2009-2012 Technology Planning Guide

For Arkansas School Districts, Open Enrollment Charter Schools and Education Service Cooperatives

DEADLINE: 2009-2012 Technology plans are due at the Arkansas Department of Education Technology Center by

4:00 pm on April 15, 2008. A technology plan MUST be received from every public school district, every open enrollment charter school and every education service cooperative in Arkansas.

Technology Plan Template Instructions

The technology plan consists of three templates that must be completed and submitted:

1.  Technology Plan Template

2.  Budget Template

3.  Letter Of Agency (LOA) Template

o  It is best to save the Technology Plan Template to your computer Desktop and work from there.

o  Double click to open the Technology Plan Template.

o  To begin the data entry process for this template press the Tab key to open the protect document menu.

o  Press the Find Next Button I Can Edit button to highlight the next entry section of this file.

o  It is best to press the insert key to overwrite the [enter here information].

Enter text where square brackets [ ] are indicated.

o  All submission pages must be typed in Arial font – size 12.

o  Use the table of contents as your checklist for the items that must be included in the technology plan.

Technology Plan Submission Form

Complete all items on the technology plan submission form.

Table of Contents

Make sure that all pages in the technology plan are numbered, and that the correct page number is entered for each section in the table of contents.

Current District Demographics

Complete all items listed.

School(s) Profile

List each school in the district by the official school name, LEA number, E-Rate entity number and National Center for Educational Statistics number. To be consistent, please use the same school name that will be submitted to Child Nutrition for the Cycle 2 APSCN Report. To insure accuracy, refer to the database in the Technology Resources site: http://arkansased.org/tech_resources/excel/school_lunch_07_08_121907.xls

Technology Committee

The Technology Committee should represent all stakeholders; parents, educators, students, and community members to benefit from the investment in technology. In the narrative, include a description of the planning process, communication plan, and plan maintenance.

Vision and Mission Statements
Vision Statement

A vision statement expresses thoughts about what the district’s future educational environment should look like. It should be written in broad terms and should guide the development of the technology plan.

Mission Statement

A mission statement is a brief, general description of the district’s plans for promoting the effective use of technology to improve student performance. The mission statement describes the steps that will need to be taken in order to achieve the district’s vision.

Current Technology Assessment

In this section, assess the district’s current technology status in the following categories: technology integration with curriculum and instruction, professional development, and equitable use of technology. The final section of current technology assessment requires a summary of the district’s current technology inventory to be attached to the plan.

A.  Technology Integration with Curriculum and Instruction

Briefly describe the district’s current procedures for using technology to address any perceived curriculum weaknesses. Describe how the teachers currently integrate technology into the curriculum including ways technology is presently used for entire classrooms and for small group instruction.

B.  Professional Development

The technology plan must include strategies for providing ongoing professional development for teachers, administrators, and staff in the integration of technology with curriculum and school management. It should also discuss methods for determining effectiveness.

Describe and list staff development activities that are planned to provide training to teachers, administrators, and other staff members in the use of technology for delivery of instruction and/or school district’s administrative processes.

Describe any challenges the school district or school is experiencing in providing professional development activities to your teachers, administrators, and staff, and what is being proposed to meet the challenges.

Federal Requirements

The plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that the staff knows how to use these new technologies to improve education or library services.

A description of how the school or school district will provide ongoing, sustained professional development for teachers, principals, administrators, and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library media center.

C.  Equitable Use of Technology

Describe how assistive technology is provided and what assistive technology tools are available to students and staff in the district. How much access is available for use of these tools? How is staff trained to support assistive technology?

D.  Current Technology Inventory

Describe how technology is inventoried. Attach an inventory summary of the technology that is found in the district (DO NOT SEND A PRINT-OUT OF AN INVENTORY LIST OF ALL EQUIPMENT AT EACH SCHOOL).

For each school, provide the following information:

·  Number of Internet connected multimedia computers

·  Number of printers

·  Number of servers

·  Number of rooms wired for the Internet

·  Number of phone instruments

·  Number of phone lines

·  Number of fax machines

·  Satellite systems/equipment

·  Network systems/equipment

·  Include equipment used for distance learning

·  List of district wide software packages

Needs Assessment

Conducting a needs assessment involves identifying the technology needs of the district and its stakeholders. Discuss the type of needs assessment conducted to develop this technology plan. Provide the following:

§  Date assessment was conducted.

§  Number of participants by category who took needs assessment. (For example, teachers, administrators, parents, etc.)

§  Total number of needs assessments distributed.

§  Total number of needs assessments completed and returned.

§  Provide a list of critical components of the needs assessment.

Goals, Objectives and Strategies for Technology

List and describe your goals, objectives and strategies for the technology plan based on the results of the needs assessment. It is recommended that realistic goals that reflect expected resource levels and service objectives be established for the next three years. This may include new programs or services to be delivered through technology, improvements in existing programs, and new trends in using technology for delivery of education.

The Department of Education sees the following topic areas as the core foundation for use of technology in education. Please note that since the previous technology planning cycle, ADE has been moving towards online testing for some of its state assessments. Schools need to be aware of

this priority for the state and consider what planning is needed at the local level to fulfill these requirements by accessing these online resources and services. Technology plans should address strategies in the following areas:

·  Technology as a Tool for Parental Involvement and Communication

·  Technology Integration with Curriculum and Instruction

·  Technology for Delivery of School Media Center

·  Technology for School Administrative Support

·  Increase/Improve Technology Access for Teachers and Students

·  Technology as a Tool for Delivery of Staff Development

(Districts and schools may add additional areas of focus.)

