Minutes from 11/14/2012

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Minutes from 10/10 were approved. There will not be copies of minutes at meeting you can review them on the website as they will be posted.

Principles Report

See attached Report

Teacher’s Report

  • Straight A Breakfast is coming up and she is working on this event.
  • PE runs the Turkey Trot they will not need help from the PTSA

1st Vice President Report

  • Looking for someone to nominate for Advocate on Policy Change. If you know of anyone please email Julia
  • National PTA award for Lifetime Achievement. Would like to recommend Mr. Bower for his effort to promote children. The fee would be $150. Possible joint payment with CMS.
  • Would like to provide a Special Ed catalog to all the Special Ed families.

Treasurers Report

  • Scanned copy of report attached
  • Fundraising is going really well.
  • Sent letter to committees, teachers and staffs about budgets and funds that are available

2nd Vice President Report

  • NJHS had November meeting. They will volunteer at Barnes and Noble Night. Will work with counselors on the Pennies for Presents. At January meeting they will work on a project for the Casey Cares Foundation and volunteer for Vocab Olympics.
  • SGA had a meeting with Mr. Clark today. There will be elections soon. They will take over the Bowl-A-Thon.

Presidents Report(Agenda attached with more information)

Openings for next year Treasurer, Direct Donations, Mulch Sale, Spirit Nites

PTSA Elite Writer’s and PTSA Reflections See attached agenda

All committees please remember to turn in your Plans of Work

Delegate Report

Brenda Pound . The Pound meal train needs to get rolling again. Any questions please email Beth Bill . You can use the link . If you would like to send Brenda a card her address is 1936 Windys Run Road.

Barnes & Noble Night is December 5th. It will focus on the Elite and Reflection Authors. Info will go home with the report cards. Still need to get a Wish List for B&N to process. You can shop online with code 10875391.

Old Business

CMS Box Tops/Giant/Safeway/Target –Laurie Burinsky

  • Variety Show DVD still on sale
  • Sending incentive to teachers
  • We have 310 Giant Cards (68 more than CHS)
  • Box Tops first contest raised $290
  • 6th Graders need volunteers for concession stand during concerts, play and BB games

Student Internet Safety

Went very well, much was learned by teachers, parents and students. There will be a 6th grade presentation before they go to North Bay.

Some tips from the presentation:

  • Computers should be in a main room of house so you can keep an eye on it at all times
  • Phones off and on counter at bedtime
  • New Website Tumbler is inappropriate
  • Anything you put on social media is no longer yours.
  • Kids are saving things on XBOX Live instead of home computers
  • You should all passwords your children use.

Food Nights-Jackie Scott

A new chair is needed. The job involves organizing at least one fundraiser a quarter with local restaurants.

Membership- Marnie Beyer and Deidre

  • Now have additional cards, they will go in teachers boxes this week.
  • We have 362 members with a goal of 400, 13 teachers haven’t joined
  • Homeroom with most members will win a breakfast

PTSA Communications- Janet Herilla

We are trying to send things out in clusters. If there is an immediate need it will go out

New Business

  • Tree Memorial for Madison Riggie was Nov. 13th. Special thanks to Mrs. Roy, CMS Choir, Mr. Clark, Ms. Tucci, Mr. Volkman, the Herrillas for their many efforts and resources for this very touching celebration of life. Brenda and David plan to continue to grow flowers and tend to this memoriam for their daughter. Thanks so much to the Herilla Family for donating the tree.
  • Ms. Smith request for funds for poster board maker. There are several options for cost. The Budget is set for the year. We will wait till the end of year to see what funds are left. Perhaps a portion will be allocated to purchase. A motion was made and approved to discuss at the end of year after March budget meeting.
  • Motion to approve the $120 worth of B&N gift cards for additional contest winners 2 per grade. Motion approved.
  • Submit for approval Plan of work for hospitality drafted by Angie McLean. Motion approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15