Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in St Matthews Church Hall, Stretton Road, Stretton on Monday
3 November 2014 at 7.30 p.m.
Councillors in attendance
L. Jones - Chairperson
G. Slattery
J. Higgins
D. Hutchinson
T. Lyons
A. Cresswell
Also present:
L. M. Crewe – Clerk to the Council
Ward Councillor Paul Kennedy
Rev. Alan Jewell – Vicar of St. Matthews
2 residents
M70 / Apologies
Received from Councillor Buckley
M71 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting (6 October 2014) were agreed and signed as a true record.
M72 / Declarations of Interest
Councillors are reminded of their responsibility to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) that they may have in any item of the agenda no later than when the item is reached.
The Chair suspended the meeting to introduce the Parish Council to the new Vicar of St. Matthews, Rev. Alan Jewell. The Parish Council chatted about the upcoming ceremonies for switching on the lights on the two Parish trees and extended an invitation to Alan and the Church Choir to join them on the evenings of 29th and 30th November. Cllr Higgins explained that the Parish Council is keen to forge stronger links between Lower Stretton and Stretton by better ‘advertising’ of events taking place in the Church. The Chair offered space in the Parish noticeboard outside the Ring o’Bells pub to help facilitate this. Rev. Jewell told the Parish Council a little of his background before arriving at Stretton and hoped that his experiences in larger Parishes in the North West would be of value in progressing the role of the Church in the wider community. He explained he is still finding his way around the Parish. The Parish Council explained the boundary of the village and why it is in two halves and the problems this causes with ‘identity’ amongst the residents in parts of Stretton.
Cllr Jones thanked Rev. Jewell for attending the meeting and invited him to remain and view the rest of the meeting.
M73 / Planning Applications/Issues
M73.1 / Declarations of Interest
No Declarations of Interest were put forward at this stage.
Domestic Planning Applications (1)
2014/24684 – Stretton Mere Farm. Spark Hall Close, Stretton,Warrington WA4 4NU
56 Day Prior Approval (Class MB) – Proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling House (use Class C3) and for associated operational development.
After discussion and noting the new planning laws which came into force on 6 April 2014 regarding conversion of agricultural buildings it was decided there would be no objections
Commercial Planning Applications (0)
Notice of Decisions (0)
Notice of Appeal (0)
Appeal Decision (0)
Cost Decision (0)
Withdrawn (0)
M74 / Finance
M74.1 / Accounts Requiring Authorisation for Payment
L. Crewe – Standing Order
Salary/Expenses – £278.52
Warrington Signs – Purchase of plaque for
Christmas tree on PGT land
Cheque No: 530 £ 68.88
L. Crewe – Reimbursement for purchase of new battery
for PC laptop
Cheque No. 531 £ 39.99
CPRE – Annual membership
Cheque No. 532 £ 36.00
Cllr L. Jones – Chairs’ Allowance
Cheque No. 533 £100.00
WBC – Cost of last year’s supply of engineer to light
the Christmas tree in Lower Stretton
Cheque No. 534 £252.00
Royal British Legion – Remembrance Day poppy wreath
Cheque No. 535 £ 30.00
Total £805.39
It was unanimously agreed that payment be made.
M75 / Correspondence
The Clerk circulated a list of correspondence and it was resolved that the same be noted and discussed by the Council.
WBC (via P Kennedy) - Response to issues regarding large vehicles on the A559 in Lower Stretton
The response to requests for action by WBC to alleviate the problems on the A559 has largely been met with a negative response. Cllr Kennedy made several suggestions and none were considered suitable. The Parish Council feels that this response is too negative and would like to enter into discussions with WBC to try to come up with other avenues of action which may not have been investigated as the situation is now dire and dangerous to pedestrians (as discussed at last month’s meeting). The Clerk will contact Highways to request further dialogue in the form of emails or face to face meetings.
Cllr Jones – Letter sent to Thorn Cross Prison
The Chair has written to the Governor of the prison in an attempt to access help with maintenance jobs and litter picking etc. This service is used by the neighbouring Parish of Appleton.
Network Warrington – Response to issues regarding the 45/46 Northwich bus route
The Chief Executive of Network Warrington has responded to the Parish Councils’ concerns regarding the possible cessation of the above service. Whilst understanding these concerns she stated that the cost of maintaining the service has to be taken into account. Monitoring of the service; such as number of people using it and at what times etc is taking place and the findings will be discussed at a Board Meeting scheduled for 18th November 2014. The Chief Executive has promised to relay any decisions made following the meeting.
