
Life President

Henry de Silva

01624 880863


Dave Sweeney
01453 758372


Hilary Arnold

020 8373 7953

Membership Secretary

John Mason

01225 761788

Match Secretary

Frank Mills
01908 310516

Newsletter Editor

Dave Sweeney

Send news, results and letters to
Hop Mill Cottage
Painswick Road
Salmon Springs
Stroud Glos
Tel/Fax 01453 758372
The National Veterans Association is an Associated Body of the British Fencing Association (BFA) and all NVA members must be members of the BFA to participate in
Veterans events.


Men's Epee 40 - 49
1 / Steve Tatner
2 / Paul Cooper
3 / Colin Holburn
Men's Epee 50 - 59
1 / Graham Paul
2 / Steve Lavington
3 / Ian Worthington
4 / Mick Meyer
5 / Andrew Brown
6 / Bob Brooks
7 / Mike Bradbury
8 / Steve Hannah
9 / John Mason
10 / David Hydes
11 / Chris Farrell
Men's Epee 60+
1 / Bill Osbaldeston
2 / Peter Jacobs
3 / Simon Hartley
4 / Bob Turner
5 / Dennis Ward
6 / Mike Lee
7 / Jim Pilkington
8 / Malcolm Cawton
9 / Bernard Harbourn
10 / Edmund Gray
11 / Alan Ault
12 / Brian Speight
13 / Nigel Hinchliffe
14 / Peter Townsend
15 / Bob Perry
Men's Epee 70+
1 / Dennis Ward
2 / Bob Perry
Men's Sabre 40 - 49
1 / Nigel Newport
2 / Colin Holburn
Men's Sabre 50 - 59
1 / Andy Bornemisza
2 / Richard Bonehill
3 / Geoff Silverman
4 / Joe Shackell
5 / Tony Bardell
6 / Mike Garrity
Men's Sabre 60+
1 / Peter Baron
2 / Dennis Hunt
3 / Dennis Ward
4 / Peter Townsend
5 / John Croxon
6 / Alan Ault
7 / Bob Perry
Men's Sabre 70+
1 / Dennis Hunt
2 / Dennis Ward
3 / Bob Perry
Men's Foil 40 - 49
1 / Anthony Conyard
2 / Colin Holburn
Men's Foil 50 - 59
1 / Jim Philbin
2 / Frank Mills
3 / Steve Hannah
4 / Geoff Silverman
5 / Roderick Emanuel
6 / Mike Bradbury
7 / Tony Bardell
8 / Charles Camera
Men's Foil 60+
1 / Simon Hartley
2 / Dave Sweeney
3 / Malcolm Cawton
4 / Alan Ault
5 / Peter Townsend
6 / Dennis Ward
7 / Brian Speight
8 / Jim Pilkington
Men's Foil 70+
1 / Dennis Ward
Ladies' Epee 40 - 49
1 / Sue Hanney
2 / Mavis Thornton
Ladies' Epee 50 - 59
1 / Fiona Haldane
2 / Moya McNamara
3 / Kate Elvin
4 / Janet Baron
5 / Silvia Earl
6 / Jen Osbaldeston
Ladies' Epee 60+
1 / Janet Cooksey
2 / Carol Wengraf
3 / Sylvia Brown
4 / Ingrid Cambridge
5 / Connie Adam
6 / Carole Seheult
7 / Ann Cornwall
Ladies' Epee 70+
1 / Connie Adam
Ladies' Sabre 40 - 49
1 / Mavis Thornton
Ladies' Sabre 50 - 59
1 / Yvonne Walls
2 / Sue Benney
3 / Vicky Garrity
Ladies' Sabre 60+
1 / Carol Wengraf
2 / Sylvia Brown
Ladies' Foil 40 - 49
1 / Jo Bowyer
2 / Mavis Thornton
3 / Maureen Haynes
Ladies' Foil 50 - 59
1 / Moya McNamara
2 / Silvia Earl
Ladies' Foil 60+
1 / Janet Cooksey
2 / Sylvia Brown
3 / Ann Cornwall
4 / Claude Charlett
5 / Carole Dixon
6 / Connie Adam
Ladies' Foil 70+
1 / Claude Charlett
2 / Connie Adam
Unisex 40 – 49 Champions
E / Steve Tatner
S / Nigel Newport
F / Jo Bowyer


SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - 14th to 17th July 2003

The final date for entry to these championships is fast approaching. If you are intending to take part please contact Dave Sweeney by phone or e-mail as soon as possible and before Monday 2nd June 2003 (tel; 01453 758372 e-mail: ).

Entries must be made via the Country Federation / Association and the closing date is 3rd June 2003.


Bath Unisex Sabre and Foil

The Unisex Sabre and Foil competitions were held again this year over the weekend of the 26th and 27th April.

The Sabre event took place on the Saturday and the final four provided an excellent display of sabre skill with Richard Bonehill pushing Andy Bornemisza into second place. Sue Benney fenced consistently well to come third and to take the ladies’ sabre prize.

The full Sabre results were,

  1. Richard Bonehill (Men’s Prize)2. Andy Bornemisza3. Sue Benney (Ladies’ Prize)

4. Tony Bardell5. Geoff Silverman6. Dennis Hunt

7. Alan Rogers8. Vicki Garrity9. Joe Shackell

10. Jane Hutchison11. Lynne Bornemisza12. John Croxon

13. Mike Garrity14. Bob Perry15. Tim Snowdon

16. Michael Compton

Saturday evening was spent in a new Italian restaurant in Bath called Martini’s. We booked for 12 but the party kept on growing untill there were 17 of us crammed very cosily into a space usually reserved for 10. It all added atmosphere to a very enjoyable evening, with the other ingredient being the red wine selected and approved by Hilary Arnold.

The Unisex Foil was held on the Sunday. The top four finalists were the same as last year, Dave Sweeney, Hilary Philbin, Brian Causton and Malcolm Fare. Hilary has been closing the gap on Brian for several years and we thought that this might be her year to take the top position. In the event Brian beat Hilary into third place. The last fight to determine the winner was between Brian and Malcolm. The advantage ebbed and flowed with excellent hits from both. The fight went to 9 all and Malcolm the winning hit. So ended Brian’s virtual monopoly of the competition, he has won the prize 9 times in 12 years. We expect Brian back next year……

Foil results

1. Malcolm Fare (Men’s Prize)2. Brian Causton3. Hilary Philbin (Ladies’ Prize)

4. Dave Sweeney5. Frank Mills6. Sue Benney

7. Geoff Silverman8. Jonathan Dawkins9. Mike Bradbury

10. Hilary Arnold11. Tony Bardell12. Jane Hutchison

13. Maureen Haynes14. Roderick Emanuel15. John Mason

16. Mike McKenzie

John Mason


Following the announcement at the NVA AGM in March this year a draft constitution for the setting up of an England Association has been drawn up. A pro-tem committee of officers has been established to get the Association running. The officers are Chairman – Dave Sweeney, Secretary – Hilary Arnold and Treasurer – John Mason. It is intended that an inaugural meeting of English veteran fencers will take place during the weekend of 6th & 7th March 2004.

Please consider the draft constitution set out below and make any recommendation as to changes, inclusions etc to Dave Sweeney or Hilary Arnold.

England Veterans Fencing Association (EngVFA)

Aims of the Association

  1. to select teams and individuals to represent England in veterans’ competitions.
  2. to represent the interest of English fencers.


  1. EngVFA is open to men and women who share an interest in the sport of fencing. Membership is restricted to persons who

iare 40 years of age or over, and

iiare members of the NVA, and

  1. are eligible to fence for England in accordance with the current rules for Commonwealth entry, and
  1. have declared on the NVA membership form that they wish to represent England.
  1. All members of EngVFA who fence in or organise EngVFA competitions must be members of British Fencing.
  1. EngVFA will have an executive committee of
  1. Chairman
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer

These officers will be elected at an annual general meeting to be held in March each year. One of them will be responsible for liaison with the NVA.

