World Language

Activity Worksheet

LEVEL: / Intermediate
Strand: / Communication
Standard: / Interpersonal Communication
Level of Proficiency/Domain: / Intermediate/Speaking & Listening
Benchmark: / 1.1.M.SL.a: Use the target language with culturally appropriate gestures
to greet one another and engage in conversations about everyday topics, such as
school and community events and activities.
Assessment (before, during, after):
Force-field analysis of American gestures and gestures in other countries (marking them as appropriate or inappropriate).
Students individually put a conversation in order, given words to create the conversation.
Role play/make a video: Imagine you are an exchange student and are meeting a student in another country. Talk about the school and community events and activities in that region. In addition, share the same information about your home school. Include appropriate gestures, greetings, and farewells.
Video Project Rubric (use if applicable): 30 points
Greeting & Farewell (5 points each)
–  verbal
–  gestures
Dialogue about the school & community (at least 3 of the below items) (10 points)
–  extra-curricular activities
–  classes you are taking
–  favorite teachers/classes
–  community activities/after school programs in the area
–  sports
Appropriate Intonation (questions sound like questions not responses) (5 points)
Would a native speaker understand it? (5 points)

Learning Activities/Facts/Information:

1. Teacher-led discussion on what customs are acceptable where and where they are unacceptable, along with examples of times when you or someone else has done something “unacceptable” in another culture.

2. Scrambled sentences relay: Students form two lines in front of the white board and put words in order (one student at a time from each team) to form a conversation (including putting sentences that don’t fit so students have to evaluate whether the information is necessary or not).

3. Video from YouTube of people greeting each other. /


See attached document for list of acceptable/unacceptable custom list
All of the parts of a conversation (basic greeting & farewell conversation) split up onto separate flashcards and posted on wall.
New Vocabulary: community, extra-curricular activities, hello, how are you, goodbye, see you later, class subjects, teachers

Nombre: ______

¿Aceptables o no?

Decide si las siguientes costumbres son buenas: sí o no.

1.  Saludar a una persona que conoces. ______

2.  Usar las manos mientras hablas ______

3.  Sonreírle a un desconocido ______

4.  Eructar durante la comida ______

5.  Llevar una falda corta (las mujeres) ______

6.  Tocar la espalda o el hombro de una persona ______

7.  Darle la mano a una persona ______

8.  Comer con las manos ______

9.  Besarle a una persona que acabas de conocer en las mejillas ______

10.  Besarle a un pariente en los labios ______

11.  Besarle a alguien que conoces en las mejillas ______

12.  Levantarte cuando entra una persona mayor ______

13.  Mirar a la persona en los ojos mientras le hablas ______

14.  Reír sin cubrir la boca ______

15.  Llegar un poco tarde para una cita ______

16.  Darle el gesto de “ok” a alguien ______

17.  Darle el gesto do “ ” a alguien ______

World Language

Activity Worksheet

LEVEL: / Intermediate
Strand: / Communication
Standard: / Interpersonal Communication
Level of Proficiency/Domain: / Intermediate/Speaking & Listening
Benchmark: / 1.1.M.SL.b: Recognize and use appropriate register/honorifics in a
limited number of routine social situations such as making a purchase or an
Assessment (before, during, after):
Pre-quiz of specific situations/relationships (a friend, parent, teacher, store clerk, receptionist, older person, peer, family member, etc.) and which honorific you would use in each one (formal or informal).
Vocabulary phrase development: Show the same transparencies from the “before” activity listed below without captions and have students create their own captions (quick video comprehension check by teacher).
Role-play: Students are given specific scenarios (either making a purchase in a store, making a restaurant reservation or making an appointment) **A different scenario will be given to each pair than what they had for the scenario activity listed below. They will have 10 minutes to discuss what they want to do but may NOT write anything down. Students will present their scenario in front of the class.
Project Rubric: 25 points total, 5 points each
–  Proper use of honorifics (formal vs. informal)
–  Pronunciation
–  Fluency (no use of “um” or other space fillers)
–  Grammar
–  Vocabulary - appropriate word/phrase use that fits the context

Learning Activities/Facts/Information:

1.  Show students a picture of the different scenarios (from textbooks) with the important vocabulary phrases. Ask students what they think they might mean based on context and discuss the correct answers.
2.  Shopping video
3.  Vocabulary phrase matching (target language to English) in pairs or groups.
4.  Students are given a list of scenarios (listed above) and write out a dialogue with a partner. /


