What are the key features of an overseas hire teacher’s contract at BISR?

You will be paid a UK salary M1-M6 equivalent in Saudi Riyals. In addition, you will receive an overseas allowance of 30% of basic salary – and it’s all tax free. Our staff tend to save (depending how many rugs or gold rings that you buy) a large proportion of their salary without compromising on lifestyle. Initial contacts are two years – these are renewable for one or two years, and several staff have been at BISR for many years.

All staff enjoy a lump sum End Of Service Benefit equal to two weeks salary for each year worked up to five years, and then beyond five years the EOSB is a full month’s salary for each year worked.

Accommodation will be on a compound very close to the school. Most staff live on Al Hamra compound – and it is just a couple of minutes walk to their classroom from where they live. The compounds have been compared to seven star hotels, and have a range of different types of accommodation, as well as shops, an excellent gym (which is busy with BISR staff at 5am!), sports facilities, a bowling alley, and seven swimming pools –including some that are heated. See

Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi – but having seen the roads, few want to! Cars and drivers are provided by the school for both work and social purposes though priority is given to single female staff. For male staff an interest-free car-loan is available.

For each completed school year, employees and their dependants will receive a travel allowance. The amount is agreed by the Board of Governors each year and is very generous.

The school will pay for initial arrival visas, all business visas, one ‘exit/entry’ visa on renewal of contract and final exit when you leave the Kingdom at the end of employment. While it is not possible for friends to visit staff in Saudi, due to visa restrictions, we are able to assist with applications for visas for family members to visit. For some reason, we receive many requests for family visas during the UK winter months!

We provide a SR2,000 Baggage Allowance per employee and dependant on first arrival and a SR3,000 Baggage Allowance per employee and dependant on final departure.

The school covers the cost of pre-approved training courses.

The school provides comprehensive medical insurance cover for staff and their dependants. Free education at the School for up to 2 dependants under the age of 18 is available. Personal effects are insured by the school up to SR3,000 whilst on school premise and household contents up to SR10,000.

Teachers are entitled to 10 calendar weeks maternity leave. Employee with at least 1 year’s service will receive half pay during this period. Employee with at least 3 years service will receive full pay during this period.