biologists thought that fungi were merely forms of plants that had lost their chlorophyll and had returned to saprotrophy to gain food. Why is this no longer considered a solid theory?

A. Fungal cell walls contain chitin rather than cellulose.

B. Fungi attack and engulf food for internal digestion.

C. Fungi have flagella at some stage, providing mobility that plants never have.

D. Plants are multicellular and fungi are unicellular or multinucleated noncellular plasmodia.

E. All of these are differences between fungi and plants.

13. The major groups of fungi may have evolved

A. directly from the Prokaryotes.

B. probably from the green algae through loss of chlorophyll.

C. from the amoeboid Protista.

D. from the Plant kingdom through degeneration.

E. separately from several Protista groups.

14. In time, bread becomes stale and grows mold on the exposed surfaces. Why does mold not begin growing inside the bread loaf?

A. Mold can grow only on dry surfaces.

B. Only molds at the surface of the bread can get oxygen to respire.

C. Mold actually begins from anywhere inside but produces colored spores only at the surface.

D. There is an antibiotic antagonism between the bread mold and the internal yeasts that made the bread rise.

E. The bread was sterilized when it was baked and thereafter mold spores settle only on the outside of the cooled bread.

15. A general fungal resting stage that can survive unfavorable growing conditions is the

A. mycelium.

B. sporangium.

C. ascocarp.

D. basidium.

E. zygospore.

16. The parasitic sac fungus that grows on rye and other grains and contains the hallucinogenic chemical lysergic acid is

A. Aspergillus.

B. Penicillin.

C. Rhizopus.

D. Saccharomyces.

E. ergot.

17. The term "ascus" is based on the Greek root word meaning

A. club or bat.

B. spore-forming.

C. network.

D. bag or sac.

E. fermentor.

18. A sexual spore produced by a sac fungus is called

A. a mycelium.

B. a conidium.

C. an ascospore.

D. a basidiospore.

E. a hypha.

19. An asexual spore produced by a sac fungus or club fungus is called

A. a mycelium.

B. a conidium.

C. an ascospore.

D. a basidiospore.

E. a hypha.

20. The term based on the Greek root word meaning "dust" and "seed" is

A. ascomycetes.

B. basidiospore.

C. conidiospore.

D. mycorrhizae.

E. sporangium.

21. A mushroom would produce a sexual spore known as

A. a mycelium.

B. a conidium.

C. an ascospore.

D. a basidiospore.

E. a hypha.

22. The term "basidia" is based on the diminutive originating from the Greek root word meaning

A. club or bat.

B. spore-forming.

C. network.

D. bag or sac.

E. fermentor.

23. When the cap of an average gilled mushroom is cut off and placed on paper, a spoke-like print eventually appears on the paper under the cap. This powdery material would be

A. mycelia.

B. sporangia.

C. hyphae.

D. basidiospores.

E. conidiospores.

24. The fungi that parasitize cereal crops such as corn, wheat, oats, and rye, are the

A. stinkhorns.

B. yeasts.

C. truffles.

D. ichens.

E. rusts and smuts.

25. Imperfect fungi have not been found to have a sexual stage and always reproduce asexually;

A. therefore, there is no possibility of genetic variation.

B. therefore, they are limited to diploid forms and mitosis.

C. however, they can still be accurately classified by morphology and biochemistry.

D. however, some genetic recombination does occur with fusion of hyphae and crossing-over between chromosomes, resulting in haploid nuclei with varied genetic content.

E. No possibility of genetic variation and being limited to diploids forms and mitosis are both correct.

26. Which is NOT a correct association of a fungus and product?

A. Aspergillus–soy sauce

B. Aspergillus–citric and gallic acid

C. Saccharomyces cerevisiae–beer and wine

D. Penicillium–antibiotics

E. Rusts and smuts–truffles

27. A member of the fungi is

A. Amoeba proteus.

B. Plasmodium vivax.

C. Chlamydomonas.

D. Penicillium.

E. Paramecium.

28. Crustose, fruticose, and foliose are varieties of

A. rusts and smuts.

B. mushrooms.

C. yeasts.

D. lichens.

E. mycorrhizae.

29. The term "mycorrhizae" is based on the Greek root words meaning

A. club and root.

B. spore and lichen.

C. network and fungus.

D. fungus and root.

E. mutualistic and root.

30. The relationship between the fungi and algae in lichens is best described as

A. a simple cooperative mutualism between normally free-living strains.

B. a complete mixing of the genomes of the two groups at the cellular level.

C. an endosymbiotic transfer of the chloroplasts of algae to the hyphae cells.

D. a possible controlled parasitism wherein the fungi withdraw food from the algae and the algae can grow better alone.

E. a possible controlled parasitism wherein the algae are moistened and protected by the fungi, but the fungi can grow better alone.

