Urbanization and Urban Sprawl Investigation

Part A) – Urban Growth and Urbanization

Make sure you understandthe terms urban and rural by using Google images to see images of both.

Ever since European settlers moved to Canada, the country has slowly been becoming urbanized:

Year / % of Population Living in Rural Areas / % of Population Living in Urban Areas
1853 / 85 / 15
1908 / 50 / 50
2001 / 15 / 85
  1. Based on what the above table tells us, create a definition for the term urbanization. After you come up with a definition, check with a partner or the textbook’s index to make sure you are on the right track.
  1. What are some reasons people move from rural areas to urban areas? (Make sure you mention the role of jobs and changing economies!)
  1. Counter-urbanization (the movement away from urban areas into rural ones) happens as well. Why might someone choose to move to a rural area?

Part B) – Urban Sprawl

Urban sprawl is a term you’ll hear a lot about when talking about how communities are designed. But whatdoes it mean?

  1. Using Google Images, look up “urban sprawl”. Based on what you see, create your own a definition for the term (and try to use the word density in your definition).
  2. Urban sprawl is…
  1. Find a really good aerial view image of urban sprawl in Canada (which is not in Ontario) and paste it into the space below.
  1. Find an aerial view of downtown Toronto and paste it into the space below.
  1. Describe how the buildings are different in the two images.
  1. Which type of building design is better for the natural environment? Why?
  1. Without researching any further, write down as many negative impacts of urban sprawl as you can.
  1. Despite all these negative impacts, why do you think urban sprawl continues?Write down some advantages for people living in sprawling suburbs, as well businesses located there?

Part C) – Effects of Sprawl on the Environment

Copy and paste the following URL into a browser.

  1. List some of the negative effects of sprawl on the natural environment:
  1. Which of these negative effects also impact humans? How?

Part D) – Preventing Sprawl

  1. The Urban Sprawl pdf made by the Federation of Ontario Naturalists (from questions 7 & 8 above) recommends the use of Smart Growth to combat urban sprawl; what is Smart Growth?
  1. What do you think will be the biggest problem for us if we don’t stop urban sprawl?