Teacher created or from textbook
Teacher created
Teacher created
New Vocabulary: How can I help you, I would like, I’m looking for, Do you have, How much does it cost, Do you accept credit cards, cash or checks, Can I try on, this doesn’t fit, size, clothing items, demonstrative adjectives, I’ll take it, What time, How long, When/what day, appointment, Directions/How do I get there?, What time do you open/close, formal & informal “you” if applicable, stores, office, waiting room

World Language

Activity Worksheet

LEVEL: / Intermediate
Strand: / Communication
Standard: / Interpersonal Communication
Level of Proficiency/Domain: / Intermediate/Speaking & Listening
Benchmark: / 1.1.M.SL.c: Request, offer, invite, and reply appropriately using simple
phrases/sentences and provide rationale for the request and/or reply.
Assessment (before, during, after):
Provide an authentic invitation in the target language to an event and ask students where they think it takes place, when, the purpose of the event, who it is for, etc.
In a role-play, students will give an invitation to two or three students in which at least one will be able to go and one will not be able to. **Invitation can be taken from a newspaper, a website for an event, magazine ads, etc.
Students will be given situational cards and have a conversation with the teacher through a series of at least 5 questions asked by teacher inviting them to an event they cannot attend. Write an e-mail inviting a friend to an event (e-mail sent to teacher).
Project Rubric:
Situational conversation with teacher (30 points)
–  Appropriately answers the questions (including giving reason why they cannot make it) (10 points)
–  Comprehensible (would be understood by a native speaker familiar with English speakers learning Spanish) (10 points)
–  Pronunciation/Fluency (5 points)
–  Grammar (5 points)
E-mail invitation to friend (25 points)
–  Grammar (5 points)
–  Comprehensibility (5 points)
–  Content: proper greeting, asking if they can come to the event, where, when, the purpose of the event, who is coming, and proper farewell (10 points)
–  Length (at least 5 sentences) (5 points)

Learning Activities/Facts/Information:

1.  Teacher-led brainstorm about what an invitation includes (activating prior knowledge) in English.
2.  Teacher creates/brings an invitation and gives students each a card saying “yes” or “no” as to whether they can attend. Each student has 2 minutes to write down an appropriate reply, accepting or declining the invitation. The students will share their responses with the class.
3.  Write an invitation to a party/event using the key elements of an invitation discussed in activity #1. /


Teacher created invitation/or invitation found from another authentic source
Construction paper & vocabulary list provided to students
New Vocabulary: Would you like, Are you available, Could/can/will/would you, please, no thank you, I’m busy, I have to…, I’m not available, Unfortunately I cannot, Yes, I would love to, It would be a pleasure

World Language

Activity Worksheet

LEVEL: / Intermediate
Strand: / Communication
Standard: / Interpersonal Communication
Level of Proficiency/Domain: / Intermediate/Speaking & Listening
Benchmark: / 1.1.M.SL.d: Share a detailed description about physical appearance,
character, and personality traits of contemporary figures in their own and
the target culture.
Assessment (before, during, after):
Brainstorm adjectives used to describe people. Show pictures of people with adjectives and ask students what they think they mean. Exit ticket: What is an adjective? Give an example.
Students select a famous person from their culture and create a collage of adjectives around the picture. Students present the collages to the class.
Listening activity where teacher or recording describes likes and dislikes of a person and students have to say what the person is like based on that.
Presentation describing a famous person in the target culture (without being able to use notes or any written descriptions).
Project Rubric: 30 points
–  Picture of person (5points)
–  Three physical descriptions and three characteristics of a person (10 points)
–  Fluency/pronunciation (5 points)
–  Grammar (5 points)
–  Comprehensibility (5 points)

Learning Activities/Facts/Information:

1.  Adjective introduction—go over answers to what they thought the adjectives in the target language mean.
2.  Flashcards of people with facial expressions or physical characteristics.
3.  Memory game or matching worksheet matching pictures to adjectives in the target language.
4.  Post pictures of famous people around the room and have students describe one of them using adjectives from their notes/the book. The class will try to guess which person they are describing. /


Teacher created flashcards
Teacher created memory game or matching worksheet
New Vocabulary: adjectives (physical and characteristics of people)- short, tall, fat, skinny, tiny, big, ugly, pretty, handsome, beautiful, nice, selfish, caring, mean, friendly, smart, stupid, lazy, hardworking, good, bad, adventurous/daring, shy, brave, outgoing, generous, patient, impatient, athletic, artistic, etc., he/she is

