The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

1. During the Enlightenment, what change occurred in the European governments?

a. Governments abolished religion from their countries

b. The people insisted on having more control over the government

c. Leaders of governments increased their power over others

d. The people became highly interested in art and literature

2. Which of the following best demonstrates the impact the Enlightenment had on governments?

a. The American people’s claim that King George should not tax them unfairly.

b. The French use of torture and violence in their move towards independence.

c. Galileo’s false confession that he was wrong about the heliocentric view of the world.

d. The printing press’s ability to spread the written word across countries more quickly.

3. Based on the quotation below, what does John Locke mean?

“Man... hath by nature a power.... to preserve his property - that is, his life, liberty, and property - against the injuries and attempts of other men.” –John Locke

a. He believed people should have natural rights and the right to defend those rights

b. He believed people believe should have inalienable rights and the right to education

c. He believed people should have natural rights and the right to vote on issues

d. He believed people should have natural rights and the right to freedom from taxes

4. Which of the following best describes what scientists experienced during the Enlightenment?

a. People made discoveries à they reported them à and they were praised

b. People experimented à they made discoveries à and they were criticized

c. People prayed à they made discoveries à and they were punished

d. People thought à they read the Bible à and they believed in God

5. Based on the quotation below, who do you think said this and what is their bias?

“The earth is the heavenly body at the center of the universe. It was put there by God and all the other planets revolve around it including the sun. Any who does not agree is disrespecting the Church and shall pay for their heresy.”

a. A scientist who believes experimentation is the best method

b. A philosopher who believes that thought is the only way to solve problems

c. A Catholic priest who believes that the Church is always correct

d. A doctor who thinks that medicine is the best explanation of the universe

6. Isaac Newton’s discoveries were important for all of the following reasons except:

a. They were based on the Scientific Method.

b. They caused other scientific discoveries.

c. They were inspirational to Renaissance artists.

d. They introduced the concept of gravity.

7. What did the Catholic Church most fear about the Scientific Revolution?

a. That people would stop believing in God and the Church

b. That people were breaking important governmental laws

c. That people were not paying the church enough money

d. That people were going to immigrate to another country

8. Why were Galileo’s ideas disliked during the Scientific Revolution?

a. His ideas were humorous and silly

b. His ideas were based on the Scientific Method

c. His ideas were so complicated and illogical

d. His ideas were founded on the word of the Pope

9. The philosophers of the Enlightenment all agreed on which of the following statements?

a. Governments must reflect the inclinations and rights of the people.

b. People are generally kind hearted and capable of great things.

c. Citizens should not be allowed to control their government.

d. People’s relationship to their government needs to be happy.

10. During the Scientific Revolution how did technology improve?

a. People used religion to create new inventions

b. People invented scientific tools to help make discoveries

c. People produced new methods of creating artwork

d. People stopped using technology as they became more religious

Constructed Response

Using TWO complete sentences, please respond to each of the questions. Be sure to give a thorough response to each.

11. How did the Scientific Revolution change people’s view of the Catholic Church?

12. What is the purpose of government?

13. Who can make the greatest change in government, the leaders/politicians or the citizens?

14. Which discovery or idea do you think had the greatest impact on our world? Why?

15. What role do you think the Enlightenment played in future revolutions?