  1. EngVFA executive committee shall co-opt a sub-committee for the selection of fencers to represent England in international competitions in accordance with the current selection rules of the NVA.
  1. EngVFA will design, control and award its own logo, colours and tracksuits.

[End of draft document]

Great Britain vs Germany Match Borkum 21st June 2003

Selections for the teams to represent Great Britain have been made based on the rankings from the 2003 National Championships and the Selection Rules (last revised February 2003). The teams selected are given below.

Please note that the selection is subject to the NVA appeals process and ratification. Any appeal should be made in writing to Dave Sweeney to arrive no later than 2nd June 2003.

Teams of 4:

(c) denotes team captain

Ladies Foil / Ladies Epée / Ladies Sabre / Men’s Foil / Men’s Epée / Men’s Sabre
H Philbin (c)
J Bowyer
J Cooksey
L Bornemisza / J Cooksey (c)
H Arnold
J Osbaldeston
K Elvin / L Bornemisza (c)
J Hutchison
H Philbin
H Arnold / G Paul (c)
F Mills
G Silverman
F Sheppard / G Paul (c)
I Worthington
H West
B Osbaldeston / A Bornemisza (c)
R Bonehill
D Hunt
P Baron

Referees: From within the teams

Team Manager: Frank Mills


Vets Name Change

Dear Dave,

I am writing to you instead of Richard Bonehill about the proposed change of name because he gives only an e-mail, and not a postal address (am I now the only NVA member not on e-mail?)

I do not like his proposal to use ‘Masters’ because, depending on who reads it, it can mean a fencing professor or instructor, someone in education, or an expert. None of these is a synonym for veteran.

I suggest using ‘Senior’, already well used and understood in the sense of older person in ‘Senior Citizen’. Thus I propose, if we decide to change – British Senior Fencers’ Association (the apostrophe is grammatical but not strictly necessary).

We should think carefully before making any change – I have seen names changed and then changed back! We should ask members: Are you in favour of changing our name from National Veterans Association? Whether you are in favour or not, if we do decide to change which of the following would you prefer? – followed by names such as British Veterans Fencing Association, British Veterans Association, British Masters Fencing Association, British Senior Fencers Association plus any others which may be put forward and which the committee think worth considering.

I hope that this helps your thinking. I am happy for any of it to be published in the Newsletter.

Yours sincerely


NVA fencers’ notable results

(L32 or top half) for March-May 2003

Invicta 15th & 16th March 2003

Men’s Foil (66) 8th Simon Hartley (Veterans’ prize)

29th Anthony Conyard

Women’s Foil (22) 1st Jo Bowyer

Men’s Epée (93) 6th Hugo Veryzer (Veterans’ prize)

12th Ralph Johnson

26th Alan Perry

29th Andrew Brown

Men’s Sabre (18) 8th Tony Bardell

Excalibur 3rd & 4th May 2003

Men’s Foil (43) 6th Rob Bruniges

J9th Lindsay Watkiss

Men’s Epée (46) 3rd Ralph Johnson

Women’s Epée (37)J5th Hilary Arnold

J5th Jenny Morris

10th Lalita Gordon

Isle of Wight Open 17th &18th May 2003

Men’s Foil (64) 6th Brian Causton

Women’s Foil (31) 15th Jane Hutchison

Norfolk Open 19th & 20th July 2003

The organisers of the Norfolk Open will again this year be awarding medals to the highest placed member of the NVA in each weapon.

The organisers of this competition have acknowledged the standing of the NVA in fencing over the last few years and recognise NVA members rather than just fencers of veteran age. If you enter don’t forget to take your current NVA membership card.