First Exercise

PAGE 90-93

Q1- Choose the correct answer:-

1- c2- b3- b 4- c 5- a 6- c 7- b 8- c 9- c 10- b 11- a 12- a

Q2- Problem 1):-

F x F .arm = R x R .arm

X x 5 = 1 x 10

X = (1 x 10)/5

X = 2 Newton

Q2- Problem 2):-

F x F .arm = R x R .arm

4x 5 = 2 x y

Y = (4 x 5)/2

Y = 10 cm

Q3- Give reason:-

1-Bec. they may have other benefits such as increasing distance (hokey bat) or avoid dangers such as (tweezers).

2-Bec. theeffort arm does not equal the resistance arm.

3-Bec. they make the tasks perform more easily by the means of increasing distance, increasing force and avoid dangers. has a high melting point.

5-To avoid the turning off of any lamp when one of the lamps is turned off or damaged. carries the lamp upright, position it and connect it with the electric circuit. helps in the penetration of the root hair through soil particles.

8-Bec. theconcentration of the solution inside the vacuoles is more than the concentration of the solution in the soil.

9-To allow the loss of water in the form of water vapour through transpiration process.

10-Bec. theepidermal cells are lost from time to time by the resistance of soil particles during the expansion of the root.

11-To control opening and closing the stoma.

12-Bec.this membrane has the selective permeability that allows only some salts to pass according to the need of the plant.

13-To avoid electric shock.

Q4- What's meant by each of the following:-

1-They are materials that do not allow the flowof electricity through them.

2-One of the dangers of electricity occurs as a result of the increase in the temperature of the electric wires.

3-It is the path in which the electric current passes through it.

4-It is the ability of the cellular membrane in the root hair to allow only some salts to pass according to the need of the plant.

Q5- Explain the rise of juice and water to the parts of plants:-

*Root hair in the epidermis of the root absorbs water from soil. This is because the salt concentration inside vacuole is larger than salt concentration inside soil.So,water flows from the soil into the root hair through its semi-permeable membrane by osmosis. Then, it moves through root cells, which contain a composition of cells called endodermis which regulate water crossing into a tissue called xylem where the juice is raised to reach the stem and then to the leaves to make photosynthesis process.

Q6- Problem-

F x F .arm = R x R .arm

100x 25 = 500 x R .arm

R .arm = (100 x 25)/500

R .arm = 5 cm

Second Exercise

PAGE 94-95

Q1)Write the scientific term

1-Electric conductors ( Good Conductors of Electricity)

2-Levers (Second class)


4-Transpiration process

Q2) Choose the correct answer

1- b2- c3-a

Q3- What would happen:-

1-All the lamps will turn off when one of the lamps is turned off or damaged.

2-Total lunar eclipse takes place.

3-Partial lunar eclipse takes place.

Q4- Put ( √ ) or ( X )

1-( √ )2-( X )3-( X )

4-( √ )5-( X )

Q5- Give reason:- has a high melting point.

2-To avoid burning of the filament so that the life time of the filamentincreases.

3-To control opening and closing the stoma.

4-Bec.water is a good conductor of electricity.

Q6- What is meant by:-

1-One of the dangers of electricity occurs as a result of the passage of the electric current to the human body.

2-It is the type of solar eclipse in which the sun appears as a lighting ring and it is formed when the moon is in a higher orbit from earth so, its cone shadow doesn't reach the earth.

3-Are astronomical observatories that study stars and galaxies from their location outside Earth's atmosphere.

4-They are groups of millions of stars forming beams of light in the middle of extreme darkness in space.

5-It is the losing of water in the form of water vapor from the leaves of the plant through holes called stomata.

6-It is the ability of the cellular membrane in the root hair to allowonly some salts to pass according to the need of the plant.

Third Exercise

PAGE 96-110


1-A lever

2-rigid bar

3-First, third

4-Thomas Edison



7-Conductors, insulators

8-Electric shock

9-Earth, sun, moon

10-Spiral, four arms


12-Selective permeability

Q2)Write the scientific term

1-Second class levers

2-Law of levers

3-Filament of the light bulb

4-Levers (Second class)

5-Series connection

6-Electric insulators

7-Partial lunar eclipse


9-A telescope


11-Transpiration process

Q3- Give reason page (97-98):-

1-To avoid the turning off of any lamp when one of the lamps is turned off or damaged.

