NIHR Research Design Service East Midlands Confidentiality Agreement (Data Protection and Privacy Statement)

The NIHR Research Design Service for the East Midlands is funded by the National Institute for Health Research to provide research design advice in health and social care research in the East Midlands.

The NIHR RDS East Midlands complies fully with the General Data Protection Regulations.

When you contact NIHR RDS East Midlands we may ask you for your contact details, which include your name and a method of contact such as your address. This personally identifiable information is stored securely by the NIHR RDS East Midlands and only members of the NIHR RDS East Midlands staff are able to access this information. No personally identifiable information provided to the NIHR RDS East Midlands will be passed on or otherwise distributed to any third party (any organisation or person outside the NIHR RDS-EM) by NIHR RDS East Midlands staff, except where individual consent has been sought and granted or there is an overriding statutory obligation to do so.

All information that you provide us with will be treated in the strictest confidence. Please note: RDS East Midlands will take appropriate steps to ensure confidentiality of any information sent to us via our website, although we cannot accept any liability for the loss or disclosure of data sent to us in this way.

Your contact details are collected to facilitate our advice provision. If you’ve signed up to our RDS EM research and funding news alerts then your name and email will be stored in our MailChimp account which we use to distribute all of our ebulletins and updates. MailChimp are fully GDPR compliant.

NIHR RDS East Midlands staff may also ask you for other details which may include, for example, your occupation and the organisation at which you are employed. These details will be used for various analyses of the service and in reports to other organisations. The information presented from the analyses will be anonymous and will not be linked to any personally identifiable information.

You will be asked to share your final application with us before it is submitted for funding, again in confidence. This is for our own internal evaluation; it’s helpful to see whether our suggestions have been useful enough for you to use in your bid and whether the bid is eventually funded.

You will be asked to let us know about outcomes of your research application. All publically funded projects funding panel minutes and decisions are made publically available and all successful applications are made available via the Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC). If we are unable to obtain an outcome from you then we will use publically available sources, such as Europe PMC or information gained from funders to determine an application’s outcome.

If you wish to contact the NIHR RDS East Midlands to ensure that your contact details are correct and up-to-date or to ask for your contact information to be removed from our records, please contact NIHR RDS East Midlands at:

Address: NIHR RDS East Midlands, Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester, George Davies Centre, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH,

Phone: 0116 252 3276


Should you have any complaint about the way that RDS EM processes your personal information you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner by visiting: - or by writing to the Commissioner at: The Information Commissioner, Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Your contact information will be removed from our records, one year after the end of the NIHR RDS East Midlands contract period, unless the information relates to a financial transaction when we are obliged to retain it for up to seven years for auditing purposes.

If we decide to change our Confidentiality Agreement (Data Protection and Privacy Statement) we will email clients and update this document. This will help ensure that you are always aware of what personal information we collect, how we use it, how long we will retain it for and under what circumstances, if any, we share it with other parties.

(Updated February 2018)