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5772 Tishrei Guide:

Since there is so much to do to prepare for Yom Tov, with so many customs to remember, I hope this guide will help you get organized. Print and staple this and keep for a reference. Fill in all candle lighting times in your area. Please ask your local orthodox Rabbi for info on unfamiliar customs. The information here was taken from the book Shevach Hamoadim, which goes mostly according to Chabad minhagim. People have different customs, and yours may differ.

Elul: We spend this month preparing for Tishrei

Month of Teshuvah, Tefillah and Tzedakah.


ü  Adding 3 kapitlach of Tehillim to each Yom

ü  Sending wishes of כתיבה וחתימה טובה לשנה טובה ומתוקה

ü  Say לדוד ה' אורי

ü  Hear Shofar daily

ü  Extra Tzedakah daily

ü  Check tefillin and mezuzos if necessary

At Home:

ü  Buy new garment for yourself for Rosh Hashana (We have a custom to wear something new the second night and say Shehechiyanu)

ü  Inventory of what clothing kids or husband need for yom tov (includes shoes, tights, t-shirts, hair bows, yarmulkes, etc.)

ü  Dry clean items such as yom tov clothes, kittel, tallis if possible, kapota, your clothes.

ü  Examine your closet to see if clothing need repair or if you have what to wear

(Skirts, blouses, tights, bras, etc.)

ü  Polish shoes

ü  Shaitel- appointment or wash and set etc.

ü  Haircuts

ü  Manicure and Pedicure

ü  Shine Silver

List of things you need to buy:


Erev Rosh Hashana – Wed. Sept. 28, 2011

Customs of Erev Rosh Hashanah

Ø  Slichos

Ø  No Tachnun

Ø  No Shofar

Ø  Visiting Tzaddikim’s grave sites.

Ø  Extra Ahavas Yisroel

Ø  Haircut, shower, mikvah (for men)

Ø  Extra Tzedakah

This year we need to make an Eruv Tavshilin to allow us to prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbos.

Candle Lighting time: ______*Light a Yahrzeit candle (To pass fire on Yom Tov)

Blessings: 1)להדליק נר של יום הזכרון 2) שהחיינו

Tip: Set out Tzedakah next to the candles to put into charity before you light candles.


ü  Yahrzeit candles (to be able to pass the flame over and light candles the second night and erev shabbos)

ü  Kitchen set up –blech, urn, light on, fridge light off, everything in place, pre-cut bounty etc.

ü  Timers on

ü  Tissue boxes opened

ü  Remove all tags from new garments and open all new packages. Remove Dry clean tags and staples.

ü  Remove muktzah toys

ü  Put on makeup

ü  Table set

ü  Candles set up

ü  Open any new toys or games for kids

ü  Keep a stash of nosh for kids during shofar

ü  Unplug phone

Food Checklist: Customary for Rosh Hashana

ü  Round Challah

ü  Tzimmes

ü  Apples

ü  Honey

ü  Fish Head

ü  New Fruit

ü  Pomegranates

ü  (*We do not eat walnuts on Rosh Hashana because אגוז=חטא)

*There are six meals to plan for this 3 day Yom Tov: Make a menu before you shop!!!

Salad Course: Soup: Main Course: Dessert:







First Night:

Customs of the first night meal - Order of Meal

  1. Kiddush
  2. Washing, Eat challah dipped in honey
  3. Apples in honey 1)העץ 2) יהי רצון
  4. Pomegranate
  5. Head of fish
  6. Bentching- יעלה ויבוא

First Day: September 29, 2011

ü  Pack nosh and food and drinks for kids during shul

ü  Pack diaper bag and wipes etc.

ü  Take Machzor to shul

ü  Water Bottle for mommy if applicable

ü  Blankies, toys, pacifiers, bottles and all other comfort items

*Hear Shofar –find out what’s required for women in terms of hearing a certain amount of tekios.

*On Rosh Hashana we have a custom to say lots of tehillim by day and refrain from speaking too much as well as sleeping during this Day of Judgment.

Second Night:

Candle Lighting Time:______(Light candles from a pre-existing flame.)

ü  Wear new garment

ü  Put new fruit on the table

ü  Light candles right before the meal (have in mind new fruit when saying שהחיינו)

Blessings: 1)להדליק נר של יום הזכרון 2) שהחיינו

Customs at the Second Night Meal:

1.  Kiddush

2.  Eat new fruit

3.  Wash for Hamotzei

4.  Bentching- יעלה ויבוא

Second Day: Friday September 30

Ø  Try to daven as much as you can

Ø  Prepare food for children for shul

Ø  Prepare food for meal

Ø  Hear Shofar

Ø  Prepare food that is needed for Shabbos

Ø  Tashlich: Found in the siddur. This prayer is said by a place with water where fish can be seen swimming.


