The Role of Human Beings in the Quantum Universe

Henry P. Stapp

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley California 94720

A profound change in our scientific understanding of the role of human beings in the unfolding of our streams of conscious experiences was wrought by the twentieth century switch from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics. The streams of consciousness thoughts and intentions of human beings were converted from causally inert passive witnesses of the unfolding of a mechanically controlled, and causally self-sufficient, physical universe, into logicacritically needed dynamical inputs into the physical aspects of nature. These physical aspects that, as they are now understood, contain causal gaps that are neatly filled by inputs from the realm of our conscious thoughts in a way that allows our conscious intentions to tend to produce their intended consequences.

Keywords: mind, brain, mental causation, quantum mechanics, quantum collapse

The Basic Question and Why It Is Important

Science’s conception of the physical world changed radically during the twentieth century, and the conception of the role of human beings in that world changed in a closely coordinated way.

The scientific conception of the world that prevailed from the time of Isaac Newton until the beginning of the twentieth century was that of a giant machine. The world was imagined to be fundamentally similar to a huge clock, with its interlocking cogs and wheels grinding out with mechanical precision the preordained unfolding of physical reality. The physical bodies of human beings were therefore understood to be mechanical automata, with our conscious intentional efforts considered to be passive by-products of the complex activities of our brains. These experiential aspects of reality were considered to be causally inert, in the sense that they could produce no effects on the physically described world – beyond the effects entailed already by the purely physically described connections acting alone.

Within that earlier pre-twentieth-century conception of nature the existence of our streams of conscious thoughts constituted a major embarrassment. The occurrence of things having the defining characteristics of our conscious thoughts was in no way entailed by the properties of the physical world that the physicists had postulated in order to produce their causally closed theory of the physical world. Our thoughts, ideas, and feelings could be imagined to be produced – in some unexplained way – by the complex activities of our brains. But there was no logical basis in the classical physicists’ conception of nature for understanding or explaining the emergence of human experience. Although philosophers wove endless tapestries of words in an effort to relate the physically described aspects of the world to the experientially felt aspects of our lives, the efforts of those thinkers were invariably judged inadequate by their critically minded colleagues. Insofar as our brains were understood in terms of the concepts of classical physics a gap persisted. A chasm resisting rational closure remained between, for example, a painful feeling and the corresponding motions – no matter how complex and novel – of the physically described parts of the associated brain.

During the twentieth century this classical-physics-based conception of the world was found to be logically incompatible with a growing accumulation of empirical data. Eventually, the classical mechanistic description of the physical aspects of nature was replaced by a profoundly different quantum mechanical description.

The orthodox formulation of quantum mechanics, which is the form used in all practical applications, was created by Heisenberg, Bohr, Pauli, and Born during the 1920’s. Shortly thereafter it was cast into a more rigorous logical and mathematical form by the logician and mathematician John von Neumann.

Quantum mechanics differs from classical mechanics in deep mathematical ways. In order to tie the new mathematical structure to empirical data in a practically useful way the founders of quantum mechanics instituted a profound break with one of the basic principles of classical physics: they inserted the conscious experiences of human beings into the dynamical workings of the theory. Human beings were allowed, and indeed required, to act not merely as passive witnesses but alsoboth as causally efficacious agentss, and also as causally efficacious observers.. Specifically, orthodox quantum mechanics requires every observation to be preceded, logically, by an action that specifies a ‘Yes-or No’ question, which a feedback “observation” will immediately answer either by a ‘Yes’ or by a ‘No’. Both of the two actions, the query and the feedback, are causally efficacious: they alter in different non trivial ways the physically described state of the universe. Each of these two actions is described in two different ways. It is described first in the psychological language that we use to communicate to each other, and to ourselves, the structure of our experiences. And this action is described also in the mathematical language of quantum physics. Each psychologically described event becomes thereby linked, within the theory, to the quantum mathematical description of the physical world.

In this quantum mechanical description, the unfolding of the universe is no longer governed exclusively by the physical aspects of the description of nature. Neither of these two actions, neither the query nor the feedback, is linked within the orthodox theory to some prior physically described sufficient condition. In particular, within orthodox quantum mechanics, our causally efficacious conscious intentional efforts are free of any specified physical coercion.

But why are these seemingly arcane matters important? Why, in the context of the major concerns of the human race, are these scientific considerations pertinent?

They are important because science’s pronouncements on the nature of our own being, and on the character of the connection of our conscious intentional efforts to the unfolding of the physical reality, underlie much of the rational discourse on urgent societal issues.

