Breastfeeding Organizations

La Leche League International is the leader in breastfeeding support and information. Local group meetings occur monthly worldwide.
Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition Easy to read frequently asked questions on breastfeeding, and much more.
BreastfeedLA Flyers and info on breastfeeding.
Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Information on all aspects of breastfeeding. Much of the information in “The Breastfeeding Guide” is included in our discharge instructions packet at APD’s Birthing Center.
Breastfeeding Inc. Website of Dr. Jack Newman with up-to-date information and resources on breastfeeding, including video clips.
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Professional site with breastfeeding protocols.

INFACT Canadian organization promoting breastfeeding; Resources / factsheets.

Advice from Lactation Consultants and other Sources

Kellymom Parenting / Breastfeeding Breastfeeding information covering many topics, including evidence-based articles on breastfeeding, sleep and parenting. mother to mother support and information, including research.
ISIS — Infant Sleep Information Source. Information on infant sleep based upon latest UK and worldwide research.
Breastfeeding Basics Website by Lactation Consultant with articles on various breastfeeding topics.
Breastfeeding Online Site of Dr. Jack Newman, a breastfeeding advocate. Many articles and issues covering common and special issues in breastfeeding. Online consultation available for a minimal fee.
Baby Center. Some information on breastfeeding, plus a problem solver. information on breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery Information form mothers who experience low milk supply

Work and Breastfeeding

Work and Pump Practical information on working and breastfeeding, by a working mom.
Pamphlet on pumping and working from a Texas WIC program.
The Business Case for Breastfeeding Information booklet on breastfeeding and employment/working, plus websites for support.
Breastfeeding Basics Articles on many breastfeeding topics, including introducing bottle to BF baby for mom going to work.

Videos “How to Breastfeed – Deep Latch Technique” 7:50 minutes “Breastfeeding Latch Technique” 13:26 minutes “How to get a newborn to latch” 1:40 minutes, Nipple flip technique for latching. “Paced Bottle Feeding” for a breastfed baby who needs a bottle 5:46 minutes