First Author1, Second Author2 and Third Author3

1Institution, Address, Country ; e-mail:

2Institution, Address, Country ; e-mail:

3Institution, Address, Country ; e-mail:

Abstract : The main purpose of the article in few lines

Keywords: abstract, workshop, submission deadline

The length of the abstract is limited to two A4 pages.

The printed area 170 x 245 mm , Top margin 35 mm including the header and rule 20 mm from the upper edge. Foot margin 17 mm, Side margin 20 mm.

If you use letter format, take care that the top and left margin, and the printed area are as defined above. As regards spacing and blank lines, please format your abstract such that it looks similarly to this page. Figures in the abstract are not necessary and the pages of abstract should not be numbered.

The abstract should be written in English, it should contain one line of keywords, and references should be cited by numbers in brackets, e.g. [1] and [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The abstract should be submitted as a PDF-file with its LATEX or MS Word source and will not be modified by the organizers.

The abstracts will be published in a book of abstracts as a printed copy.

It should be uploaded via the web page sent to the e-mail of the organizers :.

Please use the Times-Roman letters of the size with respect to Table 1. Please use the source file of this document as a template.

LATEX: \documentclass[11pt]{article} / LATEX Size / MS Word Size
Title / bold, capital letters / \Large / 14 pt
Author(s) / \large / 12 pt
Affiliation(s) and header / \small / 10 pt
Text of abstract, keywords and references / \normalsize / 11 pt
Words ”Keywords”,
”Acknowledgement” and ”References” / bold / \normalsize / 11 pt

Table 1: Instructions for authors using LATEX and Microsoft Word.

Figure 1: Some particular pattern shapes.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: January15, 2013

The abstracts will be reviewed and the authors will be notified about the acceptance of the papers by March 15, 2013.


This work was supported by the grant project ERC.


[1] Book authors.Title of the book. Editors, Publisher, Address, year of publication.

[2] Article authors. Title of article, Journal name, Volume Number : pages, year

[3] Authors. Title of article. In Title of proceedings or book, Editors, Publishers, pages, Year.

[4] Stolz, C. Energy Methods in Non-Linear Mechanics. Lecture Notes 11, AMAS, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 2004.

[5] Pradeilles-Duval, R.M.; Stolz, C. Mechanical transformations and discontinuities along a moving surface, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 43(1):91-121, 1995.

[6] Stolz, C. On micro-macro transition in non linear mechanics. In Continuum Models and Discrete System, CMDS9, E. Inan, K.Z. Markov (Eds), Worlds Scientific Publishing Co, 753-766, 1998.