Eat the foods set aside with the Eruv Tavshilin

Tzom Gedaliah: Sunday- October 2

Fast begins: ______Fast Ends:______

10 Days of Teshuvah:

ü  Good Resolutions

ü  Teshuvah

ü  Tashlich if you didn’t do it on Rosh Hashana

ü  Say Full Aveinu Malkeinu Daily

ü  Additions in Siddur for Shmona Esrei

ü  Kapparos (if you prefer to do it before Erev Yom Kippur)

Erev Yom Kippur: Friday – October 7, 2011


ü  Kapparos

ü  Clean Kittel

ü  Non-Leather Shoes

ü  No Gold Jewelry (reminder of Eigel)

ü  Yahrzeit candles (to be able to pass the flame over and light Havdallah candle after the fast ends.)

ü  Kitchen set up –blech, urn, light on, fridge light off, everything in place, pre-cut bounty etc.

ü  Timers on

ü  Tissues open

ü  Remove all tags from new garments and open all new packages. Remove Dry clean tags and staples

ü  Remove muktzah toys

ü  Put on makeup

ü  Table set

ü  Candles Set up

ü  Open any new toys or games for kids

ü  Unplug phone

ü  Leave Machzor in Shul (Carrying is not permitted)

ü  Send snacks/ sandwiches to shul for non-fasting kids

ü  Prepare food for kids for Yom Kippur day even if they will be home with you, to make it easier for you.

Meals: There are 2 meals on Erev Yom Kippur. We wash at both and dip challah in honey.

*It is a Mitzvah to eat the entire day of Erev Yom Kippur

First Meal: (eat before the afternoon) Challah in Honey, Fish, Salads, Chicken etc. (Keep spicy foods away! We don’t eat meat at all.)

Salad Course: Soup: Main Course:

Second Meal: (Eat after minchah) Challah in Honey, no fish or milchigs, Kreplach, soup, etc.

Salad Course: Soup: Main Course:

·  Prepare food and juice to break the fast with.


ü  Lekach (Begging for Honey cake, so we should not be in need of Tzedakah)

ü  Tatty bentches the kinderlach

ü  Extra Tzedakah by candle lighting

ü  Lighting Yahrzeit candle

ü  Men (and boys) are required to go to mikvah

ü  Put on non-leather shoes

Candle Lighting time:______Fast Begins:______


1) להדליק נר של יום הכיפורים 2) שהחיינו

Yom Kippur Day:

·  Wash negel vasser to your knuckles only.

·  Try davening what you can

·  No Gold Jewelry

·  In morning Brochos we skip the brocho Sheasah Li Kol Tzorchi

·  In Shema we say “ברוך שם” out loud.

Fast Ends:______

Greet “Good Yom Tov” at the end of Yom Kippur

Havdala: Only candle and wine. Use pre-existing flame

Break the fast after Havdallah. Discuss succah building and begin the process.


-Buy the Arba Minim (Lulav, Esrog, Hadassim, Aravos)

-Purchase Schach

*If you are building your own Succah here are things to put in it.

ü  Pictures of tzadikkim

ü  Decorations according to your custom

ü  Seforim (Chitas)

ü  Pushka

ü  Designate a place for the candles (We light in the succah if possible)

ü  Light fixtures

ü  Chairs and Table etc.

Erev Succos: Wed. October 12

This year we need to make an Eruv Tavshilin to allow us to prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbos.

Meal Plan: There are 6 meals

Salad Course: Soup: Main Course: Dessert:








ü  Yahrzeit candles (to be able to pass the flame over and light candles the second night and erev shabbos)

ü  Kitchen set up –blech, urn, light on, fridge light off, everything in place, pre-cut bounty etc.

ü  Timers on

ü  Tissues Open

ü  Remove all tags from new garments and open all new packages. Remove Dry clean tags and staples.

ü  Remove muktzah toys

ü  Put on makeup

ü  Table set

ü  Candles Set up

ü  Open any new toys or games for kids

ü  Make sure Succah has everything set up inside including timers and lights

ü  Unplug phone

ü  Put the pushka out of reach before you light


§  We say לישב בסכה when eating in the succah. (Mezonos food, Hagafen, Hamotzei)

§  To make yom tov more joyous we eat meat and drink wine.

§  Bentching we add-יעלה ויבוא , and הרחמן הוא יקים לנו את סוכת דוד הנופלת

1st Night

Candle Lighting Time:______

Blessings: 1) להדליק נר של יום טוב 2) שהחיינו

ü  Tzedakah before lighting

1st Day- Thursday October 13

ü  Bentch Lulav and Esrog with Shehechiyanu

ü  יעלה ויבוא in Davening

ü  יעלה ויבוא and הרחמן in bentching

ü  Hallel in Davening

ü  Shmone Esrei Shalosh Regalim

ü  Musaf Shalosh Regalim

Order for bentching lulav and esrog: (according to chabad custom, your order may vary)

1)  Face East

2)  Hold lulav with spine facing you in your right hand.

