Minutes of Meeting VINCE
Date: 20.03.07
Venue: Birmingham Focus on Blindness, Harborne, Birmingham
Mary Norowzian: RNIB
Dennis Lewis: MDS
Sue Brittain: Sessional Counsellor, FOCUS
Marilyn Webb: Specialist Support Services, Counsellor
Nicky Owen: Specialist Support Services, Counsellor
Anita Morrison-Fokken: Director of Low Vision Services, FOCUS
Previous Minutes
Marilyn chaired SEALVI in the morning at New College, Worcester (14.03.07).
A successful day. Included 'How Peer Support Works' and a talk from Gail Bailey.
Marilyn felt it opened up further discussions regarding offering Emotional Support.
Next meeting for SEALVI in the summer - date and venue to be arranged.
Mary found the Newham Counselling Service open to guidance and advise from a V.I. client perspective. Mary has offered her time to them.
Marilyn bought a copy - everyone present being issued with a copy.
Anita apologised for any confusion regarding dates and it was confirmed that VINCE will meet on Wednesday 13th June at FOCUS at 10.15. If Mary is unable to attend she will contact the group and re-schedule to June 6th at 10.30 at Focus. Sue Brittain would not be able to attend a meeting on 6th June.
Follow up date of 11th September at 10.15 at FOCUS was agreed.
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
Matters Arising
The matter of what the day would incorporate and what would be its title was agreed. The day is for the launch of VINCE, an invitation for networking and an invitation to interested parties to push forward statutory funding.
RNIB Birmingham
A decision was made that there would be no charge for delegates. Mary, Anita and Dennis offered that the cost would be met by their organisations. Anita requested that FOCUS be invoiced for their contribution.
Mary will book a room - possibles 3rd, 10th or 17th October 2007 - Mary will keep VINCE informed.
Anita offered FOCUS staff to meet the admin needs.
Any literature will have :- Supported by RNIB, Emotional Support Service, Macular Disease Society Telephone Counselling Service, FOCUS on Blindness Emotional Support Service and Counselling Service for Children with a Visual Impairment (S.S.S.).
Logos will also be used.
It was agreed that there is much research available.
Ideally a post - Anita suggested a University research student, could be set up to collate and produce a final piece of documentation to push for statutory funding however it was decided that there wasn't sufficient time to arrange it before the launch.
To be discussed at further VINCE meetings.
Chairman of NAILSVEA
Action for Blind
Diabetes UK
Guide Dogs
Vision 2020
AMD Alliance International
Listening Eye
Annie Bearfield
The maximum delegates are 50 / Action
All Vince members to email Anita with a list of interested parties and contact details by end May. Anita will then have complete list for June meeting.
Invitation letter and booking form
The wording of the invitation was decided upon.
Launch of VINCE invitation.
We are writing to invite you to the launch of VINCE - Visual Impairment Network for Counselling and Emotional Support.
VINCE is a network established to develop collaborative working between counsellors and emotional support service providers, share good practice, service developments, evaluation and research outcome and influence the development of counselling and emotional support services for adults, children and families affected by sight loss.
The purpose of the day is to meet other practitioners and service providers with a view to creating a unified voice and identifying a way forward to develop Emotional Support Services for people with visual impairment.
Venue Address:
Contact FOCUS etc.
Content of the Day
Much of the day was decided upon with the exception of a keynote speaker. Sandi Toksvig and Jo Brands names were mentioned Sandi Toksvig contact details to be established and forwarded to Anita.
The group to consider other names before June.
Dennis to think how speed networking will work on the day / Sue

Launch of VINCE

October 2007

Programme (provisional)


09.45 - 10.00 Coffee

10.00 - 10.15 Anita to introduce background, what, why, aims

10.15 - 10.45 Three speakers - yet to be selected

10.45 - 11.45 Parallel workshops (to be confirmed)

11.45 - 12.00 Break

12.00 - 12.30 Keynote speaker


12.30 - 1.30 Lunch

1.30 - 2.00 Speed networking

2.00 - 3.00 The Way Forward / roving mike / plenary session.



Next meeting: 13th June at 10.15 am at FOCUS

*agree invitation list

*issue invitations - set up admin to deal with this

*research student to collate research?

*finalise programme of events/speakers etc for launch day.
