Date: 4/20/15 Class: English 4

EQ: How does turbulence in a culture lead to changes in literature?

EV: Civil

Warm up/appetizer:

  • Civil War Brainstorm and discussion

Lesson/Main Course:

  • Review notes for cultural background—go through PowerPoint and CLOZE notes for students.
  • Have students decide if Charles was worse/better than Macbeth then Macbeth and Oliver Cromwell—Draw conclusions and support conclusions—of the three which is worse: 1. A ruler who takes lives 2. a ruler who controls beliefs or 3. a ruler who suppresses freedoms?
  • Finish notes with roller coaster of change and how that could affect literature.
  • Complete CLOZE and questions
  • Break here
  • Have students brainstorm individually about why people tell stories. Create a class list as well.
  • Introduce Milton and his story telling a s a reaction to the change happening in his culture and as a type of commentary on the society of the time period.
  • Review sonnet basics. Assign student partners to a particular interpretative technique. Students will then share as we go through the PowerPoint and interpret each sonnet


  • Found Poetry assignment from the two sonnets we have interpreted if time. If not, have students answer the question: how are the sonnets a reaction to the change in Milton’s culture? Use at least one specific example

Materials needed
PowerPoint / New Packet

Date: 4/21/15Class: English 4

EQ: What is paradise?

EV: archetype

Warm up/appetizer:

□What is paradise? Describe your view of paradise.

Lesson/Main Course:

□Review paradise archetype and discuss

□Introduce paradise lost

□Begin reading Paradise Lost in the textbook starting on page ____. Answer discussion questions as we go along.


  • Who lost paradise? Compare to Macbeth

Materials needed
PowerPoint / Invoke muse PowerPoint

Date: 4/22/15Class: English 4

EQ: What does it mean to invoke a muse?

EV: invoke

Warm up/appetizer:

□Invocation of a Muse POWERPOINT

Lesson/Main Course:

□Continue reading Paradise Lost in the textbook starting on page ____. Answer discussion questions as we go along.


  • Who is your muse? Who would you ask to help you write the story of your life?

Materials needed
PowerPoint / Invoke muse PowerPoint

Date: 4/23/15Class: English 4

EQ: How do you identify an obscure epic hero?

EV: Obscure

Warm up/appetizer:

  • Review what we read the previous day—use a discussion question ? or a quote--

Lesson/Main Course:

Finish reading Paradise Lost and discuss Satan as the epic hero

Move on the Eve as the Epic Hero if time or that can be done tomorrow


Turn in answers to questions at the end of PowerPoint

Materials needed

Date: 4/24/15Class: English 4

EQ: Can one person be at fault for a cataclysmic event?

EV: Debate

Warm up/appetizer:

  • Quarelle de Femmes introductory free write

Lesson/Main Course:

  • Read Lanier’s “Eve’s Apology” and discuss using questions at the end of the passage.
  • Blame Game PowerPoint and discussion—debate time
  • Reflect and discuss
  • Background to Pope
  • Read “Essay on Man” and discuss/heroic couplets


  • Have students answer the question: does literature reflect culture or does culture reflect literature?

Materials needed
parts assignment—colored pencils / Blame Game PowerPoint; Pope intro PowerPoint

Date: 11/20/14Class: English 4

EQ: How do the elements of the mock epic reveal important truths about satirical style and author’s purpose?

EV: parody

Warm up/appetizer:

□Parody free write using the “American Gothic” PowerPoint Slide

Lesson/Main Course:

□Introduce Mock Epic styles


□Have students answer the question: What is the purpose of a Mock Epic?

Materials needed
PowerPoint Pope Intro / Essay on Man from textbook

Ms. Carmichael’s Week 12 Agenda

Date / Classwork / Homework / EQ/EV
4/20 / English Civil War / Finish Found Poem; Macbeth and Paradise Lost connection/reflection / EQ: How does turbulence in a culture lead to changes in literature?
EV: Civil
4/21 / Paradise Lost / Finish your questions about the Genesis excerpts on page 1 of packet / EQ: What is paradise?
EV: archetype
4/22 / Invoking the muse / Finish Paradise Lost discussion Questions / EQ: What does it mean to invoke a muse?
EV: invoke
4/23 / Analyzing the Epic Hero Cycle / Complete Epic Hero notes / EQ: How do you identify an obscure epic hero?
EV: Obscure
4/24 / Quarelle De Femmes Debate / Finish Heroic Couplet exercise / EQ: Can one person be at fault for a cataclysmic event?
EV: Debate