World Language

Activity Worksheet

LEVEL: / Intermediate
Strand: / Communication
Standard: / Interpersonal Communication
Level of Proficiency/Domain: / Intermediate/Speaking & Listening
Benchmark: / 1.1.M.SL.e: Share a detailed description about feelings, emotions and
health of contemporary figures.
Assessment (before, during, after):
Feelings/emotions poster (“How are you feeling today?” poster) on transparency/ELMO. Students will guess what the words mean based on the pictures.
After viewing the video, students will describe the emotions and feelings of the contemporary figure with a partner in a write-pair-share.
Teacher interview with individual students asking them “How are you feeling today?” The students will respond with at least three emotions in context and explain why they feel that way.
Project Rubric: Situational conversation with teacher (30 points)
–  Appropriately answers the question (including an explanation) (10 points)
–  Comprehensible (would be understood by a native speaker familiar with English speakers learning target language) (10 points)
–  Pronunciation/Fluency (5 points)
–  Grammar (5 points)

Learning Activities/Facts/Information:

1.  KIM vocabulary chart of emotions (K- key word, I- information (definition/English translation), M- memory clue)
2.  Vocabulary Bingo: Students create their own bingo boards by cutting and pasting photos of the same pictures from the poster used in the before assessment.
3.  Show a video of a contemporary figure doing something (such as Britney Spears freak out).
4.  Students will listen to an interview with a contemporary figure in the target language and check off the feelings/emotions on a graphic organizer template/force-field analysis/True/False activity. Students will share answers afterwards.
5.  Teacher individually asks students in the class “How would you feel if…?” and students give a simple one word response.
6.  In pairs, students are given scenarios involving emotions such as “you are really tired and your parents are making you go to your grandparent’s house.” Students will create written dialogue that expresses their feelings and emotions about it. /


KIM vocabulary chart & book definitions/translations
Pictures from the “How are you feeling today?” poster
YouTube, news stations online for video/teacher-led class discussion
Force-field analysis worksheet of whether the characteristics are or are not accurate
Teacher created situations
Teacher created scenarios typed up and passed out to students
New Vocabulary: adjectives describing feelings/emotions & health (tired, angry, sad, happy, frustrated, annoyed, stressed, overwhelmed, jealous, in love, content, excited, anxious, afraid/frightened, comfortable, lonely, loved, busy, healthy, unhealthy, sick, sickness/illness, he/she is, he/she feels)

World Language

Activity Worksheet

LEVEL: / Intermediate
Strand: / Communication
Standard: / Interpersonal Communication
Level of Proficiency/Domain: / Intermediate/Speaking & Listening
Benchmark: / 1.1.M.SL.f: Share a detailed description of places and things beyond
their immediate environment or in the target culture.
Assessment (before, during, after):
Students will be shown pictures of vocabulary labeled in the target language and be asked to make inferences to the meanings.
Students will be shown a picture of a scene (such as a cabin in the snow in the country side) and student has to say as much as they can about it.
Exit ticket: Listen to a weather forecast. Ask students: “What is the weather like based on the weather forecast we just listened to?”
In groups, students will create a PowerPoint presentation on a country/region where the target language is spoken.
Project Rubric: PowerPoint presentation (50 points)
–  Grammar (5 points)
–  Pronunciation/comprehensibility (5 points)
–  Preparation/fluency (not reading off of the slide word for word) (15 points)
–  Pictures/examples (5 points)
–  Content: weather, climate, terrain, city vs. country, transportation, different types of residences (hotels, apartments, hostels, houses) (20 points)

Learning Activities/Facts/Information:

1.  Show pictures of the vocabulary used in before assessment again and have students write down words and use them in a sentence.
2.  Listen to a weather forecast and have the students take notes on it. Discuss it at the end as a class to measure comprehension.
3.  Display pictures of scenery and ask students “What can you tell me about this picture?” Students will write down their response and share with the class. **students can use their notes/books /


Forecast from News channel
Pictures from the Internet of different countries where the target language is spoken with different types of climate & and geography
New Vocabulary: weather, climate, tropical, rainforest, snowstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, humid/dry, mountains, city, country, streets, highways, stoplights, buildings, stores, businesses, downtown area, transportation, hotels, apartments, homes

World Language