UNIT STANDARD TITLE: Conduct Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) and pre-employment screening in the public sector



FIELD 03:Business, Commerce and Management Studies

SUB-FIELD:SGB Human Resource Management and Practices


This unit standard will enable learnersto conduct personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening as part of the recruitment and selection process within the public sector.

A learner credited with this unit standard will be able to:

  • Discuss the National Vetting Strategy.
  • Plan and prepare for personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening.
  • Conduct personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening.
  • Manage records and information.


Public sector means or includes all three spheres of government (national, provincial and local), as well as any agency that is funded by the State.

Organisation in this standard also refers to an institution, department or unit.


  • Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 4
  • Communication at NQF Level 4.



Discuss the National Vetting Strategy

Assessment Criterion 1

The background and purpose of the National Vetting Strategy within the public sector context is explained in terms of its role in the personnel recruitment and selection process

Assessment Criterion Range

Background to Personnel Suitability Checks includes the history of the National Vetting Strategy and the Strategy itself.

Assessment Criterion 2

The legislative pre-scripts relevant to the National Vetting Strategy are discussed to provide the legal framework within which this process takes place

Assessment Criterion Range

This should include discussion on the National Vetting Strategy in relation to the rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 101 of 2002) SSA to comment.

Assessment Criterion 3

Personnel Suitability Checks and all other relevant terminology are defined to ensure clarity and achieve common understanding

Assessment Criterion 4

Potential service providers are identified by organs of state and the importance of obtaining security clearance from the State Security Agency prior to commencement of procurement is discussed

Assessment Criterion Range

This includes acquisition and utilisation of service providers is in the National Vetting Strategy and the National Strategic Intelligence Act (No 39 of 1994) as amended by Act 67 of 2002

Assessment Criterion 5

Organisational risk issues are discussed and the relationship of vetting information to these risk issues is explored in order to facilitate decision-making


Plan and prepare for personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening.

Assessment Criterion 1

The relationship between personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening and recruitment and selection is explored to indicate the context within which the checking and screening is performed

Assessment Criterion 2

Relevant and complete information on the vacant position is gathered and the relationship of this information to the personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening process is discussed.

Assessment Criterion 3

A personnel suitability check and pre-employment screening plan is developed to ensure integrity and efficiency in the process.

Assessment Criterion Range

The plan includes, but is not limited to, relevant legislation and prescripts, a timeframe, resource allocation, contingencies, methods of personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening, verification of information, the recording and management of information, the nature and medium of communication and the sharing of information obtained.

Assessment Criterion 4

The availability of resources for performing vetting activities is checked and the importance of ensuring that expenditure is within budget and fit for purpose is discussed

Assessment Criterion 5

The process for approving budget for expenditureis explained and applied according to relevant pre-scripts.


Conduct personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening.

Outcome Range

Personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening for vacant positions in the public sector, including those relating to scarce skills.

Assessment Criterion 1

The five personnel suitability screening criteria are explained, using appropriate examples.

Assessment Criterion Range

The five personnel suitability screening criteria are criminal record checks, citizenship, credit worthiness, qualifications, references from previous employment.

Assessment Criterion 2

The personnel suitability screening criteria are implemented and validated using appropriate verification methods according to the National Vetting Strategy.

Assessment Criterion 3

The relevant information is gathered and organised according to organisational procedures

Assessment Criterion 4

The information obtained is analysed, interpreted and evaluated according to procedure

Assessment Criterion 5

A checklist is produced for verification by both the Human Resource and Security Components.

Assessment Criterion 6

Recommendations are made based on the validation of applicant information.


Manage records and information.

Assessment Criterion 1

Information related to personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening is recorded and managed according to organisational procedures.

Assessment Criterion 2

Databases.are compiled and populated according to organisationalprocedure or protocol

Assessment Criterion 3

The process of authorising and forwarding records is explained to ensure that only designated staff obtain access to them.

Unit Standard Accreditation and Moderation Options:

  • An individual wishing to be assessed (including through RPL) against this Unit Standard may apply to an assessment agency, assessor or provider institution accredited by the relevant ETQA, or an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.
  • Anyone assessing a learner against this Unit Standard must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA
  • Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this Unit Standard or assessing this Unit Standard must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA
  • Moderation of assessment will be conducted by the relevant ETQA at its discretion

Essential Embedded Knowledge

Purpose of processes and procedures of:

  • National Vetting Strategyin the context of the constitutional framework.

Cause and effect, implications and attributes of:

  • Knowledge of relevant legislation.
  • Knowledge relevant to the position and industry sector.
  • The importance of accurate screening.
  • Quality and relevance of information obtained.
  • Effective communication and understanding of procedures.
  • Public Service Cadre Attributes and Batho Pele Principles.

Procedures and techniques:

  • Workflow and signoff of personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screenings.
  • Reference checks to validate previous employment.
  • Screening criteria to follow when short listing applications for a vacant post.
  • Report writing.

Regulations, legislation, agreements, policies:

  • The Constitution of South Africa, Act 101, of 2002
  • The National Vetting Strategy – Cabinet Memorandum 1/2006
  • The Public Service Act (Act 103 of 1994, as amended)
  • Public Finance Management Act (Act 1 of 1999)
  • Public Audit Act (Act no 25 of 2004)
  • Public Service Regulations, 2001, Chapter 1, part VII D 8(a).
  • The MISS - Cabinet Memorandum 567/2002
  • The National Strategic Intelligence Act (Act no 38 of 1994, as amended)
  • DPSA Circular HRP 1 of 2010 – Verification of employee qualifications
  • DPSA Circular14/1/1/P of 23 November 2007 – Implementation of the National Vetting Strategy
  • Batho Pele Principles.
  • South African Citizenship Act (Act 88 of 1995)

Relationships, systems:

  • Sources of information includeHR Connect and other management information systems, SAPS, State Security Agency, Department of Home Affairs, South African Qualifications Authority (qualifications verification), service providers performing a screening function, CIPRO and SARS.

Critical Cross-Field Outcomes

This unit standard promotes, in particular, the following critical cross-field outcomes:

Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made when:

  • Conducting the vetting strategy
  • Dealing with unplanned events

Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community to:

  • Plan and prepare for personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening.
  • Obtain information.
  • Formulate recommendations.

Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsively and effectively when:

  • Planning and preparing for personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening
  • Conducting personnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening.
  • Managing records and information

Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information to:

  • Prepare checklist for verification by both the Human Resource and Security Components.

Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and / or written presentation to:

  • Plan and preparepersonnel suitability checks and pre-employment screening
  • Obtain and verify information
  • Prepare checklists and reports
  • Keep internal and external stakeholders informed

Personnel Suitability Checks Standard – 3 January 2011Page 1