The classical-physics-based conception of human beings has had a highly corrosive impact on societal matters because it paints us as, on the one hand, mechanical automata, whose consciousness intentional efforts can have no causal effects whatever on the physically described aspects of nature, and, on the other hand, as mechanical consequences of a dog-eat-dog competition for survival. The consequence of the first effect is to discourage effort as pointless and irrational; and the consequence of the second effect is promote anti-social behavior directed towards self-aggrandizement at the expense of the welfare of others, and of other social and cultural groupings

Our beliefs about our relationship to the world around us underlie our values, and our values determine the sort of world we strive to create. The main social problems we face today stem primarily from the fact that different approaches to this basic question of our own nature, and our connection to the physically described world lead to different conclusions, and hence to conflicting values, and consequently to conflicting actions. Thus an important question is this:

What does basic physics – namely quantum mechanics – say about the nature of the physically described world in which we are imbedded, and about the connection of our thoughts, ideas, and feelings to that world?

From the Classical to the Quantum Mechanical Conception of the Role of Human Beings in the Unfolding of Reality

Quantum mechanics rests upon a mathematical foundation provided by classical mechanics. The latter rests upon the idea of ‘particles’ and ‘fields’. A particle is supposed to have, at each instant of time, a position and a velocity in three-dimensional space. A field is supposed to have, at each instant of time and each location in three-dimensional space, a ‘value’, specified by a real number. The field variables are connected to the particle variables in way that allows one to compute the forces upon – and hence acceleration of –each particle due to the presence and the motions of the other particles.

Newton conjectured the existence of repulsive forces that prevent particles from coming too close to each other. This condition combined with his other laws appears to entail ‘causal closure of the physical’: the description of the physical aspects of the state of the universe at one single time, or perhaps over some short interval of time, determines the physical aspects of the state of the universe for all times.

This closure feature allows the evolving state of the universe to be pictured as a block physical universe; namely by a collection of infinitely thin ‘wires’ running through the space-time, in the direction of increasing time, and in a way that is uniquely determined for all times by this physical structure at any single instant of time. (The ‘fields’ should also be represented, but the pictorial image is slightly more complicated.) No representation of experience, or knowledge, or experienced intent need be added, That is why this imagined property is called ‘causal closure of the physical.’

The transition from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics brought human knowledge and experience into the theoretical framework. The reason, basically, is this: the way the mathematical/physical description enters into practical applications is closely analogous to the way that the mathematical/physical description enters into classical statistical mechanics. But; and classical statistical mechanics is, in regard to its practical applications, closely tied to human knowledge: A sudden change in “our knowledge” causes, in classical statistical mechanics, a sudden change in the mathematical/physical representation of our knowledge.

A key feature of quantum mechanics is the ‘Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle’. The effect of this principle is, essentially, to convert each ‘wire’ of the block universe picture into a smear of possibilities. More precisely, for a many-particle universe, it is to replace the one single classical many-particle universe by the collection of all such (weighted) possibilities compatible with the present state of “our knowledge”. Because of the sensitive dependence of macroscopic degrees of freedom upon microscopic initial conditions, the diversity of this population of possibilities tends to increase with the passage of time. But from time to time we gain, via our (sense) experiences, new knowledge. Just as in the case of classical statistical mechanics, this new knowledge will usually exclude some of the possibilities that were mathematically generated by the equations of motion acting upon the mathematical representation of our prior knowledge. Thus the sudden gain in knowledge will be coordinated to a sudden “collapse” of the mathematical representation of our state of knowledge just before the gain in knowledge to the ‘reduced’ state just after this gain in knowledge. The physically described ‘collapse’ is thus a logical consequence of our increased knowledge.

There is nothing mysterious about such ‘collapses’ in classical statistical mechanics, and the ‘collapses’ that occurs in quantum mechanics are, at the level of actual scientific practice, analogous to it: the mathematical representation of ‘our knowledge’ changes abruptly when ‘our knowledge’ changes abruptly.

But there is a conceptual problem: the different ‘classically conceived possibilities’ interfere with each other in a way that they cannot do in classical statistical mechanics, but that would be understandable if the mathematical representation of our knowledge described an objectively real structure, instead of just an idea about a set of classically conceivable possibilities.

The resolution of this conceptual problem is to interpret the mathematically described state of the universe as a representation not of just epistemic possibilities but rather of potentialities: i.e., as a representation of objective tendencies, created by past psychophysical events, for the occurrence of future psychophysical events. This interpretation is essentially implicit in orthodox quantum mechanics. This understanding places ‘our knowledge’ in a much more central, and indeed, in a much more dynamical, position than what its place was in classical mechanics.