3)  Say Bracha “אשר קדשנו במצוותיו וציונו על נטילת לולב”

4)  Lift esrog in your left hand-but apart from the lulav

5)  Bless שהחיינו

6)  Put esrog and lulav together.

7)  Shake starting from your heart 3x to the right, 3x left, 3x front, 3x up 3x down, and 3x over your right shoulder.

* One should not eat before bentching lulav and esrog

* Only say shehechiyanu the 1st day that you are doing the mitzvah.

2nd Night

Candle Lighting Time:______Light before the meal from a pre-existing flame.

*Light a Yahrzeit candle (To pass fire on Yom Tov)

Blessings: 1) להדליק נר של יום טוב 2) שהחיינו

2nd Day- Friday

ü  Bentch Lulav and Esrog

ü  יעלה ויבוא in Davening

ü  יעלה ויבוא and הרחמן in bentching

ü  Hallel in Davening

ü  Shmona Esrei Shalosh Regalim

ü  Musaf Shalosh Regalim

ü  Prepare food for Shabbos


Candle Lighting Time:______Light candles from a pre-existing flame.

Eat the foods set aside with the Eruv Tavshilin

Simchas Bais Hashoeva/ Chol Hamoed

ü  Wear nicer clothes

ü  Refrain from too much work

ü  Shouldn’t do laundry except necessary kids clothes

ü  If you have to write on chol hamoed do so with a שינוי

ü  In Davening and Bentching say יעלה ויבוא

ü  Bench Lulav and esrog every day

Meal Planning for Second Holiday:

*There are 6 meals to plan for this holiday: Make a menu before you shop!!!

Salad Course: Soup: Main Course: Dessert:







Erev Hoshana Raba: (Tuesday Night)

·  There is a custom for men to learn the entire night before Hoshana Raba.

Hoshana Raba/ Erev Yom Tov: (Wednesday)

·  By day we take 5 Aravos and hit the ground with them 5x then you say a special “יהי רצון” found in the siddur.

·  Eat kreplach according to your custom

·  Dip Challah in Honey

This year we need to make an Eruv Tavshilin to allow us to prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbos.


ü  Yahrzeit candles (to be able to pass the flame over and light candles the second night and erev shabbos)

ü  Kitchen set up –blech, urn, light on, fridge light off, everything in place, pre-cut bounty etc.

ü  Timers on

ü  Tissues open

ü  Remove all tags from new garments and open all new packages. Remove dry clean tags and staples.

ü  Remove muktzah toys

ü  Put on makeup

ü  Table set

ü  Candles set up

ü  Open any new toys or games for kids

ü  Make sure Succah has everything set up inside including timers and lights

ü  Unplug phone

ü  Put the pushka out of reach before you light

First Night:

Candle Lighting Time:______

Light a Yahrzeit licht for fire to be used for next days

Blessings: 1) להדליק נר של יום טוב 2) שהחיינו

*some go to shul with all the kids for hakafos and dancing

Shemini Atzeres day: (Thursday Oct. 20)

ü  Eat in Succah, if its your custom, without a bracha “לישב בסוכה” or adding the “הרחמן” in bentching

ü  Hakafos are said in shul

ü  Meals are eaten later than usual

ü  During Mussaf we start saying “משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם” If you forget you don’t go back.

ü  We do not add “ותן טל ומטר לברכה” in the bracha “ותן ברכה” until ז' מר חשון

ü  Eat one last thing in the Succhah in the evening to say goodbye to the succah.

Simchas Torah Night: (Thursday):

Light candles from a pre-existing flame. Light a Yahrzeit candle for fire to be used for Erev Shabbos.

Candle Lighting Time:______

Blessings: 1) להדליק נר של יום טוב 2) שהחיינו

Ø  We go to shul for hakafos and dancing.

Ø  This Meal is generally very quick.

Simchas Torah day: (Friday)

ü  We do not eat in the Succah

ü  Traditional Food: Stuffed Cabbage (represents torah scroll)

ü  Birchas Cohanim is said during Shachris not Mussaf

ü  Every boy and man gets an aliyah at Torah Reading

ü  In Israel Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah are celebrated as one day.

ü  Prepare food for Shabbos


Candle Lighting Time: ______Light candles from a pre-existing flame.

Eat the foods set aside with the Eruv Tavshilin

Disclaimer: I did my best to include everything that I could think of that would be helpful. I hope everything is accurate. This guide is a modified version of the guide that a fellow Imamother, fulloflove, created and emailed me years ago. I have updated it with the correct dates and added info I thought would be helpful to make it useful for this year.

If you find any mistakes please email me.

May we all merit to fulfill these Mitzvos in Eretz Yisroel with the third Bais Hamikdash this year!

Meal Plan for 6 Yom Tov meals

Which meal? / Salads / Fish / Soup / Main course / Dessert
First night
First Day
2nd night
2nd day
Friday night
Shabbos day

List of foods I need to make

List of things to buy