Sebago Withdrawal Committee

Minutes of Meeting

24 March 2016

Town of Sebago Offices

1. Call to order and Roll Call

The Meeting was called to order by Chair Tim Mayberry at 7:00 p.m. and roll call. All committee members were present. There were also guests and interested taxpayers in addition.

Members of the Sebago Withdrawal Committee present:

Tim Mayberry, Chair

Joe McMahon

Lisa Johnson

Richard Merritt

Guests present:

Allen Crabtree, Secretary

Phil Lowe, Treasurer

Dr. Mark Eastman

Daniel Stockford

Claudia Lowe

Chris Balchunis

2. Approval of minutes

There was discussion on amendments and corrections to the Committee meeting minutes from 10 March 2016. Lisa made a motion to accept the minutes as amended and 2nd by Richard. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

3. Posting of minutes and agendas

There was a discussion of where and when minutes and agendas of meetings of the committee should be posted. Minutes will be posted once approved by the Committee. A quick review of the meeting agenda for future meetings will be reviewed and a telephone/email approval made by Committee members so the Secretary can post them as far in advance of future meetings as possible.

4. Comments by the Public

Claudia raised concerns that the Sebago public needs to be kept involved in the process as it progresses. Their support will be needed when a vote is taken in the future. She suggested that a series of Questions and Answers about the process be developed based on the list of suggestions gathered by Claudia during her ‘brainstorming” sessions. Lisa said that the Q and A’s could be posted on the website. Dr. Eastman said that it would bolster the argument to keep SES open if additional activities were developed for the school. He suggested that a pre-Kindergarten program and before-and-after school child care were two examples. Lisa commented that the Sebago Recreation department is working on a before-and-after school child care program. Richard said that would be a valuable program – the cost of before-and-after school child care can be very expensive. Claudia also raised the idea of developing Expeditionary Learning for SES, and there was discussion on this concept.

5. Executive Session

A motion was made by Richard and 2nd by Tim to go into Executive Session to meet with legal counsel pursuant to 1 MRS 405(6)(e). Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee and the committee went into Executive Session at 7:32 p.m.

The committee came out of Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. No action was taken in Executive Session.

A motion to adjourn was made by Richard, 2nd by Tim. Motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee and the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m.

The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for April 6, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at the town offices.

Sebago Withdrawal Committee Meeting 03-24-16 Page 1