To be confirmed on 5thFebruary2018


Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 8thJanuary 2018

at the Barlow, Edgworth

Present: CouncillorJ Catterall (in the Chair)

CouncillorsP Birch, A Dickenson, H Dowle, L Parkerand D Wild

Also presentG. Syddall (Clerk), and four members of the public

Apologies: CouncillorD Appleby

Prior to the meeting, members of the public were given an opportunity to address the Parish Council.

The applicants spoke in support of planning applications 10/17/0660 and 10/17/1419.

7504 Minutes

Resolved:That the minutes of the meetingheld on 4thDecember2017, having been circulated, be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

7505Matters Arising

It was noted that Turton Tower does not own a marquee.

7506Declarations of Interest

Councillor Parker declared an interest in an item of correspondence, and took no part in the discussion thereon.


Resolved: That cheques be signed to pay the following accounts:

Zen Internet Ltd Broadband service£ 18.37

Dave Rowley LandscapesLitterman/Lengthsman Dec£1380.00

BT plcTelephone£ 111.19

HMRCNational Insurance£ 175.80

The Mayor’s CharityDonation£ 500.00

1st Turton Scout GroupDonation£ 688.81

VikingStationery£ 91.49

VikingStationery £ 5.99

Royal British LegionLamp post poppies£1250.00

A HerdDecember salary£ 335.83

G SyddallDecember salary£ 880.12

7508Planning Applications

Resolved:That the Parish Council submit comments (as below) on planning applications 10/17/0660, 10/17/1419, 10/17/1466 and 10/17/1428.

7509 Planning Decisions

Noted: Blackburn with Darwen Council’s decisions on planning applications.

7510Highway Issues

The Chairman reportedon the outcome of a training session held by Capita.

All major highways are inspected annually for defects, and those in the town centre are inspected monthly. Residents are encouraged to report pot holes.

Reinstatements carried out by utility companies are inspected for quality.

There is no change to the gritting policy.

The Parish Council’s website contains a link to Blackburn with Darwen’s updates on roads and gritting.

7511Resurfacing of Footpath on The Moss

Resolved: That approval be given for the Lengthsman to resurface the footpath using hardcore, at a cost of £80 - £100.

7512Trees around Edgworth Bowling Club

Resolved: That Arbortec be requested to report on the condition of trees around the Bowling Club, and to quote for any remedial work required.

7513Response to the Poppy Appeal

It was noted that the appeal had raised a total of £997 in sponsorship. A further £50 would come from the Chairman’s allowance, leaving a shortfall of £203.

The Parish Council thanked all those who had contributed.

The Chairman asked that future projects of this kind be carried out by two members, with the Chairman copied in on correspondence, in order to share the burden.

7514 Exclusion of the Press and Public

Resolved: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item, on the grounds that it relates to personal financial information.

7515 Correspondence

Correspondence received since the last meeting was made available for inspection and noted.
In terms of a letter from the Edgworth Real Ale Festival, although not an issue with which the Parish Council should be involved, a problem regarding sponsorship appears to have been resolved.

Items for the Next Meeting:

Village parade

Security within the villages


by 3rd January 2018

10/17/0660Demolition of bungalow and erection of a new dwelling at Moorlands, 42 Overshores Road, Entwistle

The Parish Council has no objections to this proposed development

10/17/1419Erection of one new dwelling at Plot 8, Chapel View, Station Road, Chapeltown

The Parish Council has no objections to this proposed development

10/17/1466Single storey rear extension at 14 Rivington Road, Belmont

The Parish Council has no objections to this proposed development

10/17/1428Retrospective applicationfor the additional use of the woodland cemetery for the keeping/breeding of dogs, the retention of three related kennel, buildings, and the erection of two new kennel buildings, at West Pennine Remembrance Park, Entwistle.

The Parish Council objects to this development ion on the grounds that it is an inappropriateuse in a peaceful and scenic memorial park, and that the noise from dogs barking is particularly intrusive

Noted: That the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday,5thFebruary 2018 at 7.30pm. The public and press are invited to attend and to listen.

Signed - Chairman

The meeting closed at 8.35pm