This is not a license to use the legal redress commission and the redress right organization's name, letterhead, logo, symbols, ideas, as such information, technology, and or work product is considered propitiatory, privileged material and there may be severe penalties associated with un-intentioned use…

Be reasonable, be responsible, be sensible, or be held Accountable


It has come to our attention that your Corporation, and other associates have securitize this loan agreement/deed of trust in reference to this matter. There may or may not be laws which indicate that you are not required to acknowledge such to THE BORROWER, and we are bringing forth a challenge of that at this time. However now that THE BORROWERhas become aware of your profiting off of an agreement for which they are THE GRANTOR, they are hereby demanding to the compensated and their account credited for funds received in reference to the account as is their lawful right.


It is at this time that you are being notified of change in terms of the agreement!

  1. That henceforth any and all funds, profits, compensation, benefits received in reference to this matter, and in reference to this loan are to be credited to THE BORROWERhenceforth, immediately.
  2. That The Beneficiary for this account is now change to the name of THE BORROWERTHE BORROWER, and all benefits are to be applied to THE BORROWERTHE BORROWER.
  3. That a complete statement of accounting as outlined by the Uniform Commercial Code article 9, and this is to include any and all credits, compensations, financial relief from the Federal Reserve Bank and or the United States treasury Department, and or the United States treasury and or any other entity and is to be supplied THE LEGAL REDRESS COMMISSION immediately within 14 business days of receipt of this communication/presentment.
  4. That the TRUSTEE in reference to this account is now THE LEGAL REDRESS COMMISSION until such time as THE BORROWERTHE BORROWERshall indicate otherwise, and appoint a different TRUSTEE!

As our records indicate that this account has been fully paid on several occasions, and your organization has failed the credit the account of THE BORROWER, it becomes necessary to demand such at this time. You are hereby commanded to cease and desist any and all activities that may appear to be deceptive! That you cease and desist any and all activities that may or may not involve debt collection, as this matter is now in dispute! Power of attorney authorizing, permitting, and or allowing you and or your organization to act on behalf of THE BORROWER, THE BORROWER's legal name THE BORROWER are hereby terminated categorically.

  1. National Housing Act 12 USC 1701-1751 et seq.: Helping Families save their Homes Act of 2009, P.L. 111-22, sec. 203, 123 Stat. 1631, 1645. HUD Regulations.

a)24 C.F.R. part 203-500-Servicing Responsibilities. [I]t is the intent of the Department that no mortgagee shall commence foreclosure or acquire title to a property until the requirements of this subpart are followed.

b)24 C.F.R. part 203.604(b)The mortgagee must have a face-to-face interview with the mortgagor, or personal interview, or make a reasonable attempt to arrange such a meeting within 30 days after such default and at least 30 days before foreclosure is commenced.

c)24 C.F.R. part 203.606 (a)Before initiating foreclosure, the mortgagee must ensure that all servicing requirements have been met.

d)O.R.C. 1161.67- Only a foreign saving bank (FSB) may, upon receiving approval of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, establish a branch in the state by creating a new branch or by agreeing to assume all of substantially all of the deposit liabilities of an existing branch of a bank, saving, foreign saving bank, or savings and loan association, which branch is located in the state…A savings bank may acquire or merge with another savings bank, a foreign savings bank, a domestic association, a state bank, a national bank, or a bank organized under any state, upon application to and written approval of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.

We thank you once again for your time and your consideration, please note that all communication are to be sent to the following address heretofore, henceforth, forthwith without exception. Once again your friends here AT THE LEGAL REDRESS COMMISSION, AND THE REDRESS RIGHT ORGANIZATION.


HC-3 B. 8948

Lares, Puerto Rico, 00669