Chapter 15 and 16 Review – The Great Depression

  1. Radicals in the United States such as socialists and communists
  2. Within a few months after Black Tuesday, the stock market crash was affecting
  3. After the Crash, thousands of American banks closed, because they
  4. The collapse of the American economic system
  5. Those hit hardest by the depression were
  6. Many farms were auctioned off when farmers
  7. Which of the following aroused the greatest opposition?
  8. How did Roosevelt’s programs help farmers?
  9. The most popular movies helped theater-goers
  10. FDR’s influence is still felt in the US through:
  11. People’s physical and mental health declined as a result of
  12. One sign that the economy might be weakening in the 1920’s was
  13. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average began to drop sharply in late October 1929,
  14. European economies were hurt during the depression when
  15. The 1932 presidential election served as a turning point in the way Americans viewed
  16. To get the Bonus Army marchers to leave the capital, General MacArthur
  17. What did some people agree to do when a foreclosed farm was auctioned?
  18. Why did people use humor during the depression?
  19. What was one dramatic symbol of hope during the Depression?
  20. What symbol of business in the 1920s became labor’s prime enemy in the 1930s?
  21. Hoover believed that the best way to end the Depression was through
  22. International trade slowed down as a result of
  23. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation aimed to
  24. Throughout most of the 1920’s, Americans were generally
  25. During the Depression, homeless people set up _____.
  26. The _____, ratified in 1933, repealed the ban on alcoholic beverages.
  27. Photographer who showed the realities of the Depression to the nation
  28. Wife of the President and experienced social reformer
  29. President who promised the nation a “New Deal”
  30. What was the time period called at the beginning of FDR’s presidency called in which most of the New Deal legislation was created?
  31. During the New Deal era working women were
  32. During the New Deal era, many members of minority groups
  33. What group gained some support because of the terrible conditions of the Great Depression?
  34. As governor of New York, Roosevelt had worked vigorously for
  35. Roosevelt easily won the 1932 presidential election by promising
  36. The election of 1932 was a turning point in the role of
  37. Information about stock prices is reflected in the _____.
  38. The Securities & Exchange Commission was created to
  39. A fundamental disagreement between the candidates in the 1932 presidential election concerned whether or not
  40. Why did FDR declare a “bank holiday” early in his administration?
  41. What was the Second New Deal?
  42. What criticism did many Progressives make of the New Deal?
  43. Why are Huey Long and Father Charles E. Coughlin referred to as demagogues?
  44. Why did FDR cut back on expensive relief programs in 1937?
  45. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created to
  46. Which of the following best characterizes Roosevelt’s first hundred days in office?
  47. The massive government spending of the New Deal led to
  48. All of the following New Deal agencies still endure today except the
  49. The results of the 1936 Presidential Election showed