31. The relationship between soil fungi and the roots of plants

A. is restricted to just a few species of conifer trees.

B. is parasitic or harmful to plants about half of the time.

C. provides nutrients to the fungus but is a neutral or commensal relationship for the plant.

D. dates to the earliest fossil plants and was likely a factor in their ability to live on land.

E. All of the choices are true.

32. Biodegradation of organic matter is due to

A. protists and fungi.

B. bacteria and fungi.

C. members of the chlorophyta.

D. All of the choices apply.

33. All of the following are characteristics of fungi EXCEPT

A. fungi are saprotrophic detritivores.

B. may be parasitic on plants producing costly rusts and smuts of crop plants.

C. may cause ringworm and yeast infections in humans.

D. are always environmentally detrimental.

34. Which of the following is an incorrect association with a fungal phylum and the characteristic organisms in that phylum.

A. Deuteromycota–club fungi

B. Ascomycota–sac fungi

C. Zygomycota–zygospore fungi

D. all are correct associations

35. Asexual reproduction in the ascomycota involves the production of

A. Ascospores.

B. Conidiospores.

C. Zygospores.

D. Basidiospores.

36. Yeasts are

A. members of the ascomycota.

B. reproduce asexually by budding; budding yeasts include brewers yeast.

C. are responsible for beer, wine, and bread production.

D. are important organisms in genetic engineering experiments on eukaryotic cells.

E. All of the choices are correct.

37. Which of the following fungal diseases is NOT caused by a club fungus?

A. smuts

B. rusts

C. Dutch elm disease

D. All of the choices are caused by a club fungus

38. Fungal poisonous or physiologically active chemicals include all of the following EXCEPT

A. muscarine and muscaridine.

B. psilocybin, a structural analog of LSD and mescaline.

C. ergot alkaloids.

D. digitoxin.

39. Mycorrhizae

A. aid plants to acquire mineral nutrients.

B. receive carbohydrates from the plant.

C. increase the ability of plants associated with the mycorrhizal hyphae to successfully grow in poor soild.

D. All of the choices are true of mycorrhizae.

40. Shelf fungi are a type of ascomycete.

True False

41. The presence of lichens indicates poor air quality in an area.

True False

42. Fungi are thought to have been the first kind of eukaryotic cells that evolved.

True False

43. The difference between a still wine and a sparkling wine is a difference in releasing the carbon dioxide the yeasts produce.

True False

44. All wild mushrooms are deadly poisonous.

True False

45. The part of a mushroom that we eat is usually the reproductive structure that supports the fruiting body.

True False

46. Any fungus that has no known sexual reproductive cycle is known as an imperfect fungus.

True False

47. As we learn more about fungi, we might expect the numbers in the Deuteromycota to decrease.

True False

48. From the fact that only a certain set of mushrooms "sprout" from your front yard when conditions are just right, we can deduce that there are relatively few fungal spores in the soil.

True False

49. From what you know about fungus structure and life history, and fungal relationships with plant roots, we can deduce that fungal infections are very Easy to cure since they are such delicate organisms.

True False

50. Mycorrhizae enter the cytoplasm of the plant roots in their mutualistic association.

True False

51. Mycorrhizae are parasites on the roots of most plants and reduce the nutrition available to the plant.

True False

52. Fungal products include bread, beer, athletes foot, and LSD.

True False

53. Rhizopus stolinifera is the causative agent of ergot of rye.

True False

54. Describe the divisions into which the fungi are placed, and the characteristics of each division.

55. The presence or absence of which structures make it Difficult to classify fungi as evolving from within the Protista? Why are red algae a possible ancestor? Why do mycologists not include slime molds and water molds (give two separate reasons)?

56. Why do mycologists use the term "dikaryotic'' rather than simply "diploid,'' since dikaryotic cells contain the n + n component?

57. Deciduous trees lose their leaves annually. We often assume that this is a necessary response to cold weather. However, trees in tropical areas are often deciduous as well, losing their leaves during dry seasons. This has led some scientists to suggest that dropping leaves may be a tree's method to discard the continual buildup of fungal infection in the leaves.
a) Just how would leaf fungal spores infect a regular tree leaf?
b) If these fungi are constantly falling to the forest floor, what modifications are necessary for fungi to return to infect more tree leaves again?

58. How does a ‘‘fairy ring'' form? As it grows bigger over many seasons, why does its pattern become less complete and less circular?

59. Why are lichens identified and classified according to the fungus component?

60. When the prokaryote ancestors became mitochondria and chloroplasts, these new endosymbiotic units became distinct life forms with their own evolutionary fates and species names. Mycorrhizae are close mutualistic relationships between fungal species and many plants. Since they often benefit the plants greatly, why don't we give them a new combined species designation?

Chapter 23 KEY

1. A

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. C

6. E

7. C

8. D

9. C

10. A

11. E

12. A

13. E

14. E

15. E

16. E

17. D

18. C

19. B

20. C

21. D

22. A

23. D

24. E

25. D

26. E

27. D

28. D

29. D

30. D

31. D

32. B

33. D

34. A

35. B

36. E

37. C

38. D

39. D




43. TRUE


45. TRUE

46. TRUE

47. TRUE





52. TRUE


54. Answers will vary.

55. Answers will vary.

56. Answers will vary.

57. Answers will vary.

58. Answers will vary.

59. Answers will vary.

60. Answers will vary.