2-Bec. thesun emits harmful radiations such as ultraviolet and infrared that harm the retina in the eye cause blindness in a few seconds.

3-Bec. theresistance arm is always longer that the effort arm so that the effort force is always bigger than the resistance force.

4-To allow the electric current to pass through it.

5-To avoid the occurrence of the electric shock if we touch it.

6-To avoid the occurrence of electric fire.

7-Bec. themoon becomes between the Earth and the Sun in a nearly one straight line and it hides the sun completely.

8-Bec. thesun emits harmful radiations such as ultraviolet and infrared that harm the retina in the eye causing blindness.

9-To be opened at night to expose and direct the telescope towards any part of the sky.

10-To find suitable reasons for the occurrence of different astronomical phenomena.

Q4) Put ( √ ) or ( X )

1-( X )2-( X )3-( √ )

4-( X )5-( X )6-( X )

7-( √ )8-( √ )9- ( X )

10-( √ )11-( √ )12-( √ )

13-( √ )14-( √ )15-( √ )

Q5) Choose the correct answer

1-c2-b 3-a




Q6)Correct the underlined words

1-second2-inert3-an electric conductor

4-second5-two filaments of tungsten 6-light

7-water8-copper 9-a period of time

10-annular11-Galileo12-root hair

13-two guard cells14-Transpiration

Q7)Compare between each one of the following:-

1-The levers

P.O.C / First class / Second class / Third class
Definition / The lever which has the fulcrum between force and resistance / The lever, which has the resistance between the force and the fulcrum. / The lever, which has the effort between the fulcrum and the resistance.

2-Connecting electric lamps in series and parallel

P.O.C / Connecting in series / Connecting in parallel
Light intensity of the lamps / The light intensity of thelamps decreases by increasing their number. / The light intensity of the lamps is the same (doesn’t affect)
Removing one of the lamps / all the light bulbs will turn off / all the light bulbs stay lighting (don’t affect)

3-Electric conductors and insulators

Electric conductors / Electric insulators
When the electric conductors present in an electric circuit, they complete the circuit to make it closed and allow the electric current to flow through the whole circuit.
All metals are electric conductors such as iron, copper, aluminum.... etc. / When the electric insulators present in an electric circuit, they do not complete the circuit, so the electric current cannot flow through the circuit.
Examples:Wood, plastic, rubber and clothes

4-Total solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse

Total solar eclipse / Total Lunar eclipse
It is the type of solar eclipse in which we can't see the sun completely and it is formed in the shadow area (umbra) of the moon / Occurs when the whole moon enters the shadow area (umbra) of the Earth.

5-The light bulb and the fluorescent lamp (structure)

The light bulb / The fluorescent lamp
*it consists of
- the glass bulb
- tungsten filament
- metal base / *it consists of
- the glass tube (the inner surface is covered with phosphoric material)
- tungsten filament (at each tip)
- two points of connection (at each tip)

6-Direct injuries and indirect injuries

Direct injuries / indirect injuries
*Fires resulting from electricity
*The electric shock
*Burns resulting from the electric current / *caused by electricity and they are not direct cause. Such as falling from top of ladder due to an electric shock.

7-Umbra area and semi shadow area

Umbra area / semi shadow area (penumbra)
It is the dark inner shadow in which the total solar eclipse appears. / It is the faint outer shadow in which the partial solar eclipse appears.

Q8) Choose from column (B) that suits column (A)

Table 1



Table 2


Table 3


Q9) What would happen if:-

1-The tasks won't be perform more easily.

2-We can't study or observe the distant objects or the space.

3-Total lunar eclipse takes place.

4-Annular solar eclipse takes place.

5-The lever conserve effort.

6-It will melt easily at high temperature.

7-The life time of the filament will decrease.

8-It leads to many dangers such as electric fire, electric shock and electric burn.

9-The electric current will not pass through the circuit.

10-It will cause electric shock.

11-His eyes (retina) will be harmed by infrared and ultraviolet radiations.

12-The plant will not perform the transpiration process to get rid of excess water.

13-Drops of water will be formed on the inner surface of the planter.

14-The stoma can't be opened or closed.

15-The plant can't absorb water from the soil.

16-The root hair can't penetrate the soil particles.

