Wax Museum Project

During the weeks of October 21st and October 28, 2013 you will be working on aproject that will require preparation inside the classroom, as well as at home. You will choose a historically significant figure from the Revolutionary War that you would like to research. You will use the following website to choose your historical figure: You will be required to prepare a two page report over yoursignificant figure. You must include at least one example of a simile, one example of a metaphor and one example of personification in your essay. Be sure to underline your examples.

On November 6, we will organize a wax museum display. You will be required to dress as the person you researched. You will become statues of wax and come to life when an imaginary button is activated. You will be required to give a short speech, approximately 1-2 minutes, over the life of your person. You will take on the persona of your significant figure, telling the story from your person’s perspective.

The following is the rubric for the overall grade of the research project. The overall grade will be counted one time in Reading, one time in Language arts, and one time Social Studies.

Wax Museum Overall Research Project Rubric

Requirement / Points
Written Report / _____/50
Prepared Speech / _____/25
Dressed as Character / _____/25
Total / _____/100

Other daily grades will be taken as you progress through the project, as noted on the calendar. These grades will not count towards the cumulative grade.


I have read the information, rubrics, and timeline provided and understand the requirements for the Wax Museum.


Name of Student



Parent Signature

Famous Person

Please return the above portion to your Reading teacher October 22, 2013

Research Paper Rubric

Requirement / Points
Outline attached to back of report / _____/5
5 paragraph format.
1 Introductory paragraph, 3 Body paragraphs discussing three events of the famous person’s life, 1 Conclusion paragraph
Each paragraph is a minimum 5 sentences each / _____/20
One example each of a simile, metaphor and personification / _____10
Typed, easily readable font no bigger than 14pt, Double Spaced or neatly hand written. / _____/5
Proper capitalization and punctuation/correct spelling / _____/5
Bibliography of all sources / _____/5
Total / _____/50

Prepared Speech

Requirement / Points
Written Speech / _____/5
Eye Contact with audience / _____/5
Clear, memorized speech presentation / _____/5
Speech gives 3 pieces of information about the famous person (this information comes directly from the autobigraphical paper) / _____/10
Total / _____/25

Wax Museum Due Date Schedule

Check off when Completed

___ October 21 – Decide on person for Biography

___ October 23 – You must have outline completed

___ October 24 – Begin writing rough draft of paper

___ October 25 – Rough Draft Due

___ November 1 – Write speech

___ November 4 – Written Speech Due

___ November 5 – Dress rehearsal with your group (Practice Memorized Speech)

___ November 6 – Wax Museum Day