Warrington South Police – Response to email alerting them to the problems of vehicles mounting pavement on A559
It would appear that responsibility for the policing of this road is under the jurisdiction of Cheshire West police. Inspector Heath has forwarded the email outlining the concerns of residents regarding large vehicles mounting the pavement in order to pass to the Inspector of the area.
Cllr Jones – Article in Northwich Guardian regarding extra spaces at traveller sites via planning process
The article is for information it appertains to the likelihood of planning permission being obtained at a traveller site in Davenham for futher sites following the intitial permission for the site. This is a possibility, to be borne in mind, on the land at Roots and Shoots.
Resident – photos of incidents on A559
Photographs of incidents occurring as previously mentioned on the above road where passed to the Councillors earlier in the month. These photographs show the dangers incurred by pedestrians and some of the photographs will be included in the email being sent to Highways.
WBC – Planning enforcement have opened a case no. after it was reported that diggers have been seen on R&S site without WBC informing the PC of the incident. The department will investigate the claims and report back.
For information only
M76 / Project for 2014 – Signage
The locations suggested by the Councillors several months ago have now finally been agreed by the Highways department as long as they are also approved by Inspector Sarah Heath. This hopefully now means that the project can get under way. The sign will be ordered on receipt of a cheque and the estimated lead time in 5-6 weeks. Realistically it probably be the New Year when the project is up and running.
M77 / Project 2015
Following more discussions on ideas put forward it was decided that as a flyer will shortly be distributed to the residents informing them of the dates and times for the Christmas tree lightings, a list of ideas would be added to the flyer to allow residents to vote for their favourite and even make their own suggestions. The flyers will be printed by Cllr Slattery and will be delivered about a week before the switch on.
M78 / Twinkling Stretton
The Councillors agreed that Green Home and Garden would again be asked to decorate the tree on PGT land and the Clerk will obtain more lights. The Chair will purchase mince pies for the refreshments at both venues and the Clerk will purchase mulled wine and fruit juices along with other ancillary items on behalf of the Parish Council
M79 / Councillors Issues
Cllr Lyons
Asked Councillor Kennedy for an update on the progress of the task force set up to look at locations for a transit camp in Warrington for use by travellers. Cllr Kennedy told the Parish Council that several sites had been identified and progress would be made to bring the most appropriate forward for planning as soon as reasonably possible. A discussion followed between the Parish Council and Cllr. Kennedy.
Cllr Hutchinson
Commented that there is a problem in the area with the Vodafone signal and on investigation there is no time scale for the reinstatement. This is known to be a problem in Appleton though unsure if it is applicable to Stretton. Cllr Hutchinson raised the issue of the 20 mph speed signs which are being rolled out in the area. They have now arrived in Stretton and in particular on Pewterspear Green Road near to the Pavilion. He wonders how these signs and the adherence to them will be policed on a regular basis. The Clerk will seek information on this from Inspector Heath at Stockton Heath police unit.
Cllr. Higgins
Further discussion on the land at Roots and Shoots. Cllr Higgins informed the PC that the residents committee had contacted Highways regarding unaddressed issues and they appear to be in agreement with their own statement at present. There have been no further submissions prior to work commencing from the appellants. The transcript of the High Court Appeal is still not published on the website.
Cllr Lyons
Informed the PC that the Parish Map on PGT land is in a poor state due to exposure to the weather and water ingress. The committee are currently looking at an alternative solution. Land is being cleaned up in some areas with a vigorous cutback of path edges and overgrown trees.
Cllr Cresswell
Commented on the state of the road close to Stretton House. Vegetation is encroaching on the footpath, as this is very narrow it is forcing people close to the road in order to pass by. The Clerk will contact Streetscene and the home owner to request a cutback.
M80 / Public Forum
Members of the public took part in a short discussion about matters in the Parish including the possibility of Ward boundary changes and the timing of elections following an imminent boundary review. Andrea Marshall, Stretton’s footpath warden informed the PC that a style on the footpath at Tanyard farm has been moved to alleviate being constantly overgrown with vegetation. Two smart footpath signs have been installed on footpaths along the A49.
The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.
M81 / Date and Time of Next Meeting
Monday 1 December 2014 at 7.30 p.m.