17-The water will move from the root of the plant to the soil.

18-(First case) Umbra and penumbra will be formed – (Second case) An extension of the umbra will be formed (antumbra)

19-The fire will increase and it could harm the secures.

Q10)Write the labels on the following figures

1st figure: book page 30

2nd figure: book page 79

3th figure: book page 63

Q11) Problems

Problem (1)

F x F.arm = R x R.arm


R.arm = (8x2) / 4 = 4 cm

Problem (2)

F x F.arm = R x R.arm


R = (400x20) / 80 =10 N

Problem (3)

F x F.arm = R x R.arm


R = (480x40) / 60 =320 N

Problem (4)

F x F.arm = R x R.arm


F.arm = (200x20) / 400 =10 cm

Test (1) Page.111-112

Q1-Write the scientific term:-

a-fulcrum b- Electric fire

c- root hair d- excess water

Q2-Put (√) or (×) and correct the wrong one:-

a-x(because) (although it doesn’t)

b-x (water) (sand)

c-x (root system) (leaves)


e-x (smaller) (longer)


a-second b-electric current (electricity) c-stoma

d- R x R.arm


a-Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse

solar eclipse / Lunar eclipse
It is the astronomical phenomenon occurs when the earth, the moon and the sun are nearly on one straight line with the moon in the middle / It is the astronomical phenomenon which occurs when the sun, Earth and the Moon are nearly on one straight line with the Earth in the middle hiding the sunlight from the moon.

b-Good conductors and insulating materials of electricity (the same answer of Q3 page 103)

Q5- Give reason:-

a-Because the solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the Earth and the sun casts its shadow on the Earth and the lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the moon and the sun casts its shadow on the moon.

b-To prevent the occurrence of electric fire.

c-Bec. the fulcrum lies between the resistance and the force.

d-Because they occur as a result of the Earth and the moon rotation which can be calculated by the scientists.

Q6) Problem-

F x F.arm = R x R.arm

500x20= 200 x R.arm

R.arm = (500x20) / 200 = 100 cm

Q7- Identify the astronomical phenomenon:

  • The solar eclipse
  • Look at page 63 in the school book for the labels.
  • Test (2) Page.113-114

Q1- Choose the correct answer:-

a-Wheel barrow b- galaxies

c-Doesn’t change d- transpiration

Q2- Give reasons:-

1-To allow the passing of water and minerals from the soil to the plant.

2-Bec. the fulcrum lies between the force and the resistance so that the force arm can be longer than the resistance arm.

3-To increase the lifetime of the filament.

4-Bec it is a good conductor of electricity.

5-Bec the sun emits harmful radiations such as infrared and ultraviolet that harm the retina in the eye causing blindness in few seconds.

Q3- (a) What happens:-

1-It will melt easily at high temperature.

2-An electric shock takes place.

3-The root of the plant cannot control the movement of the elements from and to the root hair.

(b) Mention one function:-

1- it can be used in decorating commerecial stores and commercial advertisement.

2-it can be used to observe and study the space and the distant objects.

Q4-(a)Whats the difference between:-

1-The same answer of q4 p.103 in the school book.

2-The same answer of q1 p.102 in the school book.

(b)Whats meant by:-

1- lever: - it is a rigid bar rotates around fixed point called fulcrum.

2-Transpiration: - The losing of water in the form of water vapor from the leaves of the plant or from the other green parts to its surrounding through holes in the plant leaves called stomata.

Q5- Correct the following:-

1-Human body is a good conductor of electricity.

2-We cannot see the sun completely in the total solar eclipse.

3-The root hair absorb water and minerals from the soil.

4-Galaxies are a group of millions of stars.

5-Stomata spread on the lower surface of the plants leaves.

  • Test (3) Page.115-116

Q1- Choose the correct answer:-

(a)2-saturn ( b) 2-- nutcracker

(c) 1- solar eclipse takes time less than that of lunar eclipse

(d)2- the lighting of the bulbs decreases

(e) 2- decreasing the speed

Q2- Give reasons:-

1-Bec. theforce arm is always longer than the resistance arm.

2-To allow the flow of the electric current to the filament.

3-Due to the friction between the root hair and the particles of the soil.

4-Bec the sun emits harmful radiations such as infrared and ultraviolet that harm the retina in the eye causing blindness in few seconds.