Of course, science has always been about ‘our knowledge’ in a certain ultimate way. It is about what we can know, and how we can use what we know to affect what we will experience in the future. However, the effect of Newton’s monumental work was to push questions about knowledge and our acquisition of knowledge out of the domain of the domain of the physical sciences themselves: human knowledge and its acquisitions played no role in causal structure of the physically described aspects of nature envisaged in the conception of nature suggested by Newton’s Principia. The elevation of the ‘physically represented information’ of classical physics, whose causal structure is completely contained in the self-sufficient physical descriptions, to the causally efficacious ‘knowledge’ of quantum physics constitutes a radical break with Newtonian-physics-based model of the relationship between mind and matter.

The main idea in quantum physics is that each acquisition of knowledge occurs discretely in conjunction with “a collapse of the quantum state” to a new form that incorporates the effect of adding the conditions logically imposed by the increase in knowledge. This change forges a tight logical linkage between ‘an experientially recognized change in a state of knowledge’ and a corresponding ‘mathematically represented change in the physical state of the universe’. The new physical state represents, in quantum mechanics, not simply a new state of “our knowledge,” but also a new set of potentialities for future psychophysical events.

A Systematic Account

The “Classical” Approach is Materialism.

Three key ideas of the classical physics of the late nineteenth century are:

1. There exists a material universe that develops over the course of time by means of interactions of tiny material parts with neighboring tiny material parts.

2. These interactions are governed by mathematical laws.

3. These laws entail that the material future is completely determined by the material past, with no reference to human thoughts, choices, or efforts.

This conclusion is called: The principle of the causal closure of the physical. This “Principle” seemed at one time so secure, and so central to the scientific enterprise, that some scientists came to view science as not just an open-minded empirically based inquiry into the structure of the world, but also as an ideology: i.e., as a tenacious defender of the dogma that we human beings are essentially material systems governed exclusively by matter-based laws and hence that our conscious thoughts can have no actual effects upon our physical actions.

This dogma blocks rational action: One cannot rationally choose to act to achieve a physical effect if one truly believes that conscious choices can have no physical effects. One cannot act completely rationally while truly believing the materialist dogma!

Quantum mechanics rescinds the materialist dogma.

Contemporary basic physics – specifically quantum mechanics – fails to validate/vindicate/support The Principle of the Causal Closure of the Physical!

In spite of this loss of its scientific underpinning, the classical materialist ideology, including the presumption of causal closure, continues to infect the thinking of many scientists and philosophers.

The Basic Conflict Between Classical and Quantum Physics.

Classical mechanics assumed that the ideas that work well for large objects, such as planets, moons, and falling apples, will continue to work all the way down to the level of the atoms and molecules.

According to this classical notion, each particle, such as an electron, has a well defined trajectory in space-time. This idea is illustrated in Ddiagram 1. The classical-physics laws of motion ensure that the trajectories of all the particles (and fields) in the universe at times earlier than some fixed time t fix the trajectories of all particles for all future times.

A principal change introduced by quantum theory is the “quantum uncertainty principle”. This principle asserts that each particle must be represented, NOT by one single well defined trajectory, but by a cloud of possible trajectories, as is shown in Diagram 2.

Diagram 1. An Evolving Classical State. The diagram shows a possible evolution in time of a system consisting of three classically conceived electrons. Each particle has a well defined trajectory in space-time, and each particle repels the others increasingly as their trajectories come closer together.

Diagram 2. An Evolving Quantum State. The diagram shows a possible evolution in time of a system consisting of three quantum mechanically conceived electrons. Each particle is represented by a cloud of of possible trajectories.

The effect of these uncertainties, if left unchecked, would be disastrous.

The uncertainties at the atomic level tend to bubble up, irrepressibly, to macroscopic levels. If the uncertainties originating at the micro-level were left unchecked from the time of the “big bang”, the macroscopic world would be by now a giant cloud encompassing all possible worlds, in stark contrast to the essentially single macroscopic world that we actually observe.

For example, if the uncertainties were left unchecked then the moon would be spread out over much of the night sky; And each person’s brain would correspond to a mixture of all of the many alternative possible streams of consciousness that the person could in principle be having, instead of corresponding to the essentially single stream of consciousness that each of us actually experiences.

To deal with this difficulty the founders of quantum theory were forced to draw a clean conceptual distinction between the two aspects of scientific practice, the empirical and the theoretical, and to introduce a special process to account for their interconnection.

The empirical component describes our experiences pertaining to what we human beings do, and to the feedbacks that we then receive. The theoretical component describes objectively existing “particles and fields”. The process that connects these two aspects of the scientific description of the world is called the process of measurement or observation.This feature of the quantum mechanical erects a firewall that protects the empirical (experiential) realm from the intrusion of quantum uncertainties from the theoretical realm.