Llanfihangel yn Ngwynfa Community Council

Minutes of the meeting of held on Monday17thMarch 2014

Dolanog Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllr. PJames (Chair), Cllr G Gittins, Cllr A Broughall,Cllr E Owen

Apologies:Cllr E Jones, Cllr I Owen, Cllr P Jenkins, CCllr B Thomas

  1. Declaration of Interest


2. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the 17thFebruarywereproposed, seconded and approved.

  1. Matters Arising

It was still not know if an electrician had inspected the toilets at Llanfihangel to rectify any electrical problems, the clerk would chase up those involved.

The condition (i.e. bad crack in wall) of the Bus Shelter near Llanfihangel Garage was raised. The Clerk is to contact PCC to see what is happening as the shelter will soon become unsafe.

  1. Correspondence
  1. Letter from Mrs R Pryce (Member of Llanfyllin Group Practice PPG) on the subject of the retention of an Ambulance in Llanfyllin as opposed to Welshpool. The members unanimously agreed that the an Ambulance service should be retained in Llanfyllin mainly due to the response times, geography and topography and the importance of receiving appropriate treatment within the ‘Golden hour’. Clerk to response to CE WAS NHS Trust.
  2. Email from Tim Brunton – Cross Britain Way: Information on Long distance walk using foot paths from Boston in Lincolnshire to Barmouth through Pont Robert, Dolanog and Pont Llogel. No action needed.
  3. Letter from Planning Inspectorate with reference to Application by Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd for an order granting development consent for Mynyyd Lluest y Graig Wind Farm. The planning inspectorate is asking the council to inform them of the information it may consider should be provided in the environmental statement is will produce. Cllr Alan Broughall is looking into the location and will inform members so that the clerk can formulate a reply before 8 April.
  1. Finance

The following invoices and payments were presented to the meeting:-

Scottish Power (Toilets Dolanog) – £14.12

AG Evans (Cemetery) - £15.00

Clerk Wages/Expenses (Jan-Mar 14) - £274.79

PAYE RT (Internet payment) – 60.00

It was proposed, seconded and approved unanimously, that the invoices and payments be honored.

  1. Planning

P/2014/0246 – for FULL: Proposed extension of existing caravan park, creation of hard standing to form turning area and 3 additional touring pitches at Llwyn Onn Caravan Park, Llwydiarth, Llangadfan, Welshpool, Powys. No Comments.

P/2014/0110– Erection of a wind turbine at land at The Wern Foel, Welshpool, Powys – No comment (out of area).

  1. AOB
  1. E Mail from R George AM
  2. Co Option of Councillor – Volunteer candidate has other commitments and has withdrawn . No other candidates so far.
  3. Web site was discussed and it was unanimously agreed by council to obtain a domain name so that the creation of the web site may go ahead. Clerk to action.

Next meeting will be held at DolanogVillage Hall on 28 April 2014 at 7.30 pm.

Meeting closed 9.00pm

Signed ……………………………………… (Chair) Date……………………………..