22 JUNE 2006


1  Purpose of Report

1.1 To inform the Overview Group of the revised management arrangements for the Tourism Service following the decisions not to re-appoint a Head of Service for Communications and Tourism and separate the Communications and Tourism functions.

2 Recommendation

2.1  To note the contents of the report and to seek the support of the Overview Group to the new Management arrangements .

3 Background

3.1 Council recently approved the separation of the Tourism and Communications sections following the decision not to re-appoint the vacant Service Unit Head post. As of May 1st the Communications team has merged with the new Customer Services Unit and Poole Tourism is now operating as an ‘arms length’ partnership, similar to the Town Centre Partnership.

3.2 In reality Poole Tourism has been acting as an arms length partnership for some 6 years now and this new structure should see little change to the operation.

3.3 In late 1999 the Council approved the inception of The Poole Tourism Panel as a constituted partnership body (renamed Poole Tourism Management Board (PTMB) in 2005). This was based upon an exceptionally strong tourism partnership between the industry and the Council, both parties having agreed that this partnership was best placed to deliver the future aims and objectives of the tourism industry. Greater empowerment has made this partnership even stronger. This has been reflected in the growing financial contributions from the private sector which at inception amounted to approx £120,000 and has grown to approx £230,000 this year, equating to a public/private gearing ratio of 62:38.

3.4 PTMB is responsible for the leadership and strategic direction of Poole Tourism, is the main voice of the tourism industry and the main consultation body on tourism for the Council. In addition the PTMB agrees the annual business plan for the tourism office. Therefore, instead of Poole Tourism reporting to a Council Committee, policy making was delegated informally to the Management Board with regular update reports submitted to LEOG.

3.5 The PTMB is made up of 12 elected representatives from each of the different sectors of the industry, such as hotels, guest houses and attractions, and 5 Councillors from the Borough of Poole, including the Local Economy Portfolio Holder). The Chairman of the Panel is nominated by the board members but must be an independent person and Bruce Grant-Braham has performed this role since inception.

3.6 Poole Tourism has been operating in principle as an arms length partnership since1999. The formal responsibility for the provision of the tourism service, however, still rested with the SUH. The constitution of the PTMB stated that there was no formal delegated powers or budgetary responsibilities. As described above however, this responsibility was passed onto the PTMB on an informal basis. The new management set-up for Tourism actually formalises this process and allocates this responsibility from a Service Unit Head to the Management Board (as with Poole Town Centre Partnership).

4 New Management Arrangements

4.1 The constitution of the PTMB will need to be amended to formally delegate responsibility for the delivery of the Tourism Strategy and annual Business/Action Plan to the Board. The current constitution has been reviewed by Legal and Democratic Services and a draft constitution, based on their advice is attached at appendix 1. This revised wording will ensure compliance with all Council policies and procedures. It is proposed that at the next PTMB meeting the draft changes be agreed upon, followed by the formal process of making the constitutional change. Once this has been achieved LEOG will be asked to recommend to Cabinet that the new way of working be formally adopted.

4.2 The changes finally agreed will need to include the delegation of operational responsibility for decision-making and budgetary control to the Tourism Manager, as it did with the former Service Unit Head. The process for this is to be advised by Legal and Democratic Services but it will require LEOG to recommend approval to Cabinet for the delegation to happen, as happened with the Regeneration Manager, for example.

4.3 Under the new arrangements, Poole Tourism will be part of the Policy Directorate and report to LEOG through the nominated Strategic Director in the same way as Town Centre Management currently does. All Poole Tourism staff will remain Borough of Poole employees and operate within the Council’s code of conduct and conform to financial regulations and standing orders.

5 How it will work

5.1 The PTMB will approve an annual business/action plan for the tourism office in January each year for the forthcoming financial year. This will incorporate the budgeted private sector income as well as the contribution to tourism made by the Council (this year circa £400k) and will be agreed in tandem with the Council’s budget programme. This action plan will be supported with full project plans for each area of activity (eg special events, tourist information etc) detailing specific areas of activity and supporting performance indicators. It will also incorporate full salary/employee costs as well as central support costs.

