/ Project Proposal / Information Systems and Computing
Project Proposal:
<Insert Project Name>

Last Updated:<Date>

Version: Version #

Table Of Contents

Project Identification 3

Executive Summary 3

Business Overview 4

Business Problem/Need 4

Business Vision or Goal 4

Objectives and Success Measures 4

Benefits 4

Strategic Alignment 4

Project Overview 4

Approach 4

Scope 5

Options 5

Recommendation 5

Deliverables 5

Estimate (based on recommendation) 5

Funding Description 6

Risk Management 6

Business Risks 6

Project Risk 6

Appendices (as required for detailed items) 6

Project Identification

Project Title* / Work Request ID*
A brief title for the project for reporting/ quick reference purposes. / This is the PlanView Work Request ID. A Project Request may relate to one or more projects. This is noted on the Project Request Form and is a PlanView generated number.
Client Name* / Project ID*
The Project Sponsor name. The name of the individual responsible for funding approval and who will participate in Phase Gate reviews. / PlanView Project Tracking Number. This is where the effort spent preparing the Proposal will be tracked.
Client Title*
The Project Sponsor title. The title of the individual responsible for funding approval.
Client School Name /EVP Center* / Client School Name /EVP Center Org Unit*
The name of client School /EVP Center that this Proposal is associated with. / The name of the client School /EVP Center Org Unit that Proposal is associated with.
Project Completion Needed By*
Must Have / Like To Have
Date by which the Project Must be completed without significant risk / Desired date by which the Project should be completed.

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is an overview of the major points of the proposal. It should touch on the items below:
Business Problem/Need, Business Vision or Goal, Objectives and Success Measures, Benefits, Strategic Alignment, Approach, Objectives, Scope, Recommendation, Deliverables, Estimate (based on recommendation),
Funding Source, Risk Management.
The project will follow Program Management at Penn (PMAP) principles.

Business Overview

Business Problem/Need

Briefly describe the Need or Problem driving the proposed project. Describe the current state and provide relevant background information. Use quantitative information where possible.

Business Vision or Goal

Describe the high level desired result or purpose of the proposed project. Articulate the vision of the end state.

Objectives and Success Measures

List specific objectives or expected outcomes associated with the project, and how they will be measured.
Some typical objectives or outcomes are below:
§  Business outcomes for clients (e.g. reduce processing cycle time by 50%, increase donations, lower costs, enable new functions, improve productivity)
§  Outcomes for Project Stakeholders (e. g. ability to participate in planning and decision making)
§  Business outcomes for Penn community (e.g. increase access to information)
§  Outcomes for external stakeholders (e.g. increase self-service options)


Provide high level description of anticipated benefits for clients and the University:
§  Tangible – order of magnitude (e.g. cost savings, increased revenue)
§  Intangible (e.g. improved information quality, improved customer service, risk mitigation)
List all Anticipated Benefits resulting directly from the project. Specify the ways there will be measurable improvement of new capabilities. Consider the implications of NOT doing the project – what benefits would be missed.

Strategic Alignment

Briefly describe the Impact the project will have on the organization. Describe how the project is consistent with the mission or provide rationale if it is not. Describe how this project and its objectives specifically support the organization-wide Strategic Plan.

Project Overview


The project will follow Program Management at Penn (PMAP) principles. PMAP provides the framework for a phased approach to project management. PMAP’s phases include the following: Definition, Planning, Execution, and Closure. The project's executive sponsors approve the project, phase by phase, as enough information becomes available to make judgments wisely.
Identify methodology or methodologies that will be followed based on the Recommended Option. E.g. Agile Development, Waterfall, Infrastructure Development, etc.


Define what will and will not be done.
§  Description of audience (type, number, experience in the domain of the project)
§  Business processes to be redesigned and automated
§  Functional modules to be included
§  Features, Products and Services (e.g. search engines, imaging, reporting)
§  Data (complexity, volume, extent of historical data, data warehouse implications)
§  Identify interrelationships/dependencies (e.g. The NEW system must integrate with existing administrative systems and data stores, including the Business Enterprise Network (BEN), PennERA, SRS, Admissions, Ticketing, and WXPN.)
§  Technology (new technology, constraints)
§  Infrastructure (security, target availability (e.g. 24x7), operating system)


This section should include a description of the options that have been considered. Include Pros and Cons, order of magnitude costs and benefits, personnel needs, a high level project timeline for each alternative.


Describe why the recommended option was selected and why the others were not.
Summarize the strategy that will be used to deliver the project and include high level cost/benefit analysis, high level milestones and dates, and assumptions. It is possible that a single option cannot yet be recommended; in that case, indicate when – and how – the decision is likely to be made.


Provide a list and description of deliverables.

Estimate (based on recommendation)

Personnel Effort/Assumptions

Provide a summary of personnel needs by Role, Skills, Skill Level, Start Date, and Finish Date.


Provide a summary of the budget based on the Budget worksheet.

Milestone Schedule / Assumptions

Define a milestone schedule for all of the Planning deliverables, and high level milestones for Execution and Closure.

Funding Description

List and describe any Sources for project funding, e.g. is a charge-back to the Customers planned?, if this is an SLA funded project, specify the SLA(s) that will fund this project.

Risk Management

Business Risks

List and briefly describe Risks to the business that you have identified. Provide a list of high level risks and plans for risk mitigation.

Project Risk

List and briefly describe Risks to the project that you have identified. Provide a list of high level risks and plans for risk mitigation.

Appendices (as required for detailed items)

The proposal should stand on its own with details (e.g. information on options not selected, risk worksheet, etc.) included in appendices.
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Legend: * Planview Required Data. / Project Proposal Form-Beta v1.0