Saturday Market Board Meeting Minutes October 7, 2015

Attendance: Paulette Richards (chair), Willy Gibboney, Dave Lee, Alex Lanham, Paula Gourley, Maria Moule, Julia Garretson, Maggie Duncan, Kelly Durian

Staff: Kimberly Cullen, Kim Still Recorder: Diane McWhorter

Guests: Alan Pointer, Colleen Bauman, Teresa Pitzer, Karen Nunley, Lynn Brown, Sara Samano, Rage Kaje Saintly, CenyaEichengreen, Patricia Brooks, Kim Allen, David Winship

Introductions: Introductions around the room. Announcements: Paula announced that she is working on a resale exemption discount at Tandy Leather and is making a list of several other businesses that may extend discounts to Saturday Market members with membership cards.

Pressing Member Issues: Members were asked to limit their presentations to 3 minutes with supporting statements of one minute.

1. Sara Samano: Sara has a new idea for her booth site issue and will contact Kimberly and/or Colleen as a next step.

2. Rage Kaje Saintly: Kaje spoke about a continuing interpersonal issue with a vendor that she and Kimberly have been working on. There have been conditions set in writing. Kaje asked for help; she is frustrated and feels unsatisfied with the solutions at present, and asked the Board to take action. Kimberly felt that the conditions set in writing were clear and will follow up with Kaje when she returns to selling at Market.

***Motion: Allow Kimberly to continue working on the problem. (Julia/Maggie) 7-0-1 (Maria)

3. Pat Brooks: Pat sold her house and will be moving away but has already booked her Holiday Market space with Cenya sharing it. She asked that Cenya be given the booth for this year only. Cenya is not planning to sell at HM next year; there is little chance she could secure a space at this time as she was planning to share. An exception to the sign-up system was discussed to allow Cenya to use the booth this year. There will be no Booth Holder of Record next year.

***Motion: Let this happen (Willy/Julia) 8-0-0

4. Karen Nunley: The Board received three written comments regarding a situation involving Karen. She suggests that the situation be a tool to learn about the negative aspects of gossip at the Market, and suggests that the Market organization learn about gossip, harassment and victim validation to improve the policies and practices regarding these types of situations. She did not ask for a solution to her issue but wanted the record to show she was willing to work cooperatively to solve the problem. Kimberly has followed up with the complaints and will provide mediation if both parties wish to participate.

Members were reminded that these interpersonal situations take a lot of management time and that members should remember not to take things personally, to not make assumptions, and to discuss

problems clearly and directly and in a de-escalating manner when the situations arise. The Code of Conduct has been placed on the agenda and will be discussed.

Agenda Review and Approval: Move the Budget Committee Report to align with the Treasurer’s Report.

***Motion: Approve the agenda with the change (Paula/Julia) 7-1 (Willy)-0.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of September 2, 2015

***Motion: Accept the minutes as presented (Alex/Willy) 7-0-1 (Kelly)

Administrative Report: Kimberly reported that there are 511 members. The final number from last year she thought was about 587 (after the meeting she checked records and saw that the actual number was 569), and although a few more will join this year, the number will most likely not match last year’s. Some member recruitment is in the works. September attendance: 9-5 236; 9-12 222; 9-19 208; 9-26 182, 10-3 196. Holiday Market is 94% booked and is filling a little slower than last year, so members should talk it up and tell people that blocks 1,2 and 6 still have openings for new members. Fees paid by members are up over last year. The final payment for HM rent is due next week; bags and staff shirts are printed; Womenspace will be wrapping packages again. Security and load-in will be experienced and trusted people.

There are staffing changes: Joe Goodwin is leaving and the position is posted on Craig’s List. Two other set-up workers are leaving as well, and both have been replaced, one by a substitute worker who was already trained and was happy to get a position.

The mediation process with the Hascalls is underway and an agreement was made, and they have resumed selling. Another mediated session with some Food Court owners was successful in reaching an agreement as well. Persons making comments and letters to the Board and GM have been personally contacted by the GM.

The City Contract issues are being closely monitored and Kimberly will be meeting with the City about the concerns. There is a 90-day opt-out in the contract so if that becomes necessary it is a possibility.

