Infant Formula Explained 2011 DVD
and public-performance licence
Use this DISCOUNT PRICES form to order from Baby Milk Action or to provide details to your purchasing department.
Discount prices are available on the 2011 version of the DVD until the 2014 edition is available. Sums paid for the 2011 licence will be refunded when ordering the 2014 version at normal price. NOTE: UK law is changing in 2014 to allow formula based on goat’s milk to be sold, requiring a change in the information given in the DVD. /

Purchase request

I, ______(name) ______(position),

wish to order on behalf of ______(organisation)

  1. The following number of Infant Formula Explained DVDs with multiple-facility public performance licences to use the DVDs at all facilities under the named institution (e.g. PCT, health board, library) at a discount price of£100 (£83.33 + VAT) each(Normal price £234 (£195 + VAT) each):

______DVDs for use by: ______

(add additional lines if ordering for more than one institution). Total: £ ______

  1. The following number of Infant Formula Explained DVDs with single-facility public performance licences to use the DVDs at the named facility (e.g. single hospital, children's centre) at a discount price of £50 (£41.67 + VAT) each (Normal price £114 (£95 + VAT)each):

______DVDs for use by: ______

(add additional lines if ordering for more than one facility). Total: £ ______

Note: if a DVD with a single-facility licence comes to be used at other facilities, an upgrade to the licence must be purchased from or contact Baby Milk Action.

I am authorised to place this order: ______(signed) ______(date)

Invoice and delivery details

Invoice For Attention of:Delivery For Attention of:


VAT No (if applicable):

Order online at
Or send this form with a cover letter on your headed paper or your own purchase order to:
Email: ax: 01223 464417
Post: Baby Milk Action, 34 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QY.