5.2 In devising of the annual action plan, full consideration will be given to the new Tourism Strategy for Poole as well as the Council’s Corporate Strategy. Councillors on the PTMB will ensure that the interests of the Council are fully maintained and take a full part in the discussions and recommendations.

5.3 Input into the business/action plan will also come from the wider tourism partnership through feedback and comment at the December annual Poole Tourism Conference, to which the 5 Council representatives on the PTMB will be invited along with Chair and Vice-chair of LEOG.

5.4 Upon agreement of the business/action plan this will then be referred to the February LEOG meeting for discussion, to ensure that the Council’s interests are being maintained and that it complies with the direction of the Council. It is then intended to produce a progress/update report for the July LEOG meeting of the action plan for discussion.

5.5 Once the business/action plan has been ratified by LEOG any significant variation to the plan would have to be discussed by the PTMB and agreed before implementation. If this resulted in a change of emphasis or direction then it would also be referred to LEOG for comment and approval.

6 Timetable

6.1 It is planned to formally adopt and implement this new management structure as soon as can be achieved and it is envisaged that the following be appropriate:

·  June - LEOG consultation

·  July – PTMB meeting to agree constitution revisions

·  August – Constitutional changes implemented (this requires a resolution at a board meeting with at least 14 days notice given)

·  September – Report back to LEOG and seek recommendation to cabinet for: - formal adoption of arms length partnership;

- delegation of powers to Tourism Manager

6.2 In the interim the management responsibility will be through the Tourism Manager, reporting through the Head of Strategic Planning until the vacant Strategic Director post is filled.

7 Financial Implications

7.1 None. There are no additional costs incurred from the above changes.

Graham Richardson

Tourism Manager


CONSTITUTION (draft version June 2006)

2  Changes to original wording highlighted in yellow

1.0 Name

1.1 The name of the association will be the “Poole Tourism Management Board” (hereafter called the Management Board)

2.0 Aim of the Management Board

To develop and assist delivery of a shared vision for Poole’s successful Tourism Industry that will enable Poole to maintain its modern image and ensure its Product is relevant to today’s and tomorrow’s demands.

This aim will be achieved by strong representation of all Poole Tourism Partners and the Council, and by offering strategic guidance on tourism issues to the ‘Economy Portfolio Holder’ and Economy Overview Group of the Council.

3.0 Functions and Powers

3.1   The function of the Management Board is to agree a tourism strategy for Poole and oversee its implementation

3.1.1 Support the fundamental values of the Poole Tourism Strategy by

·  Encouraging support for the strategy from stake-holders and in particular the Council

·  Encouragement and pursuit of Quality within all aspects of the tourism product;

·  Encouragement of ‘Wise Growth’ - The need to consider environmental sustainability within all tourism related matters;

·  Encouraging ‘competitiveness’ measures to improve the performance of Poole’s tourism industry

·  Encouraging positive support for tourism within the ‘host’ community by promoting the benefits / value of tourism to Poole and providing opportunities for direct community participation;

3.1.2 Support the Poole Tourism Partnership by

·  Sector representatives consulting their sector partners and ensuring that their views are heard;

·  Being responsive to partner businesses, tourism sectors or local areas that may require particular support due to shifting tourism trends;

·  Promoting the contribution of the tourism industry to the local community and economy;

·  Representing the Poole tourism industry within local and regional stake-holders agencies and in particular the Borough of Poole;

·  Agreeing a programme for the Poole Tourism Annual Conference and ensuring that the event is a significant influence to the Management Board

·  Approving (each Jan) an annual budget for Poole Tourism, and an associated programme of Action/Project Plans (subject to confirmation of council budget support for Poole Tourism Partnership – Feb);

·  Guidance and influence on marketing, visitor management and special event activities;

