Chapter 2 study guide Western Asia and Egypt


1.  What helped Mesopotamia to emerge?

2.  Sumerians invented what type of primitive writing system?

3.  Why was writing important?

4.  Give an example of a new way of writing?

5.  Writing was a key to what religion?

6.  What were some effects of life after Sumerians invented tools?

7.  What helped transportation?

8.  What play’s a critical role in the world still today?

9.  Sumerians also developed what?

a.  How does this help today?

10.  What other Sumerian achievements are used today?

11.  In math, what did they devise?

12.  Sumerian Geometry was used to do what?

13.  In astronomy, the Sumerians made use of units of 60 to do what?

14.  Modern day Sumerian example?

15.  What is a theocracy?

16.  First empire in world history?

a.  Who led it?

17.  What is Hammurabi’s code?


18.  When does the history of Egypt begin?

a.  Who is responsible?

19.  What are the three major Egyptian periods?

20.  What are some important factors about the Nile?

21.  What is a simplified version of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing?

a.  What was it used for?

22.  New Centers of Civilization

23.  Who are the “ten lost tribes”?

24.  What is important about Solomon?

25.  How did Judaism differ from other religions?

a.  What is monotheistic?

b.  What is polytheistic?

26.  Other than its monotheism, what was unique about Judaism at the time?

27.  What are the Phoenicians known for?

28.  New Empires

29.  The Assyrians were especially known for what?

30.  What did Cyrus the Great do that allowed him to rule Babylon?

31.  Darius did what?

32.  What are the Immortals & why are they called the Immortals?

33.  What contributed to the efficient Persian communication system?

34.  What allowed Alexander to effectively end Persian rule?