Exam #4 - Study Guide -

Chapter 13 –

1. List the number of Federal, State and Local Government employees.

2. Identify and describe the 4 parts of the Max Weber theory of Bureaucracy.

3. Identify and describe 3 Cabinet Offices.

4. Identify and describe two Executive Agencies.

5. Identify and describe two Executive Regulatory Agencies.

6. Identify and describe two Government Corporations.

7. What is the Pendleton Act?

8. List and described 3 of the 4 bureaucratic reforms covered in class.

Chapter 14 –

9. Identify and explain the 5 types of laws in the United States.

10. Who created the Magna Carta?

11. Explain the 3 advantages of operating in a common law system.

12. What Act created the Federal District Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals?

13. How many Federal District Courts and U.S. Appeals Courts exist in the U.S.?

14. How many cases were processed through the Federal District Court, U.S. Court of

Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court last year?

15. Who did we identify as the unofficial 10th justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?

16. What is a Writ of Certiorari and Amicus Curiae?

17. How many Federal Judges do we have at each of the 3 Federal Courts?

18. List the 6 non white male judges that have served on the U.S. Supreme Court.

19. List the last 4 Chief Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court – list who appointed them to

the chief justice position and identify one of the major decisions decided during

their tenure as chief justice.

Chapter 15 –

20. How was the original poverty rate calculated?

21. How is the poverty rate calculated now?

22. What is the poverty rate for a family of 4?

23. What percent of children are currently living in poverty in the U.S.?

24. Identify the Transfer Payment Programs covered in class.

25. Describe the difference between the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

26. How many people currently receive food stamps and how much does the program

Cost per year?

27. What is the name of the report that the FBI compiles each year cataloging all of the

reported crimes in the United States?

28. Identify the four parts of the correctional population in the United States.

29. Describe the purpose of the superfund program?

30. Describe the Clean Air Act of 1990.

Chapter 16 –

31. What is the current deficit and debt for the U.S. Government?

32. What percent of our debt is currently owned by foreign governments?

33. What’s the current unemployment level for the U.S. Government and Michigan?

34. What economic policy was used by F.D.R. during the great depression?

35. What was the trade deficit for the United States last year?

36. What amendment created the federal income tax?

Chapter 17 –

37. How much did the U.S. Government give out in economic aid last year?

38. What is the current size of the U.S. Military Budget?

39. Who created the Peace Corp and how many countries are assisted by the


40. Describe the War Powers Act of 1973.

41. Describe the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine.

42. What role did Teddy Roosevelt play in the Spanish American War?

43. Who were the Allies and Axis powers in World War I and World War II.

44. Describe the purpose of the Truman Doctrine.

45. What was the Marshall Plan?

46. What is the meaning of the word – Détente?

47. Describe the purpose of the strategic defense imitative.

48. What is the Military Industrial Complex?

49. Describe the role of the United Nations Security Council.

50. Who’s the current U.N. Secretary General?

51. Where is the headquarters for the UN - United Nations and N.A.T.O.?

Chapter 18 –

52. Identify and describe the three types of Direct Democracy

53. What is the main source of revenue for our State and Local Government – provide


54. What percent of governors have law degrees and what percent of the time do they get


55. Identify and describe the duties and responsibilities of a Governor

56. How many states allow the governor to use a Line Item veto?

57. On average, governor’s veto about what percent of the bills submitted to them?

58. Who were the last 2 governors to be impeached/convicted and why?

59. Identify the current Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer and Secretary of State?

60. Identify the last 4 Governors of Michigan – from 1983.

61. Identify and describe the 5 main types of governments in the United States.

62. How long does a city manager stay with a city? How long does it take to become a

city manager? What is the average pay for a city manager?

63. What is the largest and smallest township in Michigan based on geographic size?

This study guide doesn’t cover every possible question that might appear on the exam. But, it does cover a very high percentage.

Students are required to obtain study guide answers during chapter lecture time.