·  Scrutiny of Project Plans including Performance Measurement;

3.1.3 Support the Council’s ‘Economy Portfolio Holder’ and the Economy Overview Group by

·  Seeking their support and approval for the Poole Tourism Strategy, and ensuring that the strategy is supportive of other local and regional economic and tourism strategies

·  Bringing forward proposals, comments and views on matters affecting tourism

·  Acting as the prime consultation / discussion forum for the Council on tourism issues

·  Interpretation of research data and local/regional/national trend information;

4.0 Financial arrangements

4.1 The Management Board will prepare, agree and approve an annual budget for Poole Tourism (income and expenditure), which provides the basis for delivering the Council’s tourism service objectives for that financial year. These Council service objectives are agreed through the Council’s Economy Overview Group and monitored via performance indicators which are included within the business/action plan. The income budget includes the contributions of the private sector and the Council’s contribution to tourism confirmed as part of the Council’s annual budget determination process.

The financial year shall mirror that of the Council and end on 31st March each year.

The members of the Management Board on becoming a member agree that in all of their dealings they will act legally, honestly, reasonably and competently and will comply with all Borough of Poole’s financial regulations and standing orders, and all members of the board who are officers and members of Poole Tourism agree that they will act honestly, reasonably and competently and will comply with the Borough’s codes of conduct relating or relevant to officers and elected members sitting on outside bodies.

If a promotion (special event, marketing or visitor management initiative) is not within the approved project plans and involves expenditure in excess of £5000 + VAT (net of income) the Tourism Manager needs the prior approval of the Management Board and the Head of Financial Services before proceeding, or if sooner decision required the signed support of the Chair and both Vice-Chairs which will then be reported as a special item at the next Management Board meeting.

A yearly account will be presented by the Poole Tourism Manager to the Management Board and the Council’s Economy Overview Group at the first meeting of the new financial year following their publication.

5.0 Membership of Management Board

5.1 The Management Board consists of 12 private sector members drawn from the Poole Tourism Partnership, and five members who are appointed by the Council annually or from time to time to support tourism in the borough. In addition to these is an ‘independent’ Chairman (eg non Councillor and non tourism business operator)

5.2 To assist the Chairman two of the Management Board members are appointed Vice-Chairs - one with private sector expertise and one with public sector expertise. The Vice-Chairs will deputise on an alternating basis for the Chairman in his/her absence.

5.3 The industry sector representatives (12) will comprise

·  ‘Star’ Hotels (2);

·  ‘Diamond’ and ‘lodge’ accommodation (1);

·  Self-catering (1);

·  Attractions / activities / transport (1);

·  Town Centre Partnership / retail (1);

·  Restaurants (1);

·  Youth tourism / language schools(1);

·  A representative of all those Poole Tourism Partners whose tourism

·  business lies outside the Borough of Poole (1);

·  Water sports operators (1);

·  Corporate Sponsors (2).

5.4 Five members will be nominated by the Council - nominations need not necessarily be Councillors.

5.5 Each Poole Tourism Management Board member (excluding ‘Star Hotels’ and ‘Corporate Sponsors’) can have an elected deputy who will proxy in cases of absence.

5.6 In addition to the above, the Tourism Manager (or nominated deputy) will be a non-voting member and provide secretariat services to the Management Board.

6.0 Election of Management Board Members

6.1 Private sector representatives to be elected by businesses within their sector - nominees by self-nomination following an invitation to submit names, and giving a minimum of 2 weeks written notice to all current Partners. Membership of the Management Board will be for two years and the successful candidate will be the one that receives the highest number of votes. Second placed candidate then asked to act as deputy. If this offer declined then next highest scoring person. This election process will be held in November/December of ‘odd’ years. If an elected representative withdraws their business from the Tourism Partnership during this 2 year period they will give up their place on the Management Board. Their deputy will then act-up and a replacement deputy will be sought by referring back to original voting papers.