Federal Requirements

The plan must establish clear goals and a realistic strategy for using telecommunications and information technology to improve education.

The plan must include a description of strategies for integrating technology with instruction and aligning with state standards to improve student achievement and increase technology literacy.

A description of strategies schools are taking to ensure that all students and teachers have increased access to technology must be included.

All students will be technology literate by the end of eighth grade.

Include a description of strategies for encouraging the development and use of innovative strategies for delivery of specialized or rigorous courses and curricula through the use of technology, including distance learning technologies.

Description of how the school or school district will use technology effectively to promote parental involvement and increase communication with parents, including a description of how parents will be informed of the technology used.

Policies and Procedures

The Arkansas Department of Education strongly recommends that at a minimum, districts develop technology policies relating to equitable access for students with exceptional needs, data and network security, acceptable usage policies for staff and students, cyber ethics, and internet safety policies.

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires each district to have an Internet Safety Policy that protects minors from pornography or activities that could harm them. CIPA compliance is required for E-Rate, and Title II Part D of No Child Left Behind. Under CIPA, the Internet Safety Policy must also contain a “technology protection measure” that prohibits access to graphic images considered pornography or harmful to minors. In addressing this criterion, you must make sure to show evidence that the Internet Safety Policy based on CIPA guidelines exists by attaching a copy of the policy to this technology plan.

Federal Requirements

Any district that wishes to be eligible for funding from the E-Rate, or NCLB Title II D programs to support Internet access and/or computers and other equipment used to access the Internet, must be in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act. For E-Rate, schools must be in compliance by the second year of successful E-Rate application.

Technology Infrastructure, Management, and Support

This section is designed to stimulate planning for the physical technology infrastructure required for the district to deliver educational services. This includes elements of hardware, software, telecommunication services, and staff needed to support the technology infrastructure. Provide an explanation of how E-Rate has improved or increased your technology equipment and infrastructure. The key elements of technology infrastructure are outlined below. Your district may have additional items that need to be included in the technology plan based on local initiatives. Please remember that the district technology plan needs to be reflective of services that are requested on the Form 470 used in the E-Rate application process.

·  Telecommunications Capacity

·  Hardware and Software (EX: Handhelds and Tablet or Laptop PCs, Accelerated Reader – Accelerated Math, OS)

·  Distance Learning Technologies

·  Replacement Schedule for Hardware

·  Network and Data Security

·  Technology Platform

·  Level of Technology Staff Support

·  Average Age of Equipment

·  Maintenance of communications systems, equipment and technology infrastructure

·  New building projects

Federal Requirements

The plan must include an assessment of the telecommunications services, hardware, software, and other services that will be needed to improve education or public library services.

A description of technology type and costs of technology including provisions for

Interoperability of components must be included.

Technology Budget

How to use the Technology Budget Template:

·  Use the attached budget template only.

·  All three years must be completed.

·  Your district‘s name, LEA number, contact information, and entity number must be completed on each of the budget forms.

·  Complete all sections that pertain to your school (marked in red ink).

·  Press your insertion key to type in the boxes.

·  Please note the correct Year tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet page when entering the information for each budget year.

·  Place the form in the designated section of the technology plan according to the table of contents.

Technology Budget Template

The technology budget template is designed for the school to show evidence that a budget has been planned and exists for the course of the three-year technology plan. To the extent possible, identify existing and potential technology funding sources, and create a budget summary of projected expenditures for technology over the next three years. Include estimates for expenditures on items such as hardware, instruments and equipment, software, consulting contracts, telecommunications services, staff, training for technical staff and staff development opportunities for teachers, administrators, supplies, and facilities.

Remember to address the following three key components:

·  Evidence of adequate budget to support infrastructure and services over the next three years

·  Identify existing and potential funding sources

·  Identify non discounted funds that support E-Rate services

Please note that this budget will be sent to Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) as a part of the state application in order for Arkansas Department of Education to pay for the telecommunication lines (i.e. APSCN).

Budget Summary

Provide a budget summary for the period of time from July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2012. Explain any funding challenges the district may face over the next three years that will impact the district’s ability to implement the technology plan.

Technology Plan Implementation

The technology plan implementation must explain how the district will integrate and coordinate the technology plan over the next three years.

Action Timeline

The implementation plan should include basic schedules and timelines, budget commitments, equipment to be purchased, communications strategies associated with the technology plan, action steps for tasks to be completed, periodic evaluation of progress with implementation of the plan, milestones to be reached, staff assignments, and time estimates for tasks. The timeline that should be reflected in the implementation plan is for July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2012.

Federal Requirements

A description of how the school or school district will integrate technology (including software and electronically delivered learning materials) into curricula and instruction, and a timeline for integration is to be included.

Technology Plan Evaluation

Evaluation of a technology plan must be continuous. Describe the evaluation process and include: frequency of updates, who is responsible for updates, what needs have emerged since you revised the last plan, how will the plan be monitored. These activities should include performance of tasks and/or demonstration of skills listed in the target objectives. Other periodic evaluation activities should focus on the following specific evaluation categories: 1) connectivity/infrastructure; 2) hardware; 3) integration and use of technology; 4) professional development; and 5) fiscal support of technology. In this section, be sure to include an Evaluation Plan for the 2009-2012 Technology Plan (minimum one page summary of process used for evaluating the plan).

Federal Requirements

The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school or public library to monitor progress toward the specified goals and make mid-course corrections in response to new developments and opportunities as they arise.