5-To allow the water to transfer from the soil to the root hair by osmosis feature.

Q3- (a)What happens:-

1-The plant can’t perform transpiration process to get rid of excess water.

2-The filament will burn.

3-We can’t study or even observe the space or any other astronomical phenomenon.

Q3- (b) Mention one function:-

1-Allow the plant to perform transpiration process to get rid of excess water.

2- It sometimes increases the force when the effort arm is longer than the resistance arm.

Q4- (a)Mention one difference:-

(Solved before)

Q4- (b)What is meant by:-

1-It is the fixed point in which the rigid bar rotates around.

2-It is the losing of water in the form of water vapour from the leaves of the plants to its surrounding through holes called stomata.

3-It is the transmission of water molecules through a semi permeable membrane from an area of high concentration of water to an area of low concentration of water.

Q5- Put (√) or (×) and correct the wrong one:-

1-× (the first class lever)


3-× (spiral shape) (four arms) (two hundred billions)

4-× (collecting light)

5-x (cytoplasm) (big vacuole)

  • Test (4) Page.117-118

Q1- Choose the correct answer:-

(a)1-sweetholder (b) 1- iron

(c)2- root hair (d) 2- Galileo

Q2- Write the scientific term:-

(a)Series connection

(b)Transpiration process


Q3- Put (√) or (×) and correct the wrong one:-

1-× (thin) 2- × (lower)

3-× (Saturn) 4- × (solar)

5-×(argon) 6-√

Q4- Give reason:-

1-To allow the penetration of them through the soil particles.

2-To prevent the turning off of the lamps if any one of them is turned off or damaged.

3-( Bec. the force arm is always shorter than the resistance arm.

4-To protect the filament from burning and increase the life time of the filament.

Q5- Mention some precuatins in dealing with electricity:-look at your school book page (43)

Q6- Problem:-

F x F.arm = R x R.arm

50 x 20 = R x 5

R = (50 x 20) / 5 = 200 N

Q7- Classify the following machines :-

Bottle opener is a second class lever.

Seesaw is a first class lever.

Fishing hook is a third class lever.

Test (5) Page.119-120

Q1- Complete:-

1-Force – resistance

2-Force – resistance

3-Direct injuries – indirect injuries

4-Moon – Earth

Q2- (a) Write the scientific term:-

1-Third class levers

2-Total lunar eclipse

3-Parallel connection


1-A piece of lead 2-Metal base

3-metal wire 4-glass bulb

5-tungsten filament

Q3- (a) Give reason:-

1-To allow the plant to get rid of excess water.

2-Bec the Earth is larger than the moon so that it blocks all the Sun light from reaching the moon when it comes between Sun and moon in a nearly one straight line.

3-Bec. theforce arm is always longer than the resistance arm.

Q3- (b) What is meant by:-

1-The materials that allow the flow of electricity through.

2-The lunar eclipse that occurs when a part of the moon enters the shadow area of the Earth (umbra).

Q4- (a) Put (√) or (x):-

1-(×) second 2- (√) 3-(x) argon gas

4-(√) 5-(x) short time (doesn’t exceed 7 minutes and 40 seconds)

Q4- (b) Compare:-

*solved before

(c) Give reason:-

F x F.arm = 200 x 50 = 10000

R x R.arm= 1000x 10 = 10000

So,the lever is balanced because the F x F.arm = R x R.arm

Test (6) Page.121-122

Q1- Complete:-

1-Force – resistance 2-Moon – sun

3-Galilio – telescope 4-Stomata – transpiration

Q2- :- Write the scientific term:-

1-First class levers 2-Galaxies

3-root (root hair) 4-light bulb (electric lamp)

Q3- (a) Give reason:-

1-Because the force arm is always shorter than the resistance arm.

2-Bec. the salt concentration inside its vacuole is larger than salt concentration in the soil.

3-To prevent electric shock.

Q3- (b) What is meant by:- *solved before

Q4- (a) Put (√) or (x):-

1-(√) 2- (√) 3-(x) Short age 4-(x) jupiter

Q4- (b) Problem:-

F x F.arm = 500 x 10 = 5000

R x R.arm= 200x 20 =4000……………………..So,the lever is not balanced because the F x F.armdoesn’t equal R x R.arm