Name: ______

Phone number: ______Email: ______
Address: ______

Birth date (YYYY/MM/DD): ______Time of birth: ______

Place of birth (city, country): ______

Source of birth time information (birth certificate, parents' estimate, etc.) ______

Rectification: Why is it necessary to rectify a chart?

Rectification is the process by which a chart is moved mathematically in order to correspond to an accurate time of use; it can be thought of as reverse-engineering your natal chart down to the second. This time may not always necessarily reflect the exact time of birth. It is important to rectify all charts in order to find that perfect time for action potential to be released in a chart.
This process is essential in providing me with an accurate natal chart (or birth chart) in which natal promises or potentials can be seen. It is imperative for timing of events in predictive work. If a chart is inaccurate in its nativity, then that inaccuracy will be multiplied in the predictive work. To put it in perspective: if the birth time is out by four minutes of time, then prediction work will be out by one full year.

I rectify your chart by getting some important information from you in regards to significant events in your life thus far as well as some basic information about you, your career, home life and family.

I plot the significant events onto your chart and fine tune your time until everything lines up perfectly. (For example, a death of someone close, a marriage or a birth should show up in your chart. If it doesn't, it means we don't have an accurate time.)

Significant life events

Please provide as many significant life events as possible. Between 6 and 10 is ideal for rectifying a chart. Be sure to include the date, location and even time of the event if known.
Significant events may include marriages, pregnancies/births, deaths of close family/friends, separations, major relocations or moves, major career changes, major changes in finances.

Event Month / Day / Year Time (if known) City/Country











Please provide a few descriptive words in regards to each of the following:

General health: ______

Past health issues and dates: ______

Profession: ______

Interests/passions: ______

Current marital status: ______Number of previous marriages: ______
Number of children: ______Relationship with children: ______

Relationship with father: ______

Relationship with mother: ______

Number of siblings and relationship with each: ______

Relationships with friends: ______

Relationships with colleagues: ______

Anything else I should know? ______
What are you most interested in learning from our session? ______

Where do you feel you need the most guidance in your life? ______

Have you ever been to see an astrologer before? If yes, how was your experience? ______