Reader 56

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers – Lesson Plans – Reader #56

*TLW = “The learner will”

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Section A- Fluency and Comprehension-
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2 p. 221-222, Reader#56 p. 1, and ThinkerBox Book Chapter 11 pages10-18.
Lesson Plan Sheet available from the web site:

Objectives: TLW read the sight words farm, drink, once, fox, and blossom.
TLW read with fluency.
TLW answer comprehension questions.
Before students begin reading pages 1-3-The deeds of Fox will provide a good opportunity for students to discuss the character trait of honesty. As students discuss the vocabulary in the Oral Language Lesson, the teacher can make a list on chart paper of the character traits discussed. If something happens in the classroom that can be related to the stories, ask students to make the connection between reading text and real life events.
Students will read page 1.
Oral Language Lesson for Reader 56 p. 1
Refer to Manual p. 222for higher order thinking and comprehension questions.
Important Terms
Retell, Sequence, Summarize, and Think Aloud
Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words-
1/3 of the group time
Materials: timer, Reader #56 p.4-5
Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2, p. 221.
Objective: TLW read sight words with speed and accuracy.
See the August 2005 Online Newsletter for sight word game ideas:
August Newsletter.htm
Section C-Ten Minute Phonics
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Reader #56 p.6-7,Manual p.223, Toolbox Decks 33,34, 35, and 36.
Objective: TLW sound out y making the Long asound.
Teacher’s Note-In Lessons 56-58, three sounds for the letter y are taught. The Reader contains many words for practice; however there are no Card Decks. If students know Short Vowels, Long Vowels,R-Controlled Vowels and how to switch vowels so that the context MAKES SENSE, then students will not need a great deal of repetition for the three sounds of the letter y. If students have trouble sounding out words with the letter y at the end in text, then make a Card Deck for practice.
Procedure: The teacher introduces the y making the Long a sound when it ends words. “When you see a word ending with the letters ay, most of the time this ay makes the sound of Long a.” The teacher writes a few examples either on the board or on index cards. Students then practice sounding new words with the letters ay at the end.
Review and practice pages 6 and 7.
Assessment- Page 6
The teacher will select four words from column one or two. Students will take turns sounding out words.
For other game ideas, the teacher may check the August 2005 Online Newsletter:
August Newsletter.htm
Independent Time for Reader #56
The teacher may select pages 8 and 9 of Reader 56. Suggested Writing Activity- Think about something that has happened recently at home or at school when you could not decide what to do. Draw a picture of what happened and explain your problem. If you found a solution to your problem, be sure to include the solution.
GPS Standards
ELA1R1 a, c
ELA1R2 c, e
ELA1R3 b, c, d, e, f, g, h
ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e
ELA1R5 a
ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, l, m
ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h,i, j, k,l
ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f / Section A- Fluency and Comprehension-
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2 p. 221-222, Reader#56 p. 2, and ThinkerBox Book Chapter 11 pages10-18.
Lesson Plan Sheet available from the web site:

Objectives: TLW read the sight words farm, drink, once, fox, and blossom.
TLW read sentences with fluency.
TLW self-correct reading errors.
TLW answers comprehension questions about story.
Review sight words.
Have children orally read p. 2 and play Beat the Tiger.
Have students answer comprehension questions at the bottom of the page.
Oral Language Lesson for Reader 56p. 2
Refer to Manual p. 222 for higher order thinking and comprehension questions.
Important Terms
Retell, Sequence, Summarize, and Think Aloud
Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words-
1/3 of the group time
Materials: timer, Reader #56 p.4-5
Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2, p. 221.
Objective: TLW read sight words with speed and accuracy.
See the August 2005 Online Newsletter for sight word game ideas:
August Newsletter.htm
Section C-Ten Minute Phonics
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Reader #56 p.6-7, Manual p.223, Toolbox Decks 33, 34, 35, and 36.
Objective: TLW sound out y making Long a.
Procedure: The teacher introduces the y making the Long a sound when it ends words. “When you see a word ending with the letters ay, most of the time this ay makes the sound of Long a.” The teacher writes a few examples either on the board or on index cards. Students then practice sounding new words with the letters ay at the end.
Review and practice pages 6 and 7.
Assessment- Page 6
The teacher will select four words from column one or two. Students will take turns sounding out words.
For other game ideas, the teacher may check the August 2005 Online Newsletter:
August Newsletter.htm
Independent Time for Reader #56
The teacher may select pages 10 and 11 of Reader 56.
Suggested Writing Topic: Farmer Blue and the animals can’t decide what to do. Think of a solution to their problem. Draw a picture and write a letter telling Farmer Blue and the animals what they might do to solve the problem.
GPS Standards
ELA1R1 a, c
ELA1R2 c, e
ELA1R3 b, c, d, e, f, g, h
ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e
ELA1R5 a
ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, l, m
ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h,i, j, k,l
ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f / Section A- Fluency and Comprehension-
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2 p. 221-222, Reader#56p. 3, and ThinkerBox Book Chapter 11 pages10-18.
Lesson Plan Sheet available from the web site:
Objectives: TLW read the sight words farm, drink, once, fox, and blossom.
TLW read with fluency.
TLW answer comprehension questions.
Review sight words. Read the story on page 3.
Play Beat the Tiger.
Go over comprehension questions at the bottom of thepage.
Oral Language Lesson for Reader 56p. 3
Refer to Manual p. 222 for higher order thinking and comprehension questions.
Important Terms
Retell, Sequence, Summarize, and Think Aloud
Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words-1/3 of the group time
Materials: timer, Reader #56 p.4-5
Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2, p. 221.
Objective: TLW read sight words with speed and accuracy.
See the August 2005 Online Newsletter for sight word game ideas:
August Newsletter.htm
Section C-Ten Minute Phonics
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Reader #56 p.6-7, Manual p.223, Toolbox Decks 33, 34, 35, and 36.
Objective: TLW sound out y making Long a. words.
Procedure: The teacher introduces the y making the Long a sound when it ends words. “When you see a word ending with the letters ay, most of the time this ay makes the sound of Long a.” The teacher writes a few examples either on the board or on index cards. Students then practice sounding new words with the letters ay at the end.
Review and practice pages 6 and 7.
Assessment- Page 6
The teacher will select four words from column one or two. Students will take turns sounding out words.
For other game ideas, the teacher may check the August 2005 Online Newsletter:
August Newsletter.htm
Independent Time for Reader #56
The teacher may select p. 12 and 13 of Reader 56.
Suggested Writing Topic-The illustration on page 12 shows Farmer Blue and the animals looking very sad. Write a summary of what has happened so far in the story.
GPS Standards
ELA1R1 a, c
ELA1R2 c, e
ELA1R3 b, c, d, e, f, g, h
ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e
ELA1R5 a
ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, l, m
ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h,i, j, k,l
ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f / Section A- Fluency and Comprehension-
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2 p. 221-222Reader#56 and ThinkerBox Book Chapter 11 pages 10-18
Lesson Plan Sheet available from the web site:
Objectives: TLW read the sight words farm, drink, once, fox, and blossom.
TLW recognize question marks, periods, and exclamation points.
TLW recognize commas.
TLW read sentences with fluency.
TLW identify what is missing in each picture.
TLW use picture clues to help with comprehension.
Go over sight words.
The teacher then randomly calls on students to read the sentences on p.10-18 of ThinkerBox Chapter 10Discuss the pictures and story.
Important Terms
Retell, Sequence, Summarize, and Think Aloud
Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words-1/3 of the group time
Materials: timer, Reader #56 p.4-5
Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2, p. 221.
Objective: TLW read sight words with speed and accuracy.
See the August 2005 Online Newsletter for sight word game ideas:
August Newsletter.htm
Section C-Ten Minute Phonics
1/3 of the time
Materials: Reader #56 p.6-7, Manual p.223, Toolbox Decks 33, 34, 35, and 36.
Objective: TLW sound out y making Long a.
Procedure: The teacher introduces the y making the Long a sound when it ends words. “When you see a word ending with the letters ay, most of the time this ay makes the sound of Long a.” The teacher writes a few examples either on the board or on index cards. Students then practice sounding new words with the letters ay at the end.
Review and practice pages 6 and 7.
Assessment- Page 6
The teacher will select four words from column one or two. Students will take turns sounding out words.
For other game ideas, the teacher may check the August 2005 Online Newsletter:
August Newsletter.htm
Independent Time for Reader #56
The teacher may select pages 14 and 15 of Reader 56.
Suggested Writing Topic- The illustration on page 14 shows Duck looking very happy. Write an explanation of why Duck is happy. / Section A- Fluency and Comprehension-
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers &
Journal Writers Part 2 p. 221-222Reader #56, p. 16 Assessment
Lesson Plan Sheet available from the web site:
Objective: TLW select words from the word box to complete the sentence.
Students will do page 16 independently.
Page 16 provides the comprehension assessment for pages 1-3.
Important Terms
Retell, Sequence, Summarize, and Think Aloud
Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words-1/3 of the group time
Materials: timer, Reader #56 p.4-5
Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2, p. 221.
Objective: TLW read sight words with speed and accuracy.
See the August 2005 Online Newsletter for sight word game ideas:
August Newsletter.htm
Section C-Ten Minute Phonics
1/3 of the group time
Materials: Reader #56 p.6-7, Manual p.223, Toolbox Decks 33, 34, 35, and 36.
Objective: TLW sound out y making Long a.
Procedure: The teacher introduces the y making the Long a sound when it ends words. “When you see a word ending with the letters ay, most of the time this ay makes the sound of Long a.” The teacher writes a few examples either on the board or on index cards. Students then practice sounding new words with the letters ay at the end.
Review and practice pages 6 and 7.
Assessment- Page 6
The teacher will select four words from column one or two. Students will take turns sounding out words.
For other game ideas, the teacher may check the August 2005 Online Newsletter:
August Newsletter.htm
Independent Time for Reader#56
Teacher-selected activity.
The teacher may decide to do a journal writing or vocabulary building activity.
GPS Standards
ELA1R1 a, c
ELA1R2 c, e
ELA1R3 b, c, d, e, f, g, h
ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e
ELA1R5 a
ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, l, m
ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h,i, j, k,l
ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f