
Class ______


Chap. 2 Exercise Physiology

1. Name the four chambers of the heart.

2. Name the three energy systems.

3. What is the prime mover, antagonist and stabilizers for the bench press?

4. What causes post exercise soreness and what do you do about it?

5. Describe what occurs during the systolic and diastolic phase of blood pressure. What is considered a normal reading?

6. What is the difference between slow and fast twitch muscle?

7. What might be the fat burning target heart range for a 45-year old individual with a resting heart rate of 60 bpm?

8. What is the all or none theory?

9. Explain the difference between concentric and eccentric in resistance training.

10. Name two functions of blood.

11. What is the definition of OBLA?

12. How could you determine maximum heart rate and training heart rate when designing a cardiovascular workout for a client?

13. Discuss the concept of periodicity.

14. What is the Valsalva Maneuver?

15. What does the abbreviation ATP mean?

16. With exercise lasting longer than ten seconds what system kicks in to provide ATP?

17. How long does Glycolysis last?

18. Define reciprocal inhibition.

19. What is a Co-contraction?

20. What is a spurt muscle? Give an example.

21. What is a double-jointed muscle?

22. Define the term reversibility.

23. What would afferent information be?

24. What is a motor unit?

25. Janda suggested there is a group of postural muscles involved in static tasks such as standing or sitting that have a tendency to become overactive. The muscles are referred to as:

26. What body type is characterized by a muscular build?

  1. When a client has a decrease in appetite, inability to sleep and elevated rate heart, they may be:
  1. The fascia that surrounds bundles of muscle fibers is called?
  1. Which contraction is the strongest; concentric, eccentric or isometric?
  1. Define Visceral or smooth muscles.

31. Define the origin of a muscle.

Chap. 3 Nutrition

1. List three reasons why eating 5 - 6 meals a day is more effective.

2. What is the ACSM recommended intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for health?

3. What are vitamins?

4. How much water should a person drink a day?

5. How many calories are in: One gram of fat: One gram of carbohydrates: One gram of protein: One gram of vitamins:

6. The essential Amino Acids are:

7. Define basal metabolic rate.

8. What major role does potassium play in the body?

9. What is the Institute of Medicine's recommended intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats?

10. What hormone does the pancreas release in response to high concentration of blood sugar?

11. What macronutrient provides the majority of the energy used by muscles in the first three minutes of an activity?

12. Give an example of a saturated fat.

13. According to the Food Guide Pyramid which category of foods offer high-quality protein?

14. Which type of vitamins may have a risk for toxicities?

15. According to the American Dietetic Association, a person should drink _____8 oz glasses of water.

  1. What is the acronym RDA stand for?
  1. Give examples of a disaccharide.
  1. Name the essential fats.
  1. List some of the benefits of vitamin C.
  1. What vitamin is most affected by the industrialization of our food supply?
  1. How many calories are in a food that contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, 42 grams of protein and 12 grams of fat?
  1. The recommended intake for dietary fiber is:
  1. 8 grams per kilogram is the RDA recommendation for healthy adults for which macronutrient?
  1. Galactose and glucose make up the disaccharide:
  2. While the body is at rest, what percentage of fat is utilized for fuel?
  1. Glucose, sucrose and fructose are examples of:
  1. Which vitamin helps maintain collagen?