Three new credit card machines were purchased to deal with the chip change. The information at hand from our processing company when the budget was written was not factual, so the $3000 cost wasn’t budgeted but it will be depreciated and the machines need replacement every few years anyway. It may be time to analyze the cost of running credit cards for vendors and customers but there hasn’t been time to look at it yet. ATMs will still be available in the Fairgrounds buildings.

Nonprofits are inquiring about HM space and will be scheduled soon. A couple have thought that they might join, screen and sell as members in shared spaces with members.

***Motion: Accept the Admin report (Dave/Julia) 8-0-0.

Advertising Update: Kim reported that she is working on all of the ads, the poster, and the usual fall activities. Lane Monthly gave us a double-size ad in the current issue. The Market-wide sale is scheduled

for Oct. 23. The Register-Guard ad will be on the inside first page (weather page) on Fridays during HM and the billboard at Gateway will be used this year. All Hallows’ Eugene is a big downtown event with a parade at 5:00 and trick-or-treating throughout the day.

***Motion: Approve the Advertising Update (Julia/Dave) 8-0-0

Treasurer’s / Budget Committee Report: Dru and Lynn went through the budget with two new people, Maria Moule and Misy Hansen, attending. He recommends that Misy be appointed to the committee. Income is ahead of last year and of the budgeted amount. The 5% credit card fee seems to be paying the costs of the usage. There was $1000 budgeted for equipment so that paid for part of the terminals. The budget is tight but Kimberly has been keeping within it. Booth fee income is up a little over last year, and members report selling well.

***Motion: Appoint Misy Hansen to the Budget Committee (Julia/Paula) 7-0-1 (Alex)

***Motion: Approve the Budget Committee/Treasurer’s Report (Dave/Julia) 8-0-0 All in favor.

Thanks to Lynn for his years of service!

Committee Reports: Standards: Lynn reported on the September 16 meeting. A telescoping smartphone tripod and painted rocks were screened. The Scent and Sound policies were reworked as directed. A recommendation on pipes will need to be put into New Business for the Board. Intramarket transactions were discussed but no changes were recommended in the policies.

Sound: The Market requires that members whose product may have an impact beyond the confines of their booth be sensitive to the impact of their products on other members and the public. It is recognized that the generation of sound may be integral to the successful sale of a product. However, as sound cannot be contained, if the respective parties cannot create a workable compromise between themselves, it will become the General Manager’s responsibility to impose a compromise in consultation with the parties concerned. If mitigation is not successful the member may lose the right to sell the product in question or the right to sell at Saturday Market. All final decisions by the General Manager may be appealed to the Board of Directors.

***Motion: Approve the Sound recommendation. (Alex/Julia) 8-0-0 All in favor

Scent: Members should be aware that strong scents can trigger asthma and other health problems. It is recognized that scent may be integral to the sale of a product. However, as scent may be difficult to contain, the Market requires that members whose product may have an impact beyond the confines of their booth be sensitive to the impact of their product on other members and the public. Members whose products generate member or public concern may be required to take mitigative actions. The General Manager is charged with developing a process which may include but is not limited to changes in packaging, display, formulation or other actions deemed reasonable by the General Manager. If mitigation cannot be successfully accomplished the member may lose their right to sell the products in question. All final decisions by the General Manager may be appealed to the Board of Directors.

***Motion: Accept the Scent recommendation coming from Standards (Alex/Dave) 8-0-0 All in favor

Recommendation: Pipes: Allow the sale of pipes and smoking equipment. Purchasers must show proof of the age of 18 years.

***Motion: Accept the Pipe recommendation (Alex/ Willy) 2-4-2 Motion fails.

Discussion: Have the legal questions been addressed? There is no intoxicant involved, so no OLCC regulations are involved. There were two members who came to speak in favor and none in opposition. One member pointed out that she can’t even sell a bubble pipe under the current policy. Members would like more discussion at a later time. Market members may need more notification, although it has been in the newsletter for the last few weeks. Saturday Market will make money, and the time is now to approve this so glass makers can sell at HM. Some feel that Market doesn’t need to show this image and it may affect all of our businesses. There are plenty of head shops to buy and sell pipes. Smoking isn’t allowed and this contradicts that. Others feel that alcohol is sold in supermarkets and those are still seen as family-friendly places. There have been other products at SM that have been seen as offensive by some. Taking more time would make for better policy. There weren’t any problems at OCF where there were several booths selling pipes. We don’t want to be known as a hippie market, or we can’t escape our hippie image (opinions vary.) Some very fine artists work in this borosilicate medium, but our market is closed to them. Our glass artists don’t have a place to sell their products, except FSP, and many members are being asked for pipes by customers of all ages. We’re sending potential customers to the FSP. We don’t want to look like we are too conservative either. Schedule a review after HM to see how it went. Require them to sell other things besides just pipes, or set some other restrictions on them.

***Motion: Call the question (Willy/Dave) 4-3-2 (Paulette voted in favor to break the tie). Question is called, discussion ended.

[Vote on the recommendation: 2-4-2. Motion fails.]

***Motion: Put this on Old Business at the next meeting. (Julia/Maggie) 6-2-0

***Motion: Approve the Standards Comm. report (Julia/Willy) 8-0-0

Holiday Market: Paula gave the report of the Sept. 9 meeting. Elf ornaments were made to color and give away to customers as part of the Elf promotion for the first weekend. Work Tasks were changed slightly and selling them to other members will be facilitated with a sign-up sheet. There was an advertising update which included the Gateway Mall electronic billboard and other budgetary adjustments. The Fairgrounds isn’t willing to have the fence decorated for free but the new reader board is fancier. Postcards are finished.

***Motion: Approve the Holiday Market report (Julia/Dave) 8-0-0

Food Court Committee: Colleen gave the report of the September 10th meeting. Several new members came to join the committee, so a third of the booths are now represented. They discussed the forks and the rising rate of loss, perhaps leading to new signage reminding people to turn in their forks.

The issue of the vacancy caused by Toby’s leaving brought new interest. Lots of discussion resulted in some great new solutions for congestion and safety in the food court particularly on the west side of it. A subcommittee was formed. The solution of spacing the booths apart in groups of two seems to solve several problems at once. Some booths have no safe egress in case of fire or emergency. Measures would be taken to prevent customers from using those narrow aisles.

Lights are being considered for the last few weeks, to be put up and maintained by volunteers. Research has been done on buying or renting ATMs. They cost $2-3000 but would make money for the Market.

***Motion: Accept the Food Court Committee report (Dave/Julia) 8-0-0 All in favor.

Old Business: Service Lines: Some vendors (about six) need extra room or other accommodations for their waiting customers. Most are conscientious about making sure their neighbors aren’t impacted, but it’s Market’s role to help them find solutions.

***Motion: Move the issue to another meeting (Paula/Julia) 8-0-0 All in favor.

Reserve Attendance: look at the effects of a possible change to requiring reserve vendors to attend more than once a month. Would the Market lose vendors, or attract more who could then reserve? This season no one who could sell in a 4x4 was turned away, though the Market was full a few times and those wanting 8x8’s were turned away occasionally. Three times a month used to be required. Minimal attendance discourages new vendors who have to wait for an extra hour to set up. Issue deferred to another meeting.

January and June meetings: Taking July off helps staff as they work to start the HM reservation process. Having January off puts a lot of work into February and committees want to meet in January. If all the meetings are scheduled into a couple of days early in January, vacations can still be taken and the office can be closed.

***Motion: Don’t have January and July meetings (Julia/ Willy) Rescinded.

***Motion: No meeting in July (Julia/Alex) 7-1-0

***Motion: No meeting in January (Maggie/Julia) Rescinded

***Motion: Have the Board meeting January 6 (Kelly/Julia) Motion passed 4-2-2

All other meetings need to be scheduled closely to that one. People should bring food.

New Business: Hot Weather Hours: Discuss in the spring for next season.

Annual Meeting: The annual meeting will take place Wednesday December 2.

Code of Conduct: members should review the code and the Standards Code of Conduct to discuss at the next meeting. Kimberly will email the Standards code to Board members.

Evaluation: Model addressing the chair so that guests know to do it as well. Do more of the hard business in public so that the participants all know what is being said. Move the pressing member issues farther into the meeting. Try harder not to take things personally.