Jenny Adin-Christie

Specialist Embroiderer

215 Moor Lane, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 2AB

Tel: 0208 3915622 Mob: 0781 491 9498



A 1 day workshop at Alstonefield Craft Group


May 7th 2011 - Tutor – Jenny Adin-Christie

The term ‘whitework’ covers a broad spectrum of extremely varied embroidery techniques, each linked by their traditioanal use of white thread on a white ground. Whitework is a beautiful form of embroidery which strips stiches back to the bare basics of form and texture. The techniques are fascinating to work and can be applied to many items such as clothing, items for the home and special gifts.

In this workshop, you will have the chance to explore some of the fundamental stitches and key forms of whitework embroidery.

This information illustrates a choice of 2 possible projects which you may like to work on the day course. You should already have indicated your choice of project on the reply slip to Cathy Reavy at Alstonefield Arts & Craft Group. A project pack, containing all the materials you require to complete the piece, will then be created for you.

Mountmellick Strawberries:

v  ‘Mountmellick’ whitework was developed in 19th century Ireland during the potato famine. Philanthropic society ladies developed the technique and designs as a means for poor women to earn a respectable living. The work used basic materials available to them, plain white cotton fabric and white cotton threads. They used a huge variety of stitches to create designs based on the natural environment. The work had a superb sculptural quality and a real beauty, and thus developed into a thriving cottage industry.

v  This project uses a range of sizes of traditional matt cotton threads on a ground of cotton satin ‘jean’. You will learn some of the fundamental stitches of this technique and how to create a balance between heavily padded stitches and open lacy stitches. The completed piece can be made into a lovely small scented pillow.

v  This project is very suitable for beginners to whitework embroidery. The threads are not fine so this is not challenging to the eyesight in the way that finer forms can be, although all the stitches learnt can be applied to finer work if required. Your project pack will include all threads, needles and fabric required, and includes working diagrams.

Rose Shadow Work:

v  ‘Shadow Work’ is one of the prettiest and swiftest whitework techniques to work. It is traditionally worked on a ground fabric of cotton organdie, using fine threads. The key stitch is ‘closed herringbone’ or ‘double back stitch’. This is worked on the reverse of the cloth and is seen as a ‘shadow’ through the sheer fabric. This can also be combined with shadow appliqué where fabric, ribbons and ephemeral items are secured beneath the fabric and are thus seen through its sheer surface.

v  The rose shadow work design teaches the key stitches of this form of embroidery and includes shadow appliqué of ribbon, decorative vintage thread label and buttons/sequins.

The completed design makes a lovely delicate scented sachet, or can be framed as a picture. Your project pack will include all threads, fabrics, ribbons, needles etc required, together with full instructions. The latter includes detail of how to make up your completed work into a scented sachet at home if you decide to do this. You may prefer to mount your work as a framed image or book cover etc.

v  This project is suitable for beginners to shadow work embroidery. It is much finer work than the Mountmellick, but it is worked in colour which makes it easier to see.


You will need to bring the following equipment with you to the class, to enable you to complete your design. However, those items marked % will be available to purchase and those items marked N will be available to borrow, so there is no need to struggle to source these beforehand.

NOTE: If you wish to purchase embroidery hoops and stands, please ORDER THESE IN ADVANCE of the class by completing and returning the attached form.

·  " For MOUNTMELLICK: A 6”, deep edged, embroidery hoop (the ‘Elbesse’ make of frames are highly recommended). BOTH rings of the frame should be bound with cotton tape as this will be essential to enable you to keep the work sufficiently tight.)

·  " For SHADOW WORK: An 8”, deep edged, embroidery hoop (the ‘Elbesse’ make of frames are highly recommended). BOTH rings of the frame should be bound with cotton tape as this will be essential to enable you to keep the work sufficiently tight.)

For BOTH designs:

·  " A suitable stand to hold your embroidery hoop, therefore allowing both hands to be free for working. This is essential for this class – a hand held embroidery hoop is not suitable

·  " A pair of fine, sharp embroidery scissors

·  I Fine, clean pins

·  I A screwdriver for tightening your ring frame

·  I A magnifier, if you like to use one

·  I A spotlight and extension lead if you feel this would be helpful to you

·  For shadow work only, you may also find it helpful to bring a plain, white cloth to place over your knees. This makes it easier to see the design lines.

If you have any queries at all regarding this equipment list, please feel free to contact me using the details provided on the order form.

I will very much look forward to seeing you at the class!

Good wishes

Order form for Hoops / Stands on next page:

Order Form for hoops / stands:

Please complete by ticking the boxes below to pre-order bound embroidery hoops and stands.

Please return by Friday 22nd April to:

Jenny Adin-Christie Specialist Embroiderer,

215 Moor Lane, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 2AB.

NOTE: There is no need to send payment with your order. Payments can be made in the class.

If you would prefer to phone or email your order, please feel free to do so on:

0208 391 5622 or

Your name:

Contact tel. number: Email Address:


Ring frames and stands:

(NB. Remember that you will need one of the stands below to use with the above ring frames).

·  6” ‘Elbesse’ embroidery ring with stem (to fit into stands below) £6.00 0

·  8” ‘Elbesse’ embroidery ring with stem (to fit into stands below) £8.00 0

·  Would you prefer your ring frame to be pre-bound with cotton tape? Cost £4.50 0

(NB. Remember that you will need one of the stands below to use with the above ring frames).

·  Seat stand (sit upon stand which holds a ring frame with a stem) £9.50 0

·  Barrel clamp (clamps to the table and holds a ring frame with a stem) £6.50 0

·  Floor stand (deluxe hand crafted stand for holding a ring frame with a stem) £90.00 o