



Vocabulary Unit 6

Completing the Sentence: Using your vocabulary notes, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences. Write the correct form of the word. Some words may be used more than once.

  1. I like to ______through a book before deciding to buy it.
  2. He played the ______in one of Shakespeare’s comedies.
  3. The young performer stole the show with her ______charm.
  4. The boards and cinder blocks are only a ______until the bookcase arrives.
  5. The villain in the play tried to ______the hero out of his money.
  6. Curiosity about the ______trial builds with each day.
  7. The detective received an ______tip that helped to narrow the search for the theif.
  8. The team of doctors and researchers worked tirelessly to ______the disease.
  9. The doctor was quick to ______complete bed rest.
  10. Millions of poor people face the ______prospect of hunger.
  11. Some famous authors are ______figures in society.
  12. Nothing could ______our plans to storm the fort.
  13. During times of economic hardship, many people have only a ______standard of living.
  14. My parents stayed at a ______old inn in Stowe, Vermont.
  15. The attorney called the ______witness to the stand.
  16. The voters had the ______regard for her ability as a leader.
  17. The social network was looking to hire a creative person with a ______personality.
  18. History is filled with examples of violent rulers taking ______on their enemies.
  19. The army cot serves as a ______bed for guests.
  20. The critics saw a ______of the new movie.
  21. Sentencing of the criminal was postponed ______the judge’s decision.
  22. The teacher decided to ______the video before showing it to the class.
  23. When the factory closed and other work was scarce, many people were forced to ______.
  24. They set a trap to ______the rodents that were getting into the garden.
  25. The unsuspecting spy was caught in a ______set by the other side.

Directions: Fill in the blank with the vocab word that is a synonym or antonym for the bolded words below. Use the phrases as clues to find the answer.


  1. will demand swift revenge______
  2. was of minimal help to the team______
  3. gave a very vigorous effort______
  4. is an issue that is still undecided______
  5. got an early glimpse of the new spring clothing______
  6. the harsh terms delivered by the enemy______
  7. tried to save money on unimportant items ______
  8. wanted to wipe out poverty______
  9. wanted to capture the rabbit______
  10. waited to hear what the doctor would recommend______


  1. heard the pleasant news on the radio______
  2. brought a spirit of mercy to the land______
  3. loved to spend money on food and clothing______
  4. remained a little-known playwright